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A new godlike weapon! - Printable Version

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A new godlike weapon! - BlueInTheBalls - 07-25-2015

Name: Augmented


Rarity: Godlike

Info: It could have a chance to shoot red Beams out of it sort of like the railgun's weaker shot.

Stats: (Most likely will be changed)
Accuracy: +30%
Clip: +5
Mobility: +10%
Damage: +25%
Firerate: +15-20%
Recoil: -20%

I think we should have a godlike of every type of gun, but that's just my opinion. Stats are welcomed to be changed.

RE: A new godlike weapon! - Zott - 07-25-2015

the stats might need to be debuffed a little but over all i like it

RE: A new godlike weapon! - Unpoke - 07-25-2015

i dont like the model tbh .-.

RE: A new godlike weapon! - 2bias - 07-25-2015

that aug honestly looks disgusting

RE: A new godlike weapon! - RetralMega - 07-25-2015

That gun looks terrible.

RE: A new godlike weapon! - Dreadark - 07-25-2015

the model isn't comparable to the other godlikes. and isn't augmented an adjective? not a verb. And I think we need more unique effects rather than just le beams.

RE: A new godlike weapon! - Aresuft - 07-26-2015

Thats the css aug with a shitty texture pasted on it

like 1/2 the NTG skins lel

RE: A new godlike weapon! - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-26-2015

NTG just got called out

RE: A new godlike weapon! - BlueInTheBalls - 07-26-2015

Thanks for the feedback, I just thought of the name that had aug in and came up with that. I will find a new model for it and re-post the suggestion with the stats altered a little. As for the name goes, I will get some friends of mine from this community to help me come up with the name.

RE: A new godlike weapon! - EmperorWhale - 07-26-2015

I quite like the model. Looks a little odd in that picture but I get what the look is supposed to be. I WANT IT