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The shitboxes have gotten too bad. - Printable Version

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The shitboxes have gotten too bad. - Terran - 06-09-2015

This was 3 AWP shots on Jake, who was AFK. None of them did damage.

RE: The shitboxes have gotten too bad. - 2bias - 06-09-2015

I was on a server where you would shoot afks right in the head, and the shot wouldn't register.

At first i thought it was just their servers problem, I guess it is gmod then after seeing this.

RE: The shitboxes have gotten too bad. - Denneh - 06-09-2015


RE: The shitboxes have gotten too bad. - Brassx - 06-09-2015

You may experience more shitboxes since your animations are broken(crotch model in the picture), making the clientside hitbox positions not line up properly with the serverside ones.

But aside from that, afk hitbox issues have been known for a long time now. There's nothing I can do about them.

RE: The shitboxes have gotten too bad. - Dreadark - 06-09-2015

Yea I have noticed shitboxes are really bad ever since ive had that animation glitch.

RE: The shitboxes have gotten too bad. - Terran - 06-09-2015

Well, I guess that I can try to reinstall Gmod or something for the animation glitch to be fixed, but isn't it affecting everyone? Its been happening so unbelievably often. The shit-boxes, that is.