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03-01-2025, 05:11 AM
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FRG Water Treatment: Simu...
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02-21-2025, 09:40 PM
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Heart Mex Member App
Posted by: Mex 4 Member - 02-27-2025, 05:21 AM - Forum: Membership - Replies (2)

Age: 24

Steam Name(Current): Mex 4 Member

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:75143911

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 4253 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I took a gander at TTT servers and spotted this diamond in the rough.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes. Karma Bans and Exploiting Spin2Win

Why do you want to join?: I was a member before and would like to be a member again. I play the server often and help people with whatever they need whenever I have an answer.

Referred by: babe coach

Additional Details: I used to be a member, as well as +Member, but was demoted due to inappropriate behavior in the FRG Discord, as well as hateful comments towards a group of people. I deeply regret it and have given my apologies in multiple ban appeals I had made trying to get unmuted. I was recently unmuted and am glad to be back chatting the my fellow Forerunners, and will make sure not to cause any trouble that would cause this kind of punishment for the rest of my time on FRG.

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  FRG Water Treatment: Simulations Release Notes - 02/09/2025
Posted by: The Black Parade - 02-21-2025, 09:31 PM - Forum: Server Patchnotes - Replies (2)



Water Treatment: Simulations is finally here! Simulations (WTS) is the next iteration to the gamemode! WTS took the approach as a linear, level based course. Your goal is to make it from the start to finish. Checkpoints return and now are purposed as actual checkpoints, saving your progress to return to later.


From the last iteration, difficulty was the number one problem for newcomers. Other than the Tutorial, there was no difficulty scaling to increase your skill. WTS eliminates this with a linear difficulty scaling! As you get further, difficulty should rise at a pace that is possible for any new runner with patience. More so, reoccurring obstacles you saw in chambers are introduced in a way for you to familiarize yourself with them!
Difficulty also comes in the form of puzzle solving. As Chambers was more of hardcore parkour, Simulations aims for how you’re supposed to beat the level rather than throwing yourself around corners until you latch onto something. Many of the WTS courses are tailored first for puzzle solving while the challenge of parkour was secondary.
With this comes with no lives (almost)! The main regions of the map are liveless, meaning you can die as many times as you want in a level and not be pushed back.


Wall running is one of the core features of Water Treatment. Its simplistic/hard to master mechanics makes it unique to the gamemode. It’s time we accompany wall running with a new mechanic from FRG.
Grappling from Erebus is now present in Simulations. Introduced early in the linear path, grappling is an essential mechanic to WTS as many of the courses require grappling to complete. Some courses you'll be swinging from grapple nodes, some courses you'll be wall running and maybe even a mixture of both!


Test your skill once again in the Trial runs of Simulations. Simulations has 16 Trial courses, all in varying degrees and skill. Master each individual region of the map... or complete the entirety of WTS without dying! Each Trial, whether easy or hard, will be a challenge to pursue if you want the competition!

Warning for Trials
Because WTS is made soloable, Trials should also be solo. Records with aid from other players will be deleted. This includes stuff like pushing buttons for the runner to gain time. This also includes if another player has unintentionally helped the runner in any capacity, they will also be removed. If there are a lot of players running a course you're trying to do a Trial on, it might be best to wait to prevent the unfortunate event of your new time being removed.
As for Water Treatment: Simulations Trial (the trial of completing WTS from Tutorial to final chamber) intentional help records will be deleted, however, for unintentional time skips, it will be case by case if need be and depends on how much of a skip or time gain a player unintentionally provided. You may want to wait to run this Trial once unlocked on low populated days.

Water Treatment: Simulations (Original Video Game Soundtrack)

It’s been too quiet jumping through chambers and exploring the sewers, so I took the opportunity to create an OST and ingame soundtrack for Water Treatment: Simulations!
Yes… there is an OST for Water Treatment. Each region has its own specific track attached to it, and no... it is not map music and can be controlled via the WT !checkpoint menu.
There are 11 total tracks (12 in-game). You can listen to them on Spotify & Apple Music, YouTube, In-Game or drop a Mixtape from a chest!

If you are interested in a listen, here is a track from WT Simulations:

Here is a link to the full soundtrack on multiple platforms:

Here is a link to the playlist on Youtube:

Complete List and Changes of Water Treatment
You can download the map on the workshop here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3425521914
  • The Grapple!
  • 30+ levels!
  • 8 Region Themes, each with different obstacles and texture palettes!
  • Linear difficulty scaling for new runners
  • No more lives! The main levels of WTS will not back track you from too many deaths.
  • Bonus content in the Spawn Hub
  • Unique music for each Region Theme
  • 16 Trial Courses, all of which are varied for every skill set and experience.
  • Collect Chests and 65 Gems to achieve the Trailblazer Badge!
  • New, final and optional challenge for the most patient runners..
  • Cheese Tube is back and is now optional to complete (you’re welcome Black Knight)
  • "Hub" "Settings" and "Credits" added to the !cp menu
  • WTS can be solo’d from start to finish

The goal of Simulations was to make a course that is for all players of varying experiences. Whether your new and just learning the mechanics, or maybe want to try and complete from start to finish, or want a challenge, Simulations is the iteration to improve or conquer in! I urge all players to at least give it a shot. For those who don't enjoy gamemodes similar to parkour, you may come to like it.

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  Toxicdoom197 Member Application.
Posted by: Toxicdoom197 - 02-19-2025, 05:20 AM - Forum: Membership - Replies (1)


Steam Name(Current): Toxicdoom197

Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198158678060/

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 172 hours 20 minutes

Where did you hear about this server?: Ntg when it was around. switched over just recently after coming back to TTT. I have been playing like crazy for around 2-3 months consistently

Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes, I don't want to seem ignorant It was awhile ago around 2014-16 i think and i was playing as a Kid. (VERY ANNOYING) im sorry. and when I try and join back around 2021-2022 i was Banned. got it appealed no one seems to have remembered what happened.

Why do you want to join?: I have spent a good amount of time on this community already and love the people and TTT. I see myself going forward spending a lot more time in this server in both PVE/PVP i love and enjoy both!

Referred by: Sad to say it was to long ago to remember.

Additional Details I am happy to earn more reputation and time on the server if needed!

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  unban request
Posted by: there are no angels - 01-31-2025, 07:33 AM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (2)

Steam Name (Current):

Steam Name (During incident):

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:175460903

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198311187535

Name of staff you were banned by: idk

Length of the ban: permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: repealed

Reason for ban: idk

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: no

What really happened?: idk

Additional details: i joined the server after genuinely 8 years and am banned, so it would be nice to be able to play on the server https://i.imgur.com/13hJ311.png

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  FRG Winter event pre-release notes (Jan 30th 2025)
Posted by: Brassx - 01-30-2025, 09:14 PM - Forum: Server Patchnotes - Replies (6)

  • All players will now gain a free "Winter Compendium" upon loading in, this compendium has some seasonal goodies you can obtain each day just by completing this, like the new crate/pouches, new and old jewels, new and old playermodels, etc.  This compendium has a number of different variants that will be given at random each time you get one.
    • You will get a free one at most once a day. Upon obtaining one, you will not be able to obtain another until at least 8am central the following day.
    • You will only be given one if you do not have one already in progress, meaning, if you've been given one prior, and don't complete it(or fully delete it), you will not get one automatically until the day rolls over (8am central).
  • Added Twilight Box. 125 Rubies, or 10k coins.  These will be available for coins a few hours after the initial launch. (Depends on if everything is smooth)
    • Items obtained from this can be dismantled (including auto-dismantled) for Jollybucks Tokens, scaling depends on how stacked the item is with winter-themed traits. (More winter traits = more bucks).
    • The Box maxes at level 5 instead of 10, and you need 335 to max it. It has had its perks reworked to:
      • Lv. 1 Increases the odds you will get 3 items instead of 2 from this box by 10%
      • Lv. 2 Upon pulling a Primordial or higher from this box, there is a 40% chance to get this box back.
      • Lv. 3 Any Primordial or higher you obtain will have your name printed in the description.
      • Lv. 4 Items obtained from this crate, with this perk unlocked, can be dismantled for 5% - 25% more Jollybucks.
      • Lv. 5 Has a 1 in 12 chance for the crate to not be consumed upon open.
       This is because some of the old perks made it incredibly difficult to properly balance the cost ratio vs pull rates, and the new !shop system doesn't work with some of the older perks.
  • Added a special animation that can be used for future crates (but is used in Twilight Boxes), for when you pull something on the crates rare table.
  • Added Jollybucks to the !shop. You'll gain currency like normal seasonals, but prices & rates have been adjusted according to the new extra ways to gain as well.
  • Updated almost all Jewels to use a new, unified system. This fixes a lot of inconsistencies present in older ones, and will now list all traits the jewel has right on the item.
  • Jewels now have their own item type, and will show as 'Jewel' on the item's stat display.
  • If you have a stack of a particular jewel, you will now be able to select the number to use at a time. Greatly speeding up the application process. It will ask you how many to use when you go to apply one to an item.
  • Updated searching to include new keywords:
       kills: number (+/-) - Searches for all items that have this kill value on the stat display. Including a + will search for items that have the number you entered, or more. - will search for less than or equal.
       jewel - searches for all jewels.
       usable - searches for all "Usable" items. (runes, etc)
       compendium - all emblems & codexes

  • Added "First Edition" system. The first of an item that is discovered will be "First Edition". This does not apply to every item discovered, only the rarest ones.
  • Made several tweaks to the skin system to fix them in specific situations.
  • "View Compendium" now shows up in the right click menu for compendiums equipped & in bags.
  • You can now upgrade Compendium Synergizer to a max of 10 slots, by dragging meta cores onto it. After +3, it will also start costing coins along side the core to add a slot.
       The first 2 slots both gain 100% xp, each slot after this decays the xp by 25%, with a min xp of 25% of the initial xp gained. (So if you gain 50xp, the lowest amount of xp you can gain would be 12.5 (rounded))

       Originally I had planned on this being upgraded through some kind of grind/leveling, but I feel this way is better, as the grind should be completing the compendiums, not leveling this.
  • Fixed Frostblight/Frostpeak's snowball form. It now rolls properly.
  • Added new nodes to Evergreen.
  • Removed Snowbird node from Evergreen's node pool.
  • Evergreens now have a PVE Multiplier.
  • Evergreen crafting recipe now uses Jollybucks Tokens instead of Coal.
  • Thrown Antlers now have a PVE Multiplier.
  • MLG 360 noscope trait is now significantly more lenient.

There's a lot of new tech that I can't talk about that you'll see once discovered/once I utilize it more, which is why this update took so long. You'll see soon enough what I'm referring to.

Expect more stuff when the 10th Anniversary event launches soon (hoping to get gilded reward chest finished with that).

I also plan to launch the FRG Cards OPEN BETA in the near future (TTT Only to start with), it's about time I get this into players hands.

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  +member application
Posted by: UP THE RAAAAAA / Ryan debt man - 01-27-2025, 03:17 AM - Forum: +Member Applications - No Replies

Steam/Ingame Name:UP THE RAAAAAA
Discord Name (if different): Brick the last crusader
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59674829 <-- replace with your steamid

Age: 21

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: the ban logs show that i have not been

Why would you like to be promoted?: i think i should be promoted because im always on ttt and the lobby most of the week and if anyone had problems i would try to take care of them.

Why do you think we should promote you?: i think you should promote me because i would be of use to the server and i would be as helpful as i could be as new players join or existing players have any questions.

Do you have any administrative experience: No not really

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): yes
(By agreeing above you are agreeing that you understand you are not entitled to said promotion, and that we have all rights to deny or approve the application
for any reason we see fit, you agree to not stir up any trouble if the application outcome is not your desired outcome.
Failing to abide by this can result in a full demote, or perma-denial.)

Additional Details: I love the frg community i know i have done some bad shit in the past and have done some bad things but i would like to see that as my past self when i was childish and not now as i believe i have developed some responsibility and respect towards others as much as i can. I just want to enjoy the server the best way i can and help out others the most i can.

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  Google discord ban
Posted by: Google - 01-11-2025, 06:56 AM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (1)

Steam Name (Current): Google

Steam Name (During incident): Google

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:425333369

discord: google748

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198810932467/

Name of staff you were banned by: honestly i dont even remember

Length of the ban: perm

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: repealed

Reason for ban: I think it was for shitposting too much in general chat?

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: not really a ban reason on discord

What really happened?: I shitposted in general and got banned, bottomtext

Additional details: this was like 4? years ago, kinda remembered this server exists so I might play again, having access to the discord would be cool

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  TTT FRG The Blue Wall
Posted by: The Black Parade - 12-17-2024, 12:41 AM - Forum: Map Submissions - Replies (2)

Where The Wall ends is where you begin

THE BLUE WALL is an abstract TTT map with plenty of different dynamic elements the map carries.

Unlike my last two TTT maps with vistas bright and colorful , The Blue Wall is the opposite, with a dull and depressing world. The theme itself was inspired by brutalist architecture.

Map Features

All the maps you play on and love are predictable as they should be, however for The Blue Wall I wanted to have every round be unique! The world alters its layout and features each round. These aren't major alterations, but map pieces like paths, obstacles & Traitor Traps are randomly selected to appear and disappear each round. Some rounds may have special map effects as well. Maybe The Wall doesn't want to be Blue anymore, or maybe it wants to kill you... it's whatever The Wall desires!

This map also has color correction! If you have Color Correction disabled I recommend turning it on (Color Correction does NOT impact performance. There is no reason to turn it off).

List of Features

Randomly selected map pieces. The map is slightly different every round!
5 Unique Traitor Traps (1 Unlockable)
Traitor Room
1 Detective Button
3D skybox
Color Corrected
Rare round events
Rare music Easter Egg

That's all! If you do enjoy the map, like, favorite and subscribe to the map here!

Assets Used and Music:

The Blue Wall - The Official Parade

RealWorldTextures - TopHattWaffle

The map screenshots -

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Heart y'all are cool
Posted by: Gluten-Free Toast - 12-14-2024, 12:07 AM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

thx y'all for being an escape after a long hard teaching day.

You guys have been family to my husband, Toaster, for ages and I feel so welcome, like you guys have welcomed me to join you too.

After hearing children scream Skippidi Toliet and Ohio all day, I can't tell y'all how greatful i am for you!!


I don't really know why I'm writing this. I just wanted to make sure you guys know how awesome this community is, even for a girl like me! <3

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  Leyzr - Reduction + Alternate? (mute?) - Redo
Posted by: Leyzr - 12-02-2024, 05:36 AM - Forum: Unbanned - Replies (5)

Steam Name (Current): Leyzr

Steam Name (During incident): Leyzr

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40874953

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042015634

Name of staff you were banned by: NotJohnSmith

Length of the ban: 28 days

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Shortened to 2 weeks with alternate longer (60+ days?) mute instead?

Reason for ban: "f-slur + previous warnings for toxicity"

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yeah :c

What really happened?: I was upset about being killed over something stupid, but reasonable. I did say the f-slur, and complained a few afterwards, but I really didn't mean to say it.

Additional details: I'm old, i have bad habits from the past, and they slip at times of weakness. I honestly didn't want to do it, it was a mistake. I've been sick for a little over a week now, and I made a simple mistake. I didn't want to say the word and neither did i mean to. Everyone knows I'm very open minded and have no interest in insulting anyone for their decisions, such as the sexuality and orientation. That's their life, not mine. I have zero reason to attack or insult them for any reason.

This is purely a mistake from an old habit that slips through now and again. I apologize to everyone that heard me say it as I REALLY didn't mean to. I did apologize in voice coms as soon as i realize what i said, but from what I've heard it may have been a minute or two afterwards. I was in a bit of a daze and it may have taken a few for me to realize, apparently.

I also apologize to everyone about my toxicity lately. I've been getting on and off anti-depression meds (which make explain how i was feeling as well, thanks doc for NOT TELLING ME) which obviously causes mood swings. I'll be going on new meds after I meet with my doctor on Friday and hopefully these ones work with me, which is partially why I'm asking for the mute so I don't do stupid shit after this until i know the meds are working either.

Regardless, I REALLY wanna play. It's only been 2 days and I miss you all very much and I love playing with all of you. It SUCKS sitting here at work and not doing what i normally do by chilling with ya'll.

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