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Balloon Drop Party (Not Stolen From Runescape) - Printable Version

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Balloon Drop Party (Not Stolen From Runescape) - Terran - 07-25-2015

It should be Lobby Server only, but some kind of balloon drop (Or the basic balls from Sandbox) should drop randomly around the map en masse, and randomly inside some of them will be items from two different pools: One of player-donated items, one of maybe special giveaway stuff that'll spawn, like crates or fragments.

It'd be a fun little lobby mini-game. To prevent spamming, you'd only be able to open one balloon/ball every, say, 3 seconds or so.

RE: Balloon Drop Party (Not Stolen From Runescape) - NeoLeo - 07-25-2015

+1 this would be so fun! XD even if people would normally donate standards

RE: Balloon Drop Party (Not Stolen From Runescape) - Zott - 07-25-2015

Moderates for days. But this sounds cool so IMake the lobby even more fun

RE: Balloon Drop Party (Not Stolen From Runescape) - Fuzzy 'Mc-Cones' Mcnomnoms - 07-25-2015

eh, sounds kinda boring imo +0

RE: Balloon Drop Party (Not Stolen From Runescape) - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-25-2015

sounds cool to me +1

RE: Balloon Drop Party (Not Stolen From Runescape) - Wolfy9800 - 07-25-2015

+1 Sounds cool and this is totally not from runescape.

RE: Balloon Drop Party (Not Stolen From Runescape) - Pigeon Lord - 07-25-2015

It would make the lobby server a bit more meatier than it currently is, allowing more traffic to flow onto both server, so I say +1 to this, making it easier to circulate some items as well. But maybe a special room for them? Just so as not to spam the people who are going in for a quick touch up on the quests.

RE: Balloon Drop Party (Not Stolen From Runescape) - Dreadark - 07-25-2015

+1 i didnt even read suggestion

RE: Balloon Drop Party (Not Stolen From Runescape) - RetralMega - 07-25-2015

+1. It was cool in Runescape.