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Lost 1k coins in bank Please Help |
Posted by: SuperxSaiyan (GoD) - 11-11-2015, 03:54 AM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (4)
Please help, i put 1k coins into the bank last week and when i checked it yesterday the 11-10-15 i found out that i was missing the coins please i need your assistance. I played hard for those coins. If anyone of you is reading this please check you bank as well and if you are missing anything. Thank for reading and have a nice day.
Patchnotes 11/10/2015 |
Posted by: Brassx - 11-11-2015, 01:16 AM - Forum: Server Patchnotes
- Replies (18)
•The free slot machine rolls from the Appreciation Badge are now fixed.
•Fixed exploit with clearing alt accounts in !cha.
•Fixed several marketplace bugs with stackable items(you now get the full amount per quantity).
•Added !cooldown to the lobby to allow you to either check your own cooldown, or other(you can !cooldown username, or !cooldown *)
•Adjusted rarities of some unique items.
•Added a chat message that is displayed when the laser respawns after despawning(if a player disconnects with it).
•Adjusted HP amount for the first two pillar bosses.
•Slightly increased attack range of the final boss.
•Increased velocity of the special slash attack.
Hell Week |
Posted by: Rotshout - 11-10-2015, 04:53 AM - Forum: Old
- Replies (9)
Drama is getting really time consuming. I might not be able to play most nights for the next week. The weekend after the upcoming one will also be busy.
Christmas event idea. "Kill Krampus" |
Posted by: knaveHearted - 11-10-2015, 02:24 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (5)
Starting the Event: Talk to Randolph the Elf in the lobby.
He'll tell you Santa has been kidnapped by Krampus, and he asks you to find a special weapon "Santa's Little Helper" to kill Krampus, and save Christmas.
Event Quest: On Christmas themed levels there is a chance for a Christmas Present to spawn, It spawns server side for anyone with the quest, and only one spawns per round. T's, Det's, and Innocents all have a chance to find it. But there's only one, and anyone with the quest can get it.
It works sort of like a gift package.
(When you open it, you have 9 Presents to choose from)
1/9 Chance to find the Santa's Little Helper.
1/9 Chance to get a Santa or Krampus Crate (50/50)
7/9 Chance to get a Gift Package
Santa and Krampus Crates: Works like a Crescent, or Crate of the Damned. With Christmas themed goodies. With Santa Crates dropping actually christmas themed weapons, The Krampus Crates have a chance of dropping "Krampus" or "Evil Christmas" themed weapons and Cosmetics.
Santas Little Helper: Same base stats as a hatchet, but has a 1:X chance to throw a snowball that deals it's weapons damage (Essentially double damage if it procs within melee range.) (x=2-5 chance)
Fighting Krampus:
Once enough people have the Santas Little Helper, (4-6), they can turn in the quest to Randolph in the lobby, and he'll explain the partying system, and the boss fight with Krampus.
Once there is a party of 4-6 with the Santas Little Helper equiped, they can join the event Server to fight Krampus.
This fight is melee only, and you can only use Santas Little Helper. It is only one boss fight, but it's long, and tough.
Stage 1:
Krampus will spawn, and chase players down attempting to claw them, or gore them with his ram like horns. Well Running, he will occasionally throw one of three things behind him.
1) An actual Christmas Present, that the players can collect
2) A Fake present from the T shop (Explained later.)
3) A chunk of coal that will instantly detonate, slowing, and partially blinding people caught in the blast.
Stage 2:
Krampus will go up in the air on a sleigh, and throw down one of the three things from before, or snowballs which will be target at players, and they deal damage. Players will have to dodge the thrown things (Except presents ) while trying to get their Santas Little Helper to proc to throw snowballs at him to damage him.
When this stage ends, Krampus will kamikaze his sleigh into the ground. Damaging any players caught in the explosion.
Stage 3:
Krampus is slower during this stage. Krampus will run around, trying to avoid the players. Occasionally Christmas trees will spawn behind him, sprouting from the ground, damaging any players hit by them.
Cookies will spawn occasionally which will heal the first person who touches them (Krampus, or Players).
If Krampus is allowed to heal to much during this stage, he will revert to stage 2.
Stage 4:
Krampus is angry, he's faster, and hits harder. He acts just like he did in stage 1, with trees spawning behind him like in Stage 3. Santa spawns in a cage in the center of the arena. If players break the cage, he'll help them fight Krampus.
Winners will recieve a few random drops.
The person who did the most damage to Krampus will get a Santa Hat
And the rest of the party will get Elf Hats.
Event Badges all around.
T shop item exclusive during the Event. "Fake Present'
Looks like the present, except on picking it up, you will hear Krampus Laugh, and you will have a very short time to run away before it explodes, killing anyone near it.
Harrywulf Ban Appeal |
Posted by: Mr.Wulf Mανιs - 11-09-2015, 12:55 AM - Forum: Unbanned
- Replies (6)
Steam Name (Current): Harrywulf
Steam Name (During incident): Harrywulf
Steam ID: STEAM_0:53871161
Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198068008050/
Name of staff you were banned by: Mc Nuggie I think?
Length of the ban: Perma
Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Id love to have it repealed
Reason for ban: Shooting one detective and 2 Innos, Mass RDM and Leave
Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes i did
Additional details: The entire time i was on the server before Mcnuggie got on these 2 guys were trying to kill me almost every round and i would shoot them and on a round of 67th way i was underground they both shot me so i shot them with a Canary the detective came down and shot also. At that point i turned and shot un knowing who it was and sadly it was a detective. Look i was banned and i was immature i can admit that but I love this server please consider un banning me i would love to re-join the community
But honestly i was slightly newer to TTT in general so honestly when i shot the D i was karma banned, i was banned for Mass RDM and Leave I didn't try to avoid punishment it was a game thing and im sincerely sorry
checkpoints |
Posted by: COBALTGE0 - 11-09-2015, 12:53 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (9)
we need checkpoints oh k so when we defeat a pillar boss we should have a check point and if we fail we go to that checkpoint now the only exception should be when the 3rd pillar melts and the 4th pillar when the 3rd pillar boss is defeated we get a checkpoint definetly a checkpoint where the 4th pillar melts...
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