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Now I think spy got a little salty - Printable Version

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Now I think spy got a little salty - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-23-2015

Mr. Cyan Spy: You
Mr. Cyan Spy: is -snip-
EagleDestroyer: you wore called out
Mr. Cyan Spy: I dont need logs.
Mr. Cyan Spy: You were T baiting
Mr. Cyan Spy: Stfu, learn the rules
EagleDestroyer: i pushed u witha prop
Mr. Cyan Spy: You threw it...
EagleDestroyer: pushed*
EagleDestroyer: you shot me and i droped it then ran away
Mr. Cyan Spy: you threw the prop, I guess props need to be thrown to push ppl
EagleDestroyer: no
Mr. Cyan Spy: Yea
Mr. Cyan Spy: Because u ran at me to pick it up
EagleDestroyer: i ran into you with it that means pushing u
EagleDestroyer: so salty
Mr. Cyan Spy: Maybe dont lie k? k.
EagleDestroyer: not lie
Mr. Cyan Spy: Ur just a dumb -snip-
EagleDestroyer: k
EagleDestroyer: im white
Mr. Cyan Spy: Who no staff likes
EagleDestroyer: k
EagleDestroyer: fine with me
EagleDestroyer: I dont need everyone to like me welcome to the real world
Mr. Cyan Spy: Nope
Mr. Cyan Spy: Ur a dumb -snip-
EagleDestroyer: alright
EagleDestroyer: im white though
Mr. Cyan Spy: Ur pretty black
EagleDestroyer: im looking im white
EagleDestroyer: the results are in
Mr. Cyan Spy: Nawww ur pretty black
EagleDestroyer: im white
Mr. Cyan Spy: Nope, you wanna be
Mr. Cyan Spy: -snip-

RE: Now I think spy got a little salty - Mr. Cyan Spy - 07-23-2015

You are gonna post racial slurs from STEAM CHAT? And I was trolling you, its a game I dont get mad.

RE: Now I think spy got a little salty - Chosen - 07-23-2015

This belongs in shit posting son

RE: Now I think spy got a little salty - RadioActiveCow? - 07-23-2015

Also you're not gonna use photo evidence instead you just copy paste logs that you can just as easily change to make your point seem better?

RE: Now I think spy got a little salty - ThatJeffKid - 07-23-2015

Shiposting shouldn't be in off topic

RE: Now I think spy got a little salty - Dreadark - 07-23-2015

Yeah i was in the TS with Cyan. Pretty sure this was just a joke. And I was there, you were T baiting.

But I mean calling this thread "Now I think spy got a little salty" obviously means it wasn't posted with good intentions.

RE: Now I think spy got a little salty - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-23-2015

it was not trolling he ust said that he was going to get me banned

RE: Now I think spy got a little salty - Mr. Cyan Spy - 07-23-2015

I didnt say I was going to you get banned, I said you posted racism on forums which is against rules.

RE: Now I think spy got a little salty - McNuggie - 07-23-2015

Nah. All this is going to do is cause needless and unnecessary drama. If you posted this in order for something to be done to cyan, get actual pictures and post a thread in complaints. Closed and moved to shit posting.