Forerunner Gaming
WHO AM I? - Printable Version

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WHO AM I? - Kaelis - 11-11-2015

Hi, I used to play on NRG and now I play on FRG because it's an all around better server with better people. I try to play when I have free time not working a job or at uni, etc.

PS: Fresh is a massive nuurrd please remind him of this

RE: WHO AM I? - RadioActiveCow? - 11-11-2015


Also you are Dylan and I am also in uni B)

RE: WHO AM I? - Fresh - 11-11-2015

Oh yeah I remember NRG gr8 server

That's what happens when u make threads at 4 am "pony lover" ;P

RE: WHO AM I? - ZombieNinja975 - 11-11-2015

I like you because i have the same name dylan and because kewl undertale picture

RE: WHO AM I? - Terran - 11-11-2015

Seen you around, hi.

RE: WHO AM I? - Dreadark - 11-11-2015


RE: WHO AM I? - McNuggie - 11-11-2015

Welcome to FRG, I hope to play with you soon.