Hey guys I'm going on vacation for a week. I'll be back sometime around late Saturday night or Early sunday morning? I will also bring my smaller laptop just in case we have wifi and I have nothing to do at night, so I might get on and play some ttt. I dunno but I will be up 'n at em' when I return. Also I wanted to see where everyone is going ,that is, if you are going. I'm headed to Tampa, Florida.
I think it would be nice if the disguiser hid all coinshop accessories, but still kept your same model. This would stop kos off items, and itll give the traitors a little strategic advantages.
Basically, the Lobby Map is way too bare, so I went around the map finding all the bare areas and tried to find a use for them. Here is my result:
Little Room Next To Spawn:
Could be like an intro area, telling all the first timers in the lobby what to do and how to get quests and stuff.
Outside Warehouse:
Could have like a "Black Market" area where if you pay 100 Fragments, (Yes, 100, because it's the Black Market) you get a RANDOM item from 1 of the 3 NEXT week Items Septimis will sell. Meaning you could either get the Legendary, or you could strike out and get the Unlikely or Rare.
Little Outside House:
Could maybe be a Post Office where you can send Mail to other players. Another idea to go along with this is maybe adding Gifts to the mail to send to friends and stuff.
I only saw the dragon one time before this, when Aresuft and Brass were on, but it was pretty awesome! Hype! It was well balanced, thanks for porting it Brass. Going to be some cool stuff in the future I think.