Age: 24
Steam Name(Current): Mex 4 Member
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:75143911
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 4253 hours
Where did you hear about this server?: I took a gander at TTT servers and spotted this diamond in the rough.
Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes. Karma Bans and Exploiting Spin2Win
Why do you want to join?: I was a member before and would like to be a member again. I play the server often and help people with whatever they need whenever I have an answer.
Referred by: babe coach
Additional Details: I used to be a member, as well as +Member, but was demoted due to inappropriate behavior in the FRG Discord, as well as hateful comments towards a group of people. I deeply regret it and have given my apologies in multiple ban appeals I had made trying to get unmuted. I was recently unmuted and am glad to be back chatting the my fellow Forerunners, and will make sure not to cause any trouble that would cause this kind of punishment for the rest of my time on FRG.
Steam Name(Current): Mex 4 Member
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:75143911
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 4253 hours
Where did you hear about this server?: I took a gander at TTT servers and spotted this diamond in the rough.
Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes. Karma Bans and Exploiting Spin2Win
Why do you want to join?: I was a member before and would like to be a member again. I play the server often and help people with whatever they need whenever I have an answer.
Referred by: babe coach
Additional Details: I used to be a member, as well as +Member, but was demoted due to inappropriate behavior in the FRG Discord, as well as hateful comments towards a group of people. I deeply regret it and have given my apologies in multiple ban appeals I had made trying to get unmuted. I was recently unmuted and am glad to be back chatting the my fellow Forerunners, and will make sure not to cause any trouble that would cause this kind of punishment for the rest of my time on FRG.