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  Member Application for the Clown
Posted by: gAmZeE mAkArA - 10-10-2024, 01:52 AM - Forum: Denied - Replies (6)


28 years old

Steam Name(Current):

gAmZeE mAkArA

Steam ID:


Time played on servers?(!time username to check):

116 Hours

Where did you hear about this server?:

After GFL decided to conk out on everyone, I found FRG back during the Pandemic. My irl friends are dead. The only bit of nostalgia I have left for them is TTT Gmod, and this server reminds me of them.

Have you ever been banned and why?:


Why do you want to join?:

I open crates and give people high level stuff. I just like opening the crates, and I want to do this as a Member. I think it would be cool to set an example like this instead of just hoarding and selling off high rarity items like some people tend to do. I even offer some items for half of their market value because I believe in giving someone a break.

Referred by:

No one.

Additional Details:

I love Homestuck. That is all. I just wanna be a wacky Homestuck Character. mIrAcLeS, and don't forget to hydrate and eat guys!

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  Re;Application Of The Clown Of mIrAcLeS ):0)
Posted by: gAmZeE mAkArA - 10-01-2024, 02:27 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (7)


12.92 Solar Sweeps (Or 28 years old for you "Humans" hOnK hOnK hOnK)

Steam Name(Current):

gAmZeE mAkArA

Steam ID:


Time played on servers?(!time username to check):

109.9 Hours (I don't have an Alternian unit of measurement for this one)

Where did you hear about this server?:

After GFL decided to conk out on everyone, I found FRG back during the Pandemic. I joined the website two years later, then finally decided to play more Gmod TTT after beating Elden Ring and SOTE+25 times because no one wanted to use mics on PS4 lol.

Have you ever been banned and why?:


Why do you want to join?:

I am usually on during the night and wanna be one of the bois ):0)

Referred by:

No one because due to the circumstances of my being a Roleplay Character who is highly unpredictable, most think I'm shouty and rude (which I get and I apologize for, I'm working on that) and some think I just give out random high rarity items for no reason (it's because I enjoy a good mIrAcLe.)

Additional Details:

I love Homestuck, seriously. It has takes well over 15 years of my life and will continue to do so as long as I breathe. Also, I'm truly sorry to GoldenGuy and those other's I've annoyed thus far, I promise I'll do better going forward ):0) And it's here in writing if you ever want to redirect me here if I'm going too hard (I have major ADHD and random RP on TTT is how I chill because I miss my friends.)

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  Spoder Member application
Posted by: Spoder - 10-01-2024, 04:38 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (17)

Age: 22

Steam Name(Current): Spoder

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:156731035

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): Total hours: 234 hours: 99 on ttt, 125 on lobby.

Where did you hear about this server?: I heard it from Sepaku a long time ago and joined last year.

Have you ever been banned and why?: I really don't think so I looked at the ban list and couldn't find anything.

Why do you want to join?: I really love this community and to be more involved in any way would be so amazing!

Referred by: No one

Additional Details: Thanks for reading this short application

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Bug Noctt's reapplication
Posted by: Noctt - 09-25-2024, 03:00 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (14)

Age: 28

Steam Name(Current): Noctt

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:222567474

Time played on servers?(!time username to check):

Where did you hear about this server?: Played a bit on NTG took a break and NTG was gone, ended up on Moat Sad heard about FRG from other players and joined Smile

Have you ever been banned and why?: Yeh, well i got auto banned by anticheat but it was removed, some type of bug and karma banned a few times, usually low pop trying dumb shit and whoops i killed 8ppl with 1 click and poof 1hr ban

Why do you want to join?: Was a member on my main acc (old acc) and i just like FRG and dont see myself leaving after my last break where i spent 2 weeks meditating xD

Referred by: I would love to lie and say Terran but allas it was just some rando conversation i overheard about FRG which made me join.

Additional Details: Been here for sooooo long and not a single discovery Sad i bet climbing the social ladder will increase my rng Cool

PS: time is 672hrs in TTT 431hrs in lobby and about another 150hrs scattered

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  perm ban appeal
Posted by: Sodium | NotFound.tech - 09-25-2024, 03:39 AM - Forum: Unbanned - Replies (1)

Steam Name (Current): Sodium

Steam Name (During incident): I forget. probably Shawarma

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:562979740

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199086225208/

Name of staff you were banned by: I do not remember.

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed

Reason for ban: It says trolling I do not remember what I did. I think I purposefully rdmed somebody when another person told me it was an rdm round.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: I probably did troll I was kind of dumb a year or two ago.

What really happened?: I was probably trolling, but I am a changed man and have spent many hours on other TTT inventory servers since then, and want to try this server.

Additional details:

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  It's me ya boi
Posted by: Crypt2c - 09-17-2024, 04:26 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

Yo I used to play on FRG/NTG forever ago. Already a member but I thought I'd reintroduce myself and see what's up.

I'm cryptic and my aim sucks ty for reading

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Posted by: bastard - 09-08-2024, 03:36 AM - Forum: General - Replies (3)

hi terran i love you

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  Letter of Appreciation
Posted by: Jerk Butt - 09-06-2024, 08:56 AM - Forum: General - Replies (4)

Dear Brassx,

We are nearly 2 months away from 10 years of FRG. 10 years. Can you believe it? Has it really felt that long? It really hasn't to me. I joined FRG in 2016, when NTG was on it's last final gasps. I wasn't there at the start, but I think I'm glad I wasn't, who knows what else would have changed in my life if I tried it sooner? Since then FRG, I believe, has been the most stable thing in my life. I've gone through houses, schools, jobs, romantic partners, I've had good times and bad, both in life and within this community, but I don't think I'd trade those experiences for much, if anything. I really don't regret any of the time I've spent here, and probably won't to any future time spent here. It's less of a game to me, at this point and I think what FRG offers more than anything is a community to me. Meeting and watching people grow that you interact with on a regular basis that share the same passions as you do, and always having the ability to come back and be welcomed by people you know. That's the greatest thing this server has to offer and I hope it always will.

And it's all thanks to you Brass, I think it's undoubted by anyone here that you've put tens of thousands of hours into making this server into what it is without losing your morality, your long-term passion, your persistence, and more than anything your ability to keep the game full of heart, for things to matter without feeling... Too easy and not worthwhile. Triple A games nowadays have a hard time struggling with that and you pull it off with class. It's a great achievement that you've stuck to this for ten years. Beyond, if we count NTG. We've seen MANY developers and server owners struggle to even do a portion of what you've accomplished, and you do it all for a modest living. You don't reach out with greed, or push the boundaries. You make what you need to live, and you just keep on trucking. I don't think many people could accomplish all of that. You really should be proud. I don't think FRG will be the only thing you do, but I believe when it's finally time to let go, whether it be 3, 5, 10, 100 years from now. We'll be satisfied. Thank you for that.

And to the community, of which we have seen many good people, thank you for being who you are. Without a community there is no server, without a server I have no idea where I'd be right now. It could be better, it'd probably be worse. I'm just happy to have had the chance to interact with so many diverse characters, and I hope to meet many more. I believe overall, FRG has been a positive in my life in every aspect. Some of you have given me aspects to who I am and, well, I like who I am most of the time. Some of you have made me laugh, and made me happy. Some of you have made sure that I don't feel alone when I've needed it most. Thanks guys I appreciate it.

Ps. I'm not leaving. I'm not sure what made me want to write this, but I wanted to.


^ Funny pictures also mousey's ass

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  Terran's +Member Application
Posted by: Terran - 08-26-2024, 11:48 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (1)

Steam/Ingame Name: Terran
Discord Name (if different): terranovaclick
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:26479329

Age: 30

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: No, unless potentially a joke ban in the past (and maybe a few Karma bans). (I don't want to trawl the ban list mines again, please, I did that years ago already)

Why would you like to be promoted?: Well, I have a tendency to send out a flurry of word soup which nobody cares about, so in the effort of trying to be a bit more punctual I'll (Not) take up your time. (Hopefully). (Maybe).
(There's a TL;DR before, please read that and nothing below. If only to save me my embarrassing embarrassments).

So back around 2015(?) or so I signed up for Moderator, and before that I was +member (Though I don't remember the date). This was after playing FRG for a while and getting a pretty good idea of how the system works overall. I had a pretty rocky start - On NTG, I was a, let's put it politely, "Menace". Honestly I should have been banned, but Brass gave me more than my fair share of chances and so did many other players. At one point I sort of idolized some people, despite not really understanding how to function properly myself. Staff members like Omega Garrus and others really impressed me with how much they improved the server, and that a volunteer position in life can not only be rewarding, but fun - Especially if its for something you enjoy or care about (Which, for me, is FRG). Time went on, and when FRG rolled out, I hopped ship right away - I was super intrigued and the idea of a fresh start sounded fun. I also really, really wanted to change my image (Which was currently pretty bad). To avoid a whole bunch of meandering and crybaby stuff, I was going through a loop of medications and therapies and trying to recover from some stuff that shaped me into who I had become. I was down a pretty bad rabbit hole, not proud of that, and I was not a good person. Leaving it at that (lest I fill this entire thread with a sob story), I spent a lot of time trying to not only improve myself but reconcile with problems in the past.

<Paragraph Break to save the one poor soul who reads this out of sheer boredom>

Becoming a staff member was...really nice. I actually found out that I could help people while playing and, in turn, help myself. I kept this up for years and I was very content with my Moderator position (Since I focused on the server and not really on any sort of management, Moderator was a great end goal there). I feel like I did a pretty good job - well, not to toot my own horn, but I was active and (I like to think), unbiased. But at some point I realized FRG was growing - it was becoming a better place, though back then, it seemed strange. The internet changes, and so do people (sometimes). I realized that I wasn't growing with FRG. I more-or-less plateaued - and when realizing it, I felt like I was not a fit for being staff. I considered just resigning, but, I could never do that - not out of some sort of "rank" greed, but just because it felt like I was abandoning a part of FRG I wanted to...well, be a part of. Then I had some pretty big life changes come on and I took a break - a LONG break. A multi-year break. I never made a departure or anything, since I always planned to return, but I felt it was best this way - I needed to upgrade myself. Change my outlook on life. Start doing something more. (By the way, I succeeded, and its been such a relief). I cut out a lot from my life that was cancerous - stuff that was not healthy nor positive, including people.

<Another paragraph break, my apologies.>

Then, one day, I realized...things were pretty good. I felt like I had changed myself overall a lot. I didn't have to try to be edgy or assholish in an effort to be "interesting" or some much-maligned version of "cool", and, instead, I could just try and be...nicer. I wanted to be treated well, and that came with treating others well. To momentarily diverge, back on NTG I used to have some players I hated. I really just didn't like them, and they didn't like me. I would hate being on the server with them and, no doubt, they too for me. I wanted to change that - I don't want to dislike someone, I don't want to burn bridges, I don't want to "make enemies". I can certainly be horribly annoying and perhaps even detestable, but I'm truly open to feedback for that. I am genuinely autistic, I have permanent brain damage (TMI Sob Story?), but I can improve and its always great when people help with that.
In that pursuit I may have somehow upset some people here on FRG, and I don't want to repeat that cycle of making the server worse for someone because I'm on it, and certainly not vice-versa there. This may have earned me quite a bit of enmity with some people and if any of you read this, I'm sorry, I'm broken in many ways like humans tend to be and that means I can be very, very annoying. That's just a little bit I wanted to include in-case anyone cared.

<Paragraph Break so I can get back into my actual application>

So, in essence, I feel like I'd love to try and become someone helpful on the server again, which has always sort of been my goal whether staff or not. I'd like to think I've done that, and made friends as a result, and improved things. Maybe I've messed up in a few places. Maybe I've messed up in a lot of places, I can't really say. But I can say that I genuinely think FRG is really important and that I want to see it prosper.
I had to forcibly cut myself off here...or I would've kept going! Sorry again to anyone who read all of that. Now, the long awaited:

•I've been +Member (and Moderator) on FRG before, and I like to think I've done a good job on that, so I want to try again! (My demotion was automatic, since I took a long break).
•Back during the recent tournament, someone mentioned we didn't have a single +Member on - and we didn't! I've also noticed that during general day-to-day playings of FRG, there can be times when nobody is on who can slay. Our staff do a great job, but I figured one more person in the field can't hurt.
•It'll be fun! That sounds weird, but I love getting involved with stuff if I can be helpful. Whether its beta-testing, volunteering, e.t.c; I want to be there! I like to think I can be considered completely trustworthy in this regard, and, hopefully, helpful.
•FRG is going to have a Member/+Member overhaul, so I was going to wait for that, but I feel like there's no harm in pursuing things considering we don't really know what/when things will change.
•Thanks for reading! Whether it was just the TL;DR or the word tornado above. I hope I can give a shot at being staff on FRG again, since I've been enjoying it a lot.

I'm genuinely hoping for feedback, so if you want to mention anything, please DM me on discord. I'm happy to listen to whatever and try to improve myself, especially if I have done/do something that annoys you.

Thank you NotJohn for helping me feel more confident and for the support you've given me. (Many thanks to others too, of course.)

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Brick Dylansonfire Member Application
Posted by: Dylansonfire - 08-23-2024, 08:02 PM - Forum: Membership - Replies (20)

Age: 22

Steam Name(Current): Dylansonfire

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:48767881 (STEAMID64 76561198057801491)

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): Combined hours is roughly 1400 (600 TTT + 350 Lobby + 320 Ostara + 42 Crate + 15 Survive + 20 Trib + 50 from other combined servers on FRG)

Where did you hear about this server?: Not sure I believe I found it randomly years ago.

Have you ever been banned, and why?: I have not been banned in-game, but on Discord, yes, for posting a war gore video (2-3 Years Ago), I regret that decision and I was also a little toxic around that time as well, but I paid my time and reconciled with the administration about this issue and hope to put it past me, I have not had a incident since then.

Why do you want to join?: I want to contribute to this server beyond playing on it, I want to curate and provide suggestions and content so that players on FRG can have a better experience and enjoy the limitless possibilities that GMOD/FRG can offer. In my free time, I like to program and make stuff when Im not busy with college work, so when I suggest things I like to turn that concept and idea into fruition hoping people would enjoy it enough to see it on FRG. I also helped many new players get in the groove of FRG when I could, FRG is known not to be noob friendly so I try my best to explain the complex systems that once stumped me when I first played (Crafting, Inventory Organization ETC..) I didn't have any need to become a member until recently since I have been unbanned from Discord for some time now and I was told I needed to be unbanned first to apply. The biggest reason on why I am making this application is that I interact with the community when I can and I believe to take the next step in that process naturally is to apply for membership and go from there.

Referred by: N/A

Additional Details: I have over 12k+ hours on GMOD (The majority of them are me doing freelance work as a job so don't judge me Tongue), tons of experience with communities and I know what makes GMOD tick.

Thanks for reading, for your reward, watch baby Godzilla pet beam a vortigaunt because I like to make shit


Add this to FRG and my life is yours Sleepy

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