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  STEAM_0:0:67077617 advertizing and rdm
Posted by: Trigger_hurt - 07-22-2015, 08:24 AM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (4)

so it around 3:30 at night and he comes on and rdms. we got many people as witnesses

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  Celery God - Membership Application.
Posted by: ❤ Clairebear ❤ - 07-22-2015, 02:22 AM - Forum: Denied - Replies (18)

Age: 14

Steam Name(Current): Celery God

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 156

Where did you hear about this server?: It was too long ago for me to remember.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Once for changing my name as a spectator.

Why do you want to join?: I've been here a while. You guys have been great to me, and now I'd like to give back by making maps, and helping out. I'd love to contribute to the well-being of the server, and I'd like to get myself on the road to slaying people for RDM and preaching the rules. You guys have been a part of my life for over half a year now, and I think it's time to give back.

Referred by: Unpoke-ish

Additional Details: I know it hasn't been long enough to say that I've matured, but I'm trying. A lot of bullshit has been going on in my life and I'm kinda silently venting while I'm on the server. That's why I've been misbehaving lately. But that has mostly passed and now not only can I dedicate more time to the server, but the time I spend on the server I will spend being more well-behaved and less annoying/crazy.

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  more stuff in the lobby server
Posted by: Trigger_hurt - 07-22-2015, 02:10 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (10)

I would like to have the lobby server to have like air hockey and a pool table . i think that it would be cool to have because it only has slots and the other thing.

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Posted by: NeoLeo - 07-22-2015, 02:01 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Votebans are broken again. trollers came on. mass rdm. it was early in the morning. it was only me. i votebanned them. they came back instantly after being vote banned. also recently i votebanned jerome for 5 min. because he said "no balls" <3 but the ban didnt work. please fix

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  Gandalf the Algebra Teacher's membership app
Posted by: Gandalf the Algebra Teacher - 07-22-2015, 12:53 AM - Forum: Denied - Replies (6)

Age: 16

Steam Name: Gandalf the Algebra Teacher

Time played on servers?: 79 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Known about it since conception, quit TTT for awhile and decided to come back

Have you ever been banned and why?: Jake told me i've been banned once long ago, haven't been banned since

Why do you want to join?: I love the server and most people on it. It's very well cared for and it's something i want to be a part of.

Referred by: No one

Additional Details: Server needs more algebra.

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Posted by: Dr. Zoidberg - 07-21-2015, 04:35 PM - Forum: General - Replies (13)

Been considering quiting (well taking a break for personal reasons) and was thinking I might raffle off my extra Bellum and maybe a few other things. Here is the question though, is it allowed to start an actual raffle and sell "tickets" for a set price? And set it up like a kickstarter, so if not enough money is entered then everyone is refunded? Just a question and if not I'll figure out something else.

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  Giveaway some keys for games or game loot
Posted by: Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-21-2015, 03:13 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (20)

Rules: you can only try for one key not two not three only one. answer to the question for the category!

1.Super nova-game key alpha, I got they key Question: fav color_____________

2.Payday 2-game loot alien mauler, Question: fav animal_____________

3. Dying light-Game loot T shirt to wear in the game, Question what do I want to be when grow up___________

!!!!!!!Note all of these I have said to the public or you can find!!!!!!!

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Star back in the day when NTG was fun
Posted by: Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-21-2015, 02:42 PM - Forum: Shit Posting - Replies (15)


Now they are gone and we moved here, cheers to moving forward!

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Posted by: Terran - 07-21-2015, 03:59 AM - Forum: Shit Posting - Replies (7)

Might have to leave again soon, though. Getting kicked out of the place I rent in a few months, since its being sold. Pity me! Woe be unto Terran!

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  Hello There
Posted by: Mr.Potato - 07-21-2015, 01:49 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (2)

You May Know Me already But if you don't. Hi I'm Mr.Potato I was from NTG but I think FRG is much more balanced than NTG ever was but yeah xD

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