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  le hi.
Posted by: joemancool - 07-20-2015, 06:57 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (10)

I am joemancool, i dont play the server as im banned. but i feel i would make this so people would get to know me a little. I like to joke around alot, i also understand when people are being jokers i can take a joke. i follow the rules to a good amount (i feel having been banned that is very counter to what i said.) I also like to joke around a good amount, i am not competitive at all unless i get rdmed on my t round ill get a little mad but meh. the i starter is becoming overused i know.

(for those who care favorite pokemon mudkip, favorite pony dj-pon 3-vinyl scratch) also i dont flame or hate on anyone seriously unless they are being a dick for more than 1 map. otherwise my hate is OH NO THE BURRITO OF BRASSX IS HERE OOOHHH NOOOOOOO. like that or better example OH NO THE GRASS IS HERE GET THE LAWNMOWERA. (i am joking about grass and brass i aint bustin your balls or other reproductive organs.)

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  Killswitch and Amazing
Posted by: TheTicklishCactus - 07-20-2015, 07:03 AM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (1)

Steam Name of Offending Player(s):"[KS]Killswitch" and "This Game's Amazing"

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):STEAM_0:0:74734869 STEAM_0:1:74335925

Map the event happened on: ttt_dolls

Date of event:07/20/15

What Happened?: These two players ran around rdming and calling random KOS's all night with no moderators on. Made the game very difficult and confusing.


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  Games with the best stories?
Posted by: Jake1o - 07-20-2015, 02:13 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (37)

Title says all. What games do you think have the best stories? GO!

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  falling pre-round
Posted by: Dr. Zoidberg - 07-20-2015, 12:25 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (4)

Ok, so someone (glares at this someone) pushed me off the bridge on crummy cradle pre-round and with literally 00:01 seconds left till the start. So I killed myself in order to make sure I spawned to play my round. BOOM I spawn exactly where I killed myself and continue to fall.. Bug or intended?

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Thumbs Up Lottery System
Posted by: ❤ Clairebear ❤ - 07-19-2015, 10:22 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (7)

Here's my idea for a lottery system. There will be a way to choose temporary post-round songs (They will only play for a certain amount of plays/time). The temporary post-round songs cost coins (the amount of time/plays is determined by the amount of coins used). These coins are then put in a pot for a weekly lottery, and players can buy tickets. Players who choose a song will get a certain number of lottery tickets depending on how much they paid. The more one pays, the more tickets, the higher the chance of being chosen. Since wealthy players could obviously exploit this system, players who won the lottery one week cannot enter the next, even though they can still pick songs. Players under a certain amount of coins may enter a lottery welfare of sorts, where they get one free ticket. Any thoughts/suggestions? To Brass, how difficult might this be to integrate?

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  Shawnxstl +Member Application
Posted by: Shawnxstl - 07-19-2015, 08:45 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (1)

Steam Name(Current): Shawnxstl / UnShawnxstl - Depends if the Un-Clan is in full effect.

Age: 24

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Only once for 1 minute for changing my name mid round.

Why would you like to be promoted?: I seem to play late at night when not a lot of admins are online, similar to Unpoke. I feel like having more +members will help balance with the issues that arise during those times. Additionally, a little extra help sorting through the reports never hurt anyone, right?

Why do you think we should promote you?: I spend a lot of time on the server and I know the regulars quite well. I don't have any issues with anyone (that I know of) and I have a pretty damn good understanding of the rules and how to enforce them effectively. I already assist other superiors in issues that I currently cannot formally deal with. Not to mention names, but a situation happened the other day and an officer messaged me, "Shawn, I have a question. Did X revenge kill Y?" I told them what happened and they said "alright cool, i just trust you more than the others," and then that person was banned for a week for a revenge RDM.

Do you have any administrative experience: I was an officer of the biggest Call of Duty 1 clan wayyy back in the day, head of a WoW guild for awhile (nothing serious, just for fun), and if my own professional life counts (?) I manage my 13 bookkeeping clients as well as multiple payroll clients. Basically meaning I can keep my ducks in a row.

Additional Details: I work fairly often so I'm usually on later at night/early morning (10pm-3 or 4am) so my daytime play is typically limited. As a result, I might not know the day crowd nearly as well as I know the night crowd, but I hope that doesn't hinder my chance to advance.

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  No more games( for most of the time)
Posted by: Zott - 07-19-2015, 08:32 PM - Forum: Old - Replies (10)

So because band camp started, I really won't be playing any games. If I end up playing it will be on a sunday most likely. I will be gone for 10 hours every day from now on. Even after band camp ends and school starts, I have to say over for another 2 hours. Not much of Scott will be seen for a long time. I will try to hop on when ever I can to see you beautiful people!

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Tongue I'm gonna try to get into map making.
Posted by: ❤ Clairebear ❤ - 07-19-2015, 07:01 PM - Forum: General - Replies (11)

I'm gonna start learning how to make maps. Any ideas for themes? I'd love to make a couple maps for the server. Besides, wouldn't it be cool if FRG had it's OWN popular TTT map?

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  DrummerKeith56 membership application
Posted by: DrummerKeith56 - 07-19-2015, 06:54 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (7)

Steam Name: DrummerKeith56


Time played on servers: 58hours 22 minutes

Have you ever been banned and why?: no

Why do you want to join?: i wanted to play trouble in terrorist town and it was on the menu and did not have a lot of addons

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  EagleDestroyer- Membership Application
Posted by: Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-19-2015, 08:33 AM - Forum: Denied - Replies (9)


Steam Name: EagleDestroyer

Time:100 or right around there close but no cigar!

Where did you hear about the server: Axe joined Ntg and wanted to buy my p90, he left so I added him then followed him. He went to a ttt server I decided that I will rdm until I get banned, when I was in I pressed tab and saw Axe was admin also there was a leveling system. Got mad and said someone copied Ntg again, talked to some people and they said brassx made the server and to make it short I found out that there was a lot of old ntg players there so I am here now.

Banned ever: ya just banned for karma when screwing around at night and when messing around with a mod.

Why do you want to join: 2 years ago I found a server with my friend new to gmod just a kid, that rhymes. The server was ntg got banned for ghosting when I never did, meet some friends. came back a couple months later my little high voice made people cry for mercy, but then I grow up buy a new pc come back again people surprised then I cry bc Ntg went down hill with op weps and kids everywhere shouting about there guns like there gods and I came here and stayed here now I want to become a member.

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