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Minigun wep godlike - Printable Version

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Minigun wep godlike - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-22-2015

Hear me out,

Stats Firerate:high  Damage:low accuracy:low  Recoil:med-high  clipConfuseduper high  reload:has no reload Mobility:negative 10-20

normal mingun maybe some design.  

clip will have around 500 bullets

suffix on the gun: 1-20/30 chance to over heat for 5-10 sec

another suffix on the gun 1-10 chance for a bullet to blow back the target.

maybe another suffix, not sure though it would be 1-10 chance to shoot more then 1 bullet?

for some reason there is a face between the clip, I went to edit it but its not there. It should say super high

RE: Minigun wep godlike - Terran - 07-22-2015

Behemoth is cooler and easier!

RE: Minigun wep godlike - 2bias - 07-22-2015

the minigun on ntg had really low dmg, really high firerate, and a huge ass clip, yet it was so op.

plus, didnt someone just suggest this in the shoutbox?

RE: Minigun wep godlike - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-22-2015

whats the Behemoth? Also this one will overheat.

just say that in the shoutbox, I was playing the game and thought of this.

RE: Minigun wep godlike - Chosen - 07-22-2015

No offense but this kind of sounds like Terran's idea and please no minigun.

RE: Minigun wep godlike - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-22-2015

ik ik it does now but I promise I did not see his idea