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NotChosen RDM and Leave - Printable Version

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NotChosen RDM and Leave - Dreadark - 07-26-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): NotChosen

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): who gives a shit

Map the event happened on: idk a glass cube one

Date of event: idk today
What Happened?: he rdmed me and left

Witnesses: god is my witness.

Evidence: Image


RE: NotChosen RDM and Leave - McNuggie - 07-26-2015

god is his witness

RE: NotChosen RDM and Leave - siglings - 07-26-2015

You did a great job Dread.
Obviously NotChosen RDMed and left.
Unfit is what I would call NotChosen.
Amazing how bad these mods are now.
Sometimes I wish that Brass can do something.
Socially, NotChosen is bad as well


Edit: First Letters.

RE: NotChosen RDM and Leave - Terran - 07-26-2015

You could say
he should have been...
NOT CHOSEN for mod

RE: NotChosen RDM and Leave - ❤ Clairebear ❤ - 07-26-2015

Frankly, NotChosen is dead.
A deed done by the hands of Dread.
Really, NotChosen is now hated by brass,
To which Siglings shouted: "You ass!"

RE: NotChosen RDM and Leave - Mr. Cyan Spy - 07-26-2015

+1 for demote

RE: NotChosen RDM and Leave - Chosen - 07-26-2015

+1, Literally i'm worse then hitler.

RE: NotChosen RDM and Leave - ❤ Clairebear ❤ - 07-26-2015

(07-26-2015, 02:50 AM)NotChosen Wrote:  +1, Literally i'm worse then hitler.

6 million.

RE: NotChosen RDM and Leave - Rotshout - 07-26-2015

+1 for give me all of your weapons.