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  Siglings' Member+ App.
Posted by: siglings - 07-23-2015, 07:30 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (2)

Steam Name(Current): Siglings

Age: 16

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Got banned for one second for fun.

Why would you like to be promoted?: The reason why I want to be promoted is because of how after playing for almost 200 hours, I want to now give back to the community. Also, now that my summer school is about to end, (I hate math) I can start playing more often and I probably will.

Why do you think we should promote you?: The reason why I should be in the ranks of Member+ is because that I know all the rules, I rarely ever get slain unless I made a giant mistake, and I most of the time will accept a slay if I am at fault.

Do you have any administrative experience: I was a moderator in a DarkRP server. and that's pretty much all.

Additional Details:
Welp, here goes nothing I guess.
Quick Edit: I have no idea what to say otherwise or else I would sound EXTREMELY cheesy

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  Now I think spy got a little salty
Posted by: Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-23-2015, 07:16 PM - Forum: Shit Posting - Replies (8)

Mr. Cyan Spy: You
Mr. Cyan Spy: is -snip-
EagleDestroyer: you wore called out
Mr. Cyan Spy: I dont need logs.
Mr. Cyan Spy: You were T baiting
Mr. Cyan Spy: Stfu, learn the rules
EagleDestroyer: i pushed u witha prop
Mr. Cyan Spy: You threw it...
EagleDestroyer: pushed*
EagleDestroyer: you shot me and i droped it then ran away
Mr. Cyan Spy: you threw the prop, I guess props need to be thrown to push ppl
EagleDestroyer: no
Mr. Cyan Spy: Yea
Mr. Cyan Spy: Because u ran at me to pick it up
EagleDestroyer: i ran into you with it that means pushing u
EagleDestroyer: so salty
Mr. Cyan Spy: Maybe dont lie k? k.
EagleDestroyer: not lie
Mr. Cyan Spy: Ur just a dumb -snip-
EagleDestroyer: k
EagleDestroyer: im white
Mr. Cyan Spy: Who no staff likes
EagleDestroyer: k
EagleDestroyer: fine with me
EagleDestroyer: I dont need everyone to like me welcome to the real world
Mr. Cyan Spy: Nope
Mr. Cyan Spy: Ur a dumb -snip-
EagleDestroyer: alright
EagleDestroyer: im white though
Mr. Cyan Spy: Ur pretty black
EagleDestroyer: im looking im white
EagleDestroyer: the results are in
Mr. Cyan Spy: Nawww ur pretty black
EagleDestroyer: im white
Mr. Cyan Spy: Nope, you wanna be
Mr. Cyan Spy: -snip-

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  take crystals out of cresent cases or buff the charge on them
Posted by: Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-23-2015, 06:28 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)

Its so disappointing when you roll a case and get a crystal. Maybe buff the charge when you roll one or take them out.

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  Free to play video games
Posted by: Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-23-2015, 12:53 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (10)

I am getting real board and I am wondering if there are some free 2 plays or website games that are fun? I play mostly shooters, rpgs or strategy games.

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  +members get vbat
Posted by: McNuggie - 07-23-2015, 06:03 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (75)

Vbat (voice battery) is a very used tool for all staff members, and I feel like it would be an extremely helpful tool for +members. It is not something that would grant +members too much power, but it'd allow them to do just a tiny bit more, and keep the server a bit more in control when no staff are on.

If trusting them with it is an issue; you should think, why would people be promoted to +member if they can't be trusted with something like VBAT.

I use it all the time, and I know it'd just be a great addition for +members.

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  Report Suggestions 'n' Stuff.
Posted by: Unpoke - 07-22-2015, 11:12 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (10)

So I've been a +Member for a coupl'a weeks now, and I think the report system could be smoother and more efficient if a few things were added including:
- A way for the staff member to respond to the reports directly to explain a rule/say if something is KOSable without interrupting the gaming atmosphere.
- Request a follow-up reply from either party (either with or without an admin response) to clear up something or so the reportee can ask another question
- Quick-reports*
- The ability for someone who is reporting and the return-reporter to access the damagelogs/shotlogs from the report menu and copy-paste or highlight where it happened.
* For the quick reports, there should be a drop bar that has the options of "RDM", "False call-out", "T-baiting/Karma baiting", "RDM t-buddy", "Attempted RDM", etc. so we don't have to see reports such as "H E DIDNT WAR NME WEN HE SHOT HIS GUN NEAR SKY SO I SHOT HIM OUT AND BOOM"

I feel like these would make handling reports much more efficient, quick, and easy.

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  Rockybow unban request
Posted by: Rockybow - 07-22-2015, 06:04 PM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (3)

Steam Name (Current): rockybow

Steam Name (During incident): rockybow

Steam ID: rockybow3

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040720307

Name of staff you were banned by: I have no idea. EDIT: "NotChosen"

Length of the ban: 12 hours. Although I suppose now it would be like 11 hours and 50 minutes since it's been around 10 minutes since the ban. But I've also been typing this sentence for a good 20 seconds or so. Thirty now that I've finished typing this. I guess that would make it 10 minutes and 30 seconds meaning my ban has like 11 hours and 49 minutes and 30 seconds left on it. Except I've also spent about 30 seconds typing that. So Now it's like 11 hours and 49 minutes flat. Which I suppose isn't bad. I mean I am sure some people have had it worse and would kill for having a ban length as short as mine but it's a matter of justice and the fact that I was unjustly banned which I appeal and not for the reduction of length or forgiveness!

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed. Wait. Does that mean like? If I were to peel a banana, I could like re-attach the skin? Wait is peel even a verb? Like if someone was peeling something? Or maybe it's a noun?I know peeling is one or the other, but can peeling also be a present tense verb? I've kind of always wondered this. See growing up I've always said "I am peeling a banana" So that's just what I became used to. But I've also always said "It's a banana peeling." When you peel a banana, do you peel the banana or skin the banana? And to repeel the banana would just be to peel it twice or to put the peeling back on the banana? If you were to compare my ban to said banana, I would hope you are putting the peeling back on the banana. Because of you were going to peel it twice I would just be banned a second time. It's kind of odd also that we say we must "skin" something to take their skin off. Wouldn't that be to "unskin" something? Just food for thought. Literally. Bananas.

Reason for ban: Trolling

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: I think this depends on how you look at it. One might say that standing in a doorway not allowing people to pass whilst calling KOS on oneself is an act of trolling, however I see it as a valid strategy. Let's put it this way. Have you ever heard of the tale of the Boy Who Cried Wolf? If I call KOS on myself every round, then finally when I am a T, nobody would believe me, thus freeing me from suspicion and allowing me to freely go about my tratorly ways. As far as the doorway goes I was just trying to decide which way I wanted to go in a narrow hallway and I happened to be shot by an impatient person. Twice. In the head. Shot in the head twice yet here I am. Who would have thought that we could actually say something like that and mean it yet still be here talking. Welcome to the future. Mom always told me I had a thick skull, maybe that's what saved me. No but in reality I died both times and one was on my T round. It was an unfortunate turn of events that caused mass panic and distress among all of society and I the victim was the one who was punished for it.

Additional details: I am Canadian. Canadians are always nice therefore I'm proven.

Thanks for your time I do hope you consider my release from internet purgatory.

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  So what is defined as logical?
Posted by: Echidnah - 07-22-2015, 04:19 PM - Forum: General - Replies (8)

So i saw some one in front of me get shot i turn left ONLY see him i check i see no one else or a cloaked person so to me it seems logical to kill him but to other people automatticly say its kos off location how would logical be defined?

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  BlueInTheBalls' - +Member Application
Posted by: BlueInTheBalls - 07-22-2015, 04:04 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (1)

Steam Name: BlueInTheBalls

Age: 17

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Yes, I was banned for 1 minute when I changed my name before leaving the server.

Why would you like to be promoted?: I am playing Garry's Mod practically everyday. I am always on the server and sometimes end up where there are no admins, moderators, or +members online. It sometimes gets chaotic with all the arguing and rdms.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I am loyal to the server, and on it almost everyday. I follow the rules down to the fine print. I will always be fair to others, and help anyway possible. I plan on playing on this server for a long time, and I would like to contribute my services as well.

Do you have any administrative experience: I have no administrative experience. I would love the chance to give it a shot with a server I'm comfortable in.

Additional Details: I will continue to play on this server for a long time. I will always follow the rules, and obey the higher ups.

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  Minigun wep godlike
Posted by: Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-22-2015, 03:45 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)

Hear me out,

Stats Firerate:high  Damage:low accuracy:low  Recoil:med-high  clipConfuseduper high  reload:has no reload Mobility:negative 10-20

normal mingun maybe some design.  

clip will have around 500 bullets

suffix on the gun: 1-20/30 chance to over heat for 5-10 sec

another suffix on the gun 1-10 chance for a bullet to blow back the target.

maybe another suffix, not sure though it would be 1-10 chance to shoot more then 1 bullet?

for some reason there is a face between the clip, I went to edit it but its not there. It should say super high

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