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  Event enemy bug
Posted by: Zott - 11-07-2015, 06:52 AM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (1)

Ok so not sure if this is the reasoning but while I was playing, minicosmic's pc shutdown causing him to leave. When we started the next wave all of the enemies did not move or attack but the boss still moves.

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  Cooldown Disabled at the start of the event
Posted by: McNuggie - 11-07-2015, 03:55 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

I feel like it'd save us a lot of trouble and a lot of dumb 2 hour cooldowns from getting randomly kicked at the start if the first 5 minutes of the event were cooldown-free. This would prevent people from getting cooldowns from dumb glitches that ruin parties Sad

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  Event map tweak
Posted by: Bathory (She/They) - 11-06-2015, 11:33 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

Can you please make an invis ramp over the stairs so you dont get pushed into the air above the steps if you get hit into it. (you get bounced straight up into the air after hitting the stairs due to the force you were hit with) It only leads to death due to gmod physics.

Edit: Inb4 terran says "just dont get hit"


Red line shows that putting a player clip on the stairs would do (also makes stairs less slow to run up, just slightly)

Blue shows what goes on currently, cause the stairs are tall enough to act as a wall to hit against.

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  Patchnotes 11/6/2015
Posted by: Brassx - 11-06-2015, 10:41 PM - Forum: Server Patchnotes - Replies (8)

•The labyrinth map has been updated to fix several issues.
•Balanced several aspects of the Event more.
•Things dropped in the 'pit' will be teleported back up(near the entrance to the pillar room).
•6 hour cooldown now active if you beat the event.
•2 hour cooldown if you fail the event now.
•You can now melee enemies through players.
•Time limit is now 1 hour 30 minutes.
•Chests are now locked until you beat certain parts of the event.

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Information FRG Raid Event: Tips and Tricks for Newbs!
Posted by: Skully_Fluff - 11-06-2015, 12:43 AM - Forum: General - Replies (6)

Hello, Raiding New-B's!
Welcome to Skully_Fluff's Tips and Tricks on how not to be the basic bitch in the New FRG 'RAID' Event. This is going to be a short and simple guide to 'raid' success.

Before we start:
Now, if you're here for spoilers, wanting to know all about the raid, that's NOT in this thread. This thread is made for people who want to be prepared for the out come that is going to face them and help them survive. If you wish for a spoiler post I will making one within a week or so once most of the community has been able to accomplish the raid already.

We shall continue on with the Tips and Tricks now.

FIRST(1) Tip/Trick: This is one of the biggest things to know before going into a raid! Terran's Tips and Tricks post is a bunch of crap! So don't listen to that troll butter cream. Every word of it is crap. If you actually believed his lies, you're a sad, sad person.

SECOND (2) Tip/Trick: SQUAD! You're going to need a group of five friends or buddies that you know can follow instructions, aim well and be reasonably useful. A good squad is the ultimate tool in to accomplishing the raid. You need to keep a cool head and blames/pointing fingers at an all time low. If one of you fails, you all fail don't play the blame game. It only makes your group on edge and not wanting to play any more, sucking the enjoyment out of things.

THIRD (3) Tip/Trick: This one is a short, but reasonable tip. Suffixes do not work! Don't use a gun for it's suffix.

FOURTH (4) Tip/Trick: This tip will be about useful equipment. For guns, you want something that gives you speed, accuracy and a decent amount of damage. I suggest using a Bellum, yes I know it's a scrub gun, but it'll do you good in this raid. As for a secondary I use a Swift Deagle. It's fast and I am able to spam bullets at what ever is chasing me. If you can't get a swift deagle and a bellum, try finding some light weight guns that you a comfortable with. Don't use an SG, MAC 10 OR rifle! Just don't.

FIFTH (5):and Final Tip/Trick I have for you guys today is on crystals. Crystals do work in this event and they can be very useful! For the two Crystals I suggest to you are Reload Crystals and Shock Absorb crystals. Dimension Crystals may help too, but I never had tried it.

Anyways, good luck and have fun on your FRG journey! May the surprises and loot bring you joy! Big Grin

Comment for any questions you have or PM if you wish.

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  Lost Items / Bug / Thingy that idk how to explain
Posted by: McNuggie - 11-06-2015, 12:27 AM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (4)

On the Lobby server my inventory is just uh... gone when I join. (it's still there on TTT fully)

When I reload my inventory a script error, and all that shows up is uh... a standard deagle, a standard shotgun, and a loading symbol..

[ERROR] addons/br_inventory/lua/br_inventory/client/cl_br_inventory.lua:1560: attempt to concatenate local 'name' (a nil value)
1. DrawStats - addons/br_inventory/lua/br_inventory/client/cl_br_inventory.lua:1560
2. DrawStats - addons/br_inventory/lua/br_inventory/client/cl_br_inventory.lua:1760
3. unknown - addons/br_inventory/lua/br_inventory/client/vgui/br_inventory/br_slot.lua:1029


I also tried testing that "loading symbol" last night with unpoke by putting it in a duel, but he couldn't see anything where i put it in lol


Im not sure if this effects my inventory in the event.

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  Healing orb stuck in wall
Posted by: SilentSpy - 11-05-2015, 10:41 PM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (9)


We think it went under the rock as it was going down. We don't know exactly tbh.

It was with anangrybeaver, Wolfy9800, Mini Cosmic, and Mining Creepy Corn

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  Soul Glitch Kinda
Posted by: Anthony - 11-05-2015, 07:47 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

If 5 people are on then someone joins but is spec the souls still spawn. So basically if you have 2 people and 4 spectators the souls will still spawn.

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  DrunkenLo RDM and leave
Posted by: [GR]NICESHOTgetrektm8 - 11-05-2015, 07:07 AM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (2)

Steam Profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198055661565

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:47697918

Reason: RDM and leave

Proof: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=548341234

Additional info: he Rdmed me and tried to RDM someone else and then him and 2 other witch I assume were with him left.

Witnesses: Doctorrat

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  You have probably seen my gambling luck in the shoutbox..
Posted by: Grassx - 11-05-2015, 06:08 AM - Forum: Other Games - Replies (8)


Few weeks back i lost what i won on the same website. BUT WTF. I CANT TYPE>

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