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Slanderman_ Member+ app
Forum: +Member Applications
Last Post: Slanderman_
07-20-2024, 07:07 AM
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Vhoxel - Staff Complaint
Forum: Complaints
Last Post: Eclipse
07-17-2024, 08:16 PM
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@white - Membership Appli...
Forum: Membership
Last Post: Tcupp
07-02-2024, 11:24 PM
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stoopid - Membership Appl...
Forum: Denied
Last Post: Not John Smith
07-02-2024, 06:39 PM
» Replies: 6
Toxicbust - Membership Ap...
Forum: Approved
Last Post: Not John Smith
07-02-2024, 06:32 PM
» Replies: 11
roblox dilapditaion
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Last Post: Zax
06-27-2024, 03:49 AM
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player complaint, pilgrim...
Forum: Complaints
Last Post: Not John Smith
06-24-2024, 04:14 PM
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Forum: Introductions
Last Post: Unknown
06-22-2024, 03:52 PM
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2024 Sprummer Pre-release...
Forum: Server Patchnotes
Last Post: Dovah The Deaf
05-31-2024, 01:12 AM
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Last Post: Not John Smith
05-29-2024, 04:18 PM
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  Slanderman_ Member+ app
Posted by: Slanderman_ - 07-20-2024, 07:07 AM - Forum: +Member Applications - No Replies

Steam Name(Current): Slanderman_

Age: 21

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Yes in the Brassx® endorsed free for all on community bowling which ended up karma banning 4-5 people

Why would you like to be promoted?: I've spent a decent amount of time on FRG and it wouldn't be bad to be able to help with reports on TTT.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I have roughly 1200(577ttt and 622 lobby and nearly 100 in other) hours ish and have been playing for years, so why not if you don't you don't I have no reason to complain if you say no

Do you have any administrative experience: No, not any recent or relevant anyway

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): Yes
(By agreeing above you are agreeing that you understand you are not entitled to said promotion and that we have all rights to deny or approve the application
for any reason we see fit, you agree to not stir up any trouble if the application outcome is not your desired outcome.
Failing to abide by this can result in a full demote, or perma-denial.)

Additional Details:

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  stoopid - Membership Application
Posted by: stoopid - 06-28-2024, 07:45 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (6)

Age: 19

Steam Name(Current): stoopid

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:167746334

Time played on servers?: 588 hours in TTT and 278 hours in lobby

Where did you hear about this server?: Remember seeing one of my steam friends playing on this server so I joined to see what was up.

Have you ever been banned and why?: no

Why do you want to join?: I feel that I've been playing long enough and I genuinely enjoy this server so I felt that I would have a good chance of being accepted if I applied.

Referred by: Brick

Additional Details: my name is subjective

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  roblox dilapditaion
Posted by: Zax - 06-25-2024, 04:35 AM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

roblox dilapdiation


thanks for wachting!

4K dilapdition

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  player complaint, pilgrim #maga
Posted by: Mad King Blizzard - 06-21-2024, 02:31 AM - Forum: Complaints - Replies (2)

Steam Name of Offending Player(s):
Pilgrim #maga

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):

Map the event happened on:

Date of event:

What Happened?:
Rdm and racial slurs

excel, apothecary, and more


witness testimony

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  Toxicbust - Membership Application
Posted by: Toxicbust - 06-04-2024, 02:18 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (11)

I'm 22 years old

I am Toxicbust

Steam ID: 76561198193376901

Lobby - 329 hours
TTT - 148 hours
Ostara - 164 hours

I found it a while back while playing other TTT servers
I returned about a year ago and have been playing since.

Never been banned

I play often and I am friends with a fair few on the server so I thought I might as well.


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Posted by: itelist3 - 06-01-2024, 07:41 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (4)

Compared with other nuts including almonds, pistachios have a lower calorie content and feature many advantages for the human body. One ounce (approximately 28 grams) of pistachios incorporates about one hundred sixty calories, and the equal serving of almonds contains approximately one hundred sixty-a hundred and seventy calories. Moreover, pistachios include extra fiber and protein, while almonds are a higher supply of vitamin E, calcium, iron, and fiber.
Whether or not you choose pistachios or almonds, both are extremely good and flexible nut meals. It's miles encouraged to reasonably consume the above two sorts of nuts in your every day weight-reduction plan primarily based on your non-public taste, fitness desires and goals to reap a balanced weight loss program.

Home Remodeling

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  2024 Sprummer Pre-release notes
Posted by: Brassx - 05-30-2024, 06:48 PM - Forum: Server Patchnotes - Replies (10)

The Sprummer event is finally here.  I can't express how relieved, excited, and nervous I am all at once, I can't remember what its like to work on anything else. I've been deep in the trenches gamers... but the light is finally here... I can finally move on!!

Anyways, this seasonal brings pretty much all the goodies you've come to expect, along with some new ideas and twists on existing ideas.

Gregg is out on vacation this year, so there's no 1v1. But that doesn't mean there's not as much loot (actually more total than any other seasonal I've done so far).

The seasonal pass has been made more linear (xp wise), to account for the new longer seasonal format. This means you'll be able to complete it more times over the duration of the seasonal, at the cost of the initial XP being slightly more. You can now also gain a new e-shop currency - Flowerbucks from each tier completion!

Speaking of, the !eshop now has a new currency - Flowerbucks! These are obtained pretty much the same way as eggbucks, aside from also being able to get them in the Seasonal Pass.

You may be wondering what happened to my original plan for eggbucks, and why Flowerbucks exist. This is mostly because I didn't plan on eggbucks being around for as long as they were leading into this update. By the time I had this update near complete, people had 100s of thousands of eggbucks stockpiled, which obviously would hurt the flow of this event quite a bit. So I decided to separate 'em, and use the data from the Eggbucks system to balance some bigger things to buy with them. (Prices in eshop are still subject to change, so please give your feedback once all the items are revealed. Keep in mind the event is lasting MONTHS though!).

Renewal Chests & Grove Boxes
The 2 main seasonal rewards - Renewal Chest and Grove Boxes.

Grove boxes can be crafted with Renewal Shards, as you'd expect.

There's also now Enhanced Versions of the typical seasonal jewels that can be obtained from Geodes!

Anyways, I put a shit ton of time into this update and hope you all enjoy it, and as with anything, please report any bugs you find in #bug-reports in discord. Please include your steamID if its a missing item or related to one of your items.


  • Added new 2024 Sprummer Seasonal, with new pass, chest, boxes, and more.
  • Last Prism now no longer procs traits as often until the beams converge.
  • Glacier's Grasp's damage has been increased, but it now creates fewer ice shards per second. (It has a 1-1.25x random pve multi now to help make up for the fewer shards per second too)
  • Added easter weapon bases, including a new one.
  • Disabled older seasonal bases (oops).
  • (Definitely some other things I forgot to write down)

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  Discord Unban Request
Posted by: Dylansonfire - 05-25-2024, 10:02 PM - Forum: Unbanned - Replies (9)

Steam Name (Current): Dylansonfire

Steam Name (During incident): Dylansonfire or God Tier Player

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:48767881

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057801491/

Name of staff you were banned by: Unknown

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed

Reason for ban: Posting a Ukraine war video that had violence/gore in it.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes.

What really happened?: 3-4 Years ago, when I first joined and started playing FRG, I was banned from the discord for posting a Ukraine war-related video, that had gore in it. As my previous post stated, the video was related to the topic and of course, it was overboard, no excuses, I was just a freshie and I didn't care about the potential consequences. Of course, over time I grew to like FRG and regret the dumbass decision I made, being locked out of the discord and not being able to become any rank or grow in the community has come back to bite me in the ass. I believe over time I showed that I'm a pretty chill dude, giving away items, and money and helping out newbies when I see them and able to. It is my biggest regret on FRG by a long shot and honestly, I think I could provide a lot of trading avenues and other important substance as I have been coding in GLUA and playing gmod for over 8 years now, about 15% of it being in FRG give or take. Posting various suggestions and even coding up scripts showcasing said suggestions to add more clarity and love to the suggestion. Lastly, I believe a second chance is warranted after all this time and through various posts seeing all sides of this situation and the community responding and giving their input.

Additional details: Not John Smith personally told me to create another discord appeal so here is my fourth one. My previous unban discord request was denied due to complications with the discord potentially being deleted by unbanning me, however, I did do some research and even contacted Discord about it, as long as the post is deleted and is not up for a sustainable amount of time, the discord is fine. They also stated they wouldn't ever delete a discord without giving a warning first and a notice (however some research yielded 50/50 results about this), stating to change this or get rid of this user. I can follow up with conversations with the discord ticket DMS and follow-up articles online as well. The biggest issue is that I cant get member rank or any for that matter, see changelogs, and or have a reliable way to see or do bounties and trades. That is the biggest issue since everything is done through Discord and forums are lackluster and lacking in that regard. If there is any way I can get back in Discord, that would be fantastic, Brass said he would do something about that and add more love to the forums in terms of the changelogs the last post but sadly haven't seen that yet, but hey, thanks for reading Smile

*In the previous post, I also stated removing my image perms is something you could do as I talked to someone who has had that happen to him besides getting banned.

Leave an honest opinion about this and give a third-party unbiased take about what the verdict should be.

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Heart Creeper's Member+ v2
Posted by: Creeper Hugger - 05-22-2024, 08:50 PM - Forum: +Member Applications - No Replies

Steam/Ingame Name: Creeper Hugger
Discord Name (if different): Creeper Hugger
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:7632405

Age: 25

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Nope

Why would you like to be promoted?: I tried for member+ years ago and got tired of FRG and took a long vacation from it, now that no games really scratch that itch aside from FRG I think it's time to try go for member+ again + I wanna help out the community that I really enjoy.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I've seen quite a few times where there's been 0 or very few member+ to handle reports, I am willing to try my hand at it.

Do you have any administrative experience: Admin of a DarkRP server long ago.

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): Yes.
(By agreeing above you are agreeing that you understand you are not entitled to said promotion, and that we have all rights to deny or approve the application
for any reason we see fit, you agree to not stir up any trouble if the application outcome is not your desired outcome.
Failing to abide by this can result in a full demote, or perma-denial.)

Additional Details: Can I get my veteran's discount yet?

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  boredfr420 - Unban Request
Posted by: boredfr420 - 05-22-2024, 07:38 PM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (15)

Steam Name (Current):boredfr420

Steam Name (During incident):i do not remember if it was different

Steam ID:76561198841672196

Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198841672196/

Name of staff you were banned by:it doesnt say

Length of the ban:permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:repealed

Reason for ban:racism

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:yes

What really happened?:i played day in and day out from morning til night i joined one morning and said "hey what's up guys everybody having a good day?" and was met with "shut up you fucking monkey" as a roaster i fought fire with fire and responded with "well you're the only *hard r* here" to my immediate horrified surprise not only was the person not even talking to me it was Jerome who said it. a black person.

Additional details:i sincerely do understand i shouldn't have said the n-word im not arguing that. i was wrong. I'm simply stating that my intention was not to be racist it was to joke around and go back and forth regardless of that what i said was wrong permanently mute me if necessary just please unban me

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