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Sven is racist |
Posted by: doctorRat - 11-05-2015, 05:40 AM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (9)
This guy named: Sven
steam ID: STEAM_0:0:50418455
Halo ascension
This dude got on, asked if being racist was allowed when Spider, Knave, Skully, and I told him no ti wasn't he proceeded to be a complete racist dick on the server multiple times. After we asked him many times to stop he just asked why he couldn't hate on black people and kept going.
Knavehearted, Skully, and Spider can back up this complaint if they so choose to.
The First Ones |
Posted by: Zott - 11-05-2015, 03:44 AM - Forum: General
- Replies (26)
Tonight at 9:34 pm central time, Aresuft, RadioactiveCow, Terran, KnaveHearted, DoctorRat, and Zott, have completed the event!
Event Pro Tips From Pros |
Posted by: Terran - 11-05-2015, 12:18 AM - Forum: General
- Replies (27)
Here's your Go-To for What the Event is, How to Win it, and What the Hell to Do!
First, I'll go over LOAD-OUTS. You don't NEED these weapons, but they are highly recommended.
Basic Load-out:
Primary: SG or Mac10. (Rapid fire for high damage!) AK's can also work, too!
Secondary: Pistol/Glock (Deagles fire too slow for proper DPS, spray & pray!)
Crystal: JUMP or GRAVITY (For the special ledges, escape events and rock dodges. Almost a MUST.)
Now, you'll spawn in a LARGE, CENTRAL ROOM. If you see a BLUE SHINY ORB, then PUT IT IN A CORNER AWAY FROM YOU. It will ATTRACT enemies there sometimes, especially BOSS MONSTERS, and can get you KILLED!
There will be three entrances. After a bit of exploring, you should see a hole in a wall leading to a downstairs area. This is the PRIMARY GRAVE ROOM. Do NOT stay in there for too long, or else the Graves will spawn extremely powerful enemies! Next, there are the two staircases up. You can go up either of them, and you'll find more places to explore, including your first LABYRINTH. This LABYRINTH is about 180 to 250 tiles long, and has three secret item entrances and compartments, near the sides. Search THOROUGHLY and 100% to get them! In a more obvious spot will be a PLUG. Pull it up and JAM IT INTO the SOCKETS near the LARGE, CENTRAL ROOM. This will start WAVE ONE. Survive it to find another PLUG, for WAVE 2. At the end, a BOSS MONSTER will spawn! Defeat him to move on. The wavey, magical door will open up. Continue onwards until you find more places to explore, including a LARGE ROCK. You need to find a POLTERGEIST, aka a "Mining Laser", to proceed. Give it to your BEST PLAYER, or whoever has the BEST ITEMS, or they may die very quickly! Have that BEST PLAYER laser mine the LARGE ROCK, and survive the onslaught!! -MAKE SURE THE ORB IS NOWHERE NEAR!-
Next, you will find PILLARS. Each of these is a SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT. You'll have to perform a special ritual to UNLOCK the enemies. Hint: The previous tool that you used should help you! Next, SHOOT ALL ENEMIES. You may receive a message such as "Your weapon is firing blanks", but ignore it; get those bullets out there, but you will be doing Reduced Damage so be careful!
After that, you have a boss fight and some special surprises, so GO HAVE FUN!
Souls |
Posted by: ghasT_T - 11-04-2015, 10:26 PM - Forum: Shit Posting
- Replies (4)
This is all I heard today:
Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Gimme a Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul I want my Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul OMG Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul WTF SOUL
Lobby Server |
Posted by: Mr.LongDongSilverz - 11-04-2015, 06:20 AM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (11)
Hi i am new to the server and have been playing for around 3 days it's a nice community, and I plan on playing on here a lot.But the one thing I don't like is u have to be level 10 to enter the lobby server.Expecially because the new event that just came out and to start it u have to go to the lobby server.I know u guys have your reasons for having it to be level 10,but I ask if u could maybe lower to level 5,the level which I am and I think is more fair,so that is lower levels can access the new event.Message me on steam if u have any questions Mr.LongDongSilverz
Patchnotes 11/4/2015 |
Posted by: Brassx - 11-04-2015, 05:37 AM - Forum: Server Patchnotes
- Replies (11)
•The event is now live. To access the event, speak to "Grim" located in the Lobby. (Go look for him ). (Do note, to access the 'real event' you must complete Grim's Request)
Once you complete it, you can invite people to join you on the event, even if they haven't completed the quest.
•Reduced Crate of the Damned price to 500 coins.
•Fixed a variety of bugs.
knaveHearted Membership Application (2) |
Posted by: knaveHearted - 11-03-2015, 07:51 PM - Forum: Approved
- Replies (15)
Steam Name(Current): knaveHearted
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 87.51 Hours
Where did you hear about this server?: I heard about it back when I played NTG. Then when it came out I tried it for a while, liked it better, and decided to stay. Doctor Rat got me back into TTT recently and I've been playing a ton since.
Have you ever been banned and why?: Never.
Why do you want to join?: I like this servers community, a lot. I'm active on the forums, and have made friends with a lot of staff and members. I feel like I'd be a good fit for member because I'm active on both the server, and forums. And I've been an upstanding citizen on the server, only thing I've done "wrong" is argue with Doctor Rat about certain rules. Besides that, I'm a good boy
Posted by: COBALTGE0 - 11-03-2015, 02:44 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (13)
ok so we have slots we have poker chairs we can only sit in the chairs ;~; fix it plz but we need Plinko now im sure you guys all know what im talking about plinko is magnificent now i think the points where the blocker pole sideways thingy's should randomize every week so people dont get down the pattern
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