Lots of Ideas (Reposted) - Jake1o - 06-09-2015
I posted this on a thread a long time ago but it is now old and forgotten so I am re-posting it! =D
~Things from NTG~
-Clue scrolls
-The leveling system
-Droppable T rounds
-Skin system
-T tester gun for Detectives
-Shurikens (They were a ton of fun) (even if they were just a T weapon that would work!)
-Goomba boots (I bought them frequently on NTG)
-ID disguiser (I personally had a lot of fun with this one)
-Deathstation (on NTG there are regen bubbles so death stations are obvious but on FRG health stations are actually bought so death stations would trick some people)
-Tranquilizer (Safe to say that was/is a community favorite on NTG)
-Some sort of bow like the wind (Another community fav)
-When you are killed it should say in chat who killed you so you can scroll up and see. NTG has this. Not sure why we don't.
-Detective item rope ladder gun (we need more D items anyway)
NOTE: I know you don't want FRG to be a copy of NTG but all of these things are incredible and were 100% coded by you so who the fuck cares. I think I speak for everyone when I say WE WANT THEM HERE! =)
~Fresh Ideas~
-Buyable jihad sounds (we discussed this idea quite a bit when FRG was first starting up)
-Need to be able to drop currency and magneto stick it (probably very difficult to code but it would lead to a lot of funny situations. Drop a coin from your inventory, magneto stick it and put it near a trap on trappy cottage. People would go for the coin and you could kill them. This is just one example.
-Achievements (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) (These could give EXP like you were saying or they could give rewards too. I'm sure you could find something cool and useful to do with them.)
-Use for the leveling system. (unlock new hats, models, wep rolls. Say every 10 levels you get 1 item crate. This wouldn't hurt the economy and would get people to play and reward them for doing so. On NTG you get points for play time but here on FRG you aren't guaranteed ANYTHING for play time. It is ALL RNG because coins just randomly drop if you're lucky. This is a super needed suggestion IMO. It at least gives something to those players who have stuck around and play often but just have bad luck.)
-T wep flashbang grenade
-Dual wields (would need to be balanced so they aren't OP but they would be a really cool unique or something)
-Detective item security camera (would be able to place it in a room and it would be very small so Ts wouldn't see it very well. After you place it in a room you can go somewhere else and view the placed security camera. Would be a fun D wep IMO.
-Should have killing sprees for Ts (could even use the halo streaks and voice but it would only play on your end so others don't know you're a T obviously. Not something game changing but it would be a bit of nostalgia for halo fans and also make you feel good about reking on your T round.)
-Headcrab grenade T wep (we used to play a server with this item and we always enjoyed it. Doesn't have to be just headcrabs either.)
-Trip wire T wep. (Could see this being OP now that I'm thinking about it but I had it written down and it still sounds cool so I typed it here.) Dreadark had an idea for this one I 100% agree with (Yeah I could see it being OP. Especially around corners or stairs that you can't really see. Maybe make it do 50 damage if you trip it so it can only kill wounded players?)
-Fire boots T wep (This would be really cool IMO. It would last say 10 seconds and place fire behind your path wherever you walk. Could run circles around someone for 10 seconds and trap them in a ring of fire. xD)
-Gun loaning system (set a timer in the trade and once that time is up your guns are returned.)
-Overshield D and T wep (could be like the one on the map ttt_lockout. Gives the player a glow and 50-100 extra HP. I could see Ds always buying this and Ts would only use it as a last chance thing because they would glow upon using it.)
-Listings on the market should be limited. (Right now the quantity of standards greatly exceeds the demand for them. Yes, there is a demand. Reducing the amount of listings each person could have to say 10 would help reach or at least near closer to that equilibrium demand.)
This is all I have right now. I took a lot of time to type this whole thing out so please don't hate. Constructive criticism is fine and encouraged but don't be a dick. Thanks.
EDIT: I know you don't think T weps and D weps are huge things that bring in players but I truly think they are and do. T weps and D weps are seriously the most fun part of TTT for me and I'm sure at least some others agree. We used to hop servers and look at the T shop to decided if it was a good server so I know you agree with me on at least some level. 
04/14/15 edit: (going to update this post as I find new things that should be added)
-Add a mario coin sound that plays when you acquire coins. Only should play for the person that acquires them not the whole server.
-fix the deagle on the marketplace. Can only search revolver and not search deagle.
-Make bids on the market go up by 100 coins instead of 1. 1 coin is too small of a gap. Nobody does bids because people just meme and make them go up by 1 coin.
06/09/15 edit: I can't take credit for this one but armadillo said this to me in steam chat a couple months ago and I thought it would be a great idea.
10:58 PM - Armadillo Ninja: there should be donator of the month
10:58 PM - Armadillo Ninja: i would be it
Maybe even have a badge for donor of the month. Donor badge april, donor badge may, etc..
I will continue to edit this thread as new ideas arise and continue to add strikethroughs through the ideas implemented or ruled out until all ideas have a strikethrough through them! muahahaha =P
EDIT 06/22/15
-The top 3 in orbital rounds should all 3 get an orbital cannon for themselves for maximum fun!
-Punch-o-meter is a bit weird. It doesn't have a bar saying when it's full just a single bar that flashes and when its full it stops flashing.
-Searching for a deagle on the market is under "revolver." This confuses new players and some old even. It should also work if you search for "deagle" or "desert eagle."
-Orbital rounds should heal you upon starting. (Currently, if you take damage before the round starts, you will not heal when it actually does start.)
-AWP should be a one time buy only like the knife is.
EDIT 08/02/15
-booby trap T wep. (Brass will know what this means. We have discussed it and it is planned. The rest of you will just have to wait and see! =P)
-add a mirror to the lobby server. Third person would work too.
-implement the !stats command from ntg!!!
EDIT 01/06/16
-The dragon never loses on dragon rounds. He needs like a 10k hp nerf.
-On dragon rounds when you accidentally drop your weapon you lose all ammo. This needs fixed. ='(
-Dragon rounds do not scale for less people or if they do it is not enough. Fought a dragon with 12 people and we didn't even get him to half hp.
EDIT 01/18/16
-We need to be able to search for a certain stat on the market. It would make charging crystals so much easier if you could just type "stability" or "damage" into the search bar and it pulled up all weapons with that stat. Also being able to search for what a specific person is selling would be cool.
EDIT 03/30/16
-Auctions on the market should always appear at the top. People don't do auctions because if someone lists a gun the auction gets pushed back and nobody sees it once its pushed back multiple pages.
-I still have YET to see a random dragon round. They need to be a tiny bit more common.
-Port over Thanatos rounds and make them have a chance to happen only when playing the map cs_deadhouse.
-Port over TDM rounds.
-Remove crystals from crates.
EDIT 11/16/18 (HOLY SHIT 2 and a half years!! Time flies....)
-New TTT bossfight we talked about. prop hunt/boss fight combo.
-Weapons with suffixes have colored outlines. Weapons with traits should have little asterisks in the top right or left corner. This helps when you are mass keying or deleting guns.
-Hard mode worm queen. (I suggested this before Kuro. Great minds think alike.)
-Dinky bomb spectator game.
-Holiday fish. During the holiday TTT events there should be something to keep fishing relevant as well. A single special holiday fish, you can only fish up for the time of the event, would be cool. You could have to catch a certain amount then turn them into Mack for an item only he has. Could be a cosmetic or anything really.
EDIT 03/09/20
-a button to view own trade logs
-shurikens look like a knife. change the pose when using them
-make appreciation badge work while in badge pouch
-make rune of refreshing work for iod
-Rune of power should be switched to legendary.
add this pool table to the lobby. ^
RE: Lots of Ideas (Reposted) - Terran - 06-09-2015
Clue Scrolls aren't worth the effort I think. I mean, that's a LOT of work to think up interesting riddles and puzzles. Hell, I like to think of things and I can't do anything like that, still don't know how brass thought of so many for NTG.
Buyable T rounds would be too beneficial for the "Rich", it basically means that either the two sides (Innocent and Traitor) will be unbalanced, or someone will miss out on a turn. It'd also mean people with a lot of coins (I mean, I have 10k) would do quests even FASTER.
Shuriken would be great! Imagine if we could find "Elemental" shuriken or something, that's be bloody cool.
Goomba Boots I'd like, but have them ONLY lower fall damage, not cause an explosion when landing. But that's a personal opinion. Maybe they'd be not nearly as OP since the grapple is more tricky to use.
ID Disguiser? Don't we have that?
Deathstations....Yeah, I'd go for that, why not? But maybe not instant death; they should probably either dragin 50% of your current HP or maybe leave you at 20% HP or something.
Tranquilizer was fun but kinda glitchy and REALLY annoying. Oh boy, that guy dropped in a crowd of innos, now everyone is killing each-other because they think someone killed him.
Bows? Why not!?
Luck token - Ehh, I never liked how they worked. It was less of a gamble and more of "Guaranteed Mythical+ every round!" This meant that the server SWARMED in Mythical tier weapons, all they were used for was scrapping for metals.
Buyable Jihad sounds - Only if there's a few, so I don't get confused. Having 500 jihad sounds would mean more server downloads, more bloat and more confusion.
Dropping currency? Definitely! Should be a fail safe so noobs can't be tricked into doing it "Drop party, drop your rarest item (amount of coins) and whoevers is the rarest (highest amount) wins amazing stuff!"
Achievements - Already planned, right? But YES!
Flashbang - This should be a DETECTIVE weapon, honest!
Dual Wields - No, I don't like the idea, sorry. It just...Doesn't feel TTT-like.
Security Camera - Definitely solid.
Killing Sprees - Yeah, but only if they can be disabled. Having "HOLY SHIT" play when I'm trying to listen if a detective heard me kill this guy would suck.
Headcrab Nade: Can we just have an FRG-unique style, instead of the turtles/headcrabs/etc? Something cool!
Trip Wires - ONLY IF YOU CAN'T BLOW UP T BUDDIES. I've done that too much.
Fire Boots? Yeah, that would look SWEET.
Gun Loaning - Should have been default, to be honest.
Overshield - No, that's just not fair. Giving someone an extra 200HP advantage is just cheap, Traitors are supposed to use STEALTH and GUILE to kill enemies, not "be stronger!"
Limited market listings? Nah, I don't like this. Blech.
Also, yes, please have the minimum bid maybe 1% of the current bid.
RE: Lots of Ideas (Reposted) - Dreadark - 06-09-2015
(06-09-2015, 10:18 PM)Jake1o Wrote: I posted this on a thread a long time ago but it is now old and forgotten about so I am re-posting it! =D
~Things from NTG~
-Clue scrolls Eh I just prefer quests and the challenge scrolls were a problem mainly because they were so expensive and hard to get, especially for newer players.
-The leveling system
-Buyable T rounds Nah. It would make super rich people able to complete quests and what not that much easier.
-Skin system Sure, was pretty cool.
-T tester gun for Detectives Yeah I like this. It wasn't op because it was hard to hit people moving around and only had one use.
-Shurikens (They were a ton of fun) Sure why not.
-Goomba boots (I bought them frequently on NTG) Yes please. They'd also be less OP because of the different and harder to master grapple we have.
-ID disguiser (I personally had a lot of fun with this one) Yes! Not sure why we don't have this.
-Deathstation (on NTG there are regen bubbles so death stations are obvious but on FRG health stations are actually bought so death stations would trick some people) Yes especially since there aren't regen bubbles. Ugh.
-Tranquilizer (Safe to say that was/is a community favorite on NTG) I found them extremely annoying but they were fun and all.
-Some sort of bow like the wind (Another community fav) Why not. It should be Godlike if implemented IMO.
-Luck token (not super important but they are a neat idea) Eh. On NTG luck tokens reduced the price of mythicals / mythical suffixes and the sort down to almost nothing.
-When you are killed it should say in chat who killed you so you can scroll up and see. NTG has this. Not sure why we don't.
NOTE: I know you don't want FRG to be a copy of NTG but all of these things are incredible and were 100% coded by you so who the fuck cares. I think I speak for everyone when I say WE WANT THEM HERE! =)
~Fresh Ideas~
-Buyable jihad sounds (we discussed this idea quite a bit when FRG was first starting up) Sounds really cool actually.
-Need to be able to drop currency and magneto stick it (probably very difficult to code but it would lead to a lot of funny situations. Drop a coin from your inventory, magneto stick it and put it near a trap on trappy cottage. People would go for the coin and you could kill them. This is just one example. Would be cool to use as bait. +1.
-Achievements (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) (These could give EXP like you were saying or they could give rewards too. I'm sure you could find something cool and useful to do with them.) Pretty sure these are already being implemented but if not, +1.
-Use for the leveling system. (unlock new hats, models, wep rolls. Say every 10 levels you get 1 item crate. This wouldn't hurt the economy and would get people to play and reward them for doing so. On NTG you get points for play time but here on FRG you aren't guaranteed ANYTHING for play time. It is ALL RNG because coins just randomly drop if you're lucky. This is a super needed suggestion IMO. It at least gives something to those players who have stuck around and play often but just have bad luck.)
-T wep flashbang grenade Sure but they should be balanced. +1.
-Dual wields (would need to be balanced so they aren't OP but they would be a really cool unique or something) Should be a specific item such as berettas that are dual wielded, etc. +1
-Detective item security camera (would be able to place it in a room and it would be very small so Ts wouldn't see it very well. After you place it in a room you can go somewhere else and view the placed security camera. Would be a fun D wep IMO. Sound cool. Would help in late rounds when there aren't many people left and you want to watch somewhere else. +1.
-Should have killing sprees for Ts (could even use the halo streaks and voice but it would only play on your end so others don't know you're a T obviously. Not something game changing but it would be a bit of nostalgia for halo fans and also make you feel good about reking on your T round.) Would be kinda cool, why not. +1
-Headcrab grenade T wep (we used to play a server with this item and we always enjoyed it. Doesn't have to be just headcrabs either.) Again why not, would add some variety. +1.
-Trip wire T wep. (Could see this being OP now that I'm thinking about it but I had it written down and it still sounds cool so I typed it here) Yeah I could see it being OP. Especially around corners or stairs that you can't really see. Maybe make it do 50 damage if you trip it so it can only kill wounded players?
-Fire boots T wep (This would be really cool IMO. It would last say 10 seconds and place fire behind your path wherever you walk. Could run circles around someone for 10 seconds and trap them in a ring of fire. xD) Why not. Adds some variety. +1.
-Gun loaning system (set a timer in the trade and once that time is up your guns are returned.) Yeah. Although we don't have many people that borrow guns then steal them, this would help if/when it starts happening. +1.
-Overshield T and D wep (could be like the one on the map ttt_lockout. Gives the player a glow and 50-100 extra HP. I could see Ds always buying this and Ts would only use it as a last chance thing because they would glow upon using it.) Eh. I think it's prety overpowered. Detectives already have body armor and Ts can buy body armor. Besides, this would give an advantage to shotgunners on a rampage.
-Listings on the market should be limited. (Right now the quantity of standards greatly exceeds the demand for them. Yes, there is a demand. Reducing the amount of listings each person could have to say 10 would help reach or at least near closer to that equilibrium demand.) Yeah. Or at least have them expire after 2 weeks or so and then give them back to the player?
This is all I have right now. I took a lot of time to type this whole thing out so please don't hate. Constructive criticism is fine and encouraged but don't be a dick. Thanks.
EDIT: I know you don't think T weps and D weps are huge things that bring in players but I truly think they are and do. T weps and D weps are seriously the most fun part of TTT for me and I'm sure at least some others agree. We used to hop servers and look at the T shop to decided if it was a good server so I know you agree with me on at least some level. 
04/14/15 edit: (going to update this post as I find new things that should be added)
-Add a mario coin sound that plays when you acquire coins. Only should play for the person that acquires them not the whole server.
-fix the deagle on the marketplace. Can only search revolver and not search deagle.
-Make bids on the market go up by 5-10 coins instead of 1. 1 coin is too small of a gap.
06/09/15 edit: I can't take credit for this one but armadillo said this to me in steam chat a couple months ago and I thought it would be a great idea.
10:58 PM - Armadillo Ninja: there should be donator of the month
10:58 PM - Armadillo Ninja: i would be it
Maybe even have a badge for donor of the month. Donor badge april, donor badge may, etc..
I will continue to edit this thread as new ideas arise and continue to add strikethroughs through the ideas implemented or ruled out until all ideas have a strikethrough through them! muahahaha =P
RE: Lots of Ideas (Reposted) - ghasT_T - 06-09-2015
If we had donor badges, we all know who would have ALL of them
If you hadn't guessed, I'm talking bout Eons
RE: Lots of Ideas (Reposted) - Terran - 06-09-2015
"Donor Badges" would make me a sad man, since while I don't have much I do like to offer what I can spare as a thanks, but it'd still sting since that other guy is more important than me since he has a better job. Which is how life works I guess.
RE: Lots of Ideas (Reposted) - Dreadark - 06-09-2015
I don't really think biggest donator badges are needed. What Terran said basically.
RE: Lots of Ideas (Reposted) - Jake1o - 06-10-2015
(06-09-2015, 10:33 PM)Terran Wrote: Clue Scrolls aren't worth the effort I think. I mean, that's a LOT of work to think up interesting riddles and puzzles. Hell, I like to think of things and I can't do anything like that, still don't know how brass thought of so many for NTG.
Buyable T rounds would be too beneficial for the "Rich", it basically means that either the two sides (Innocent and Traitor) will be unbalanced, or someone will miss out on a turn. It'd also mean people with a lot of coins (I mean, I have 10k) would do quests even FASTER.
Shuriken would be great! Imagine if we could find "Elemental" shuriken or something, that's be bloody cool.
Goomba Boots I'd like, but have them ONLY lower fall damage, not cause an explosion when landing. But that's a personal opinion. Maybe they'd be not nearly as OP since the grapple is more tricky to use.
ID Disguiser? Don't we have that?
Deathstations....Yeah, I'd go for that, why not? But maybe not instant death; they should probably either dragin 50% of your current HP or maybe leave you at 20% HP or something.
Tranquilizer was fun but kinda glitchy and REALLY annoying. Oh boy, that guy dropped in a crowd of innos, now everyone is killing each-other because they think someone killed him.
Bows? Why not!?
Luck token - Ehh, I never liked how they worked. It was less of a gamble and more of "Guaranteed Mythical+ every round!" This meant that the server SWARMED in Mythical tier weapons, all they were used for was scrapping for metals.
Buyable Jihad sounds - Only if there's a few, so I don't get confused. Having 500 jihad sounds would mean more server downloads, more bloat and more confusion.
Dropping currency? Definitely! Should be a fail safe so noobs can't be tricked into doing it "Drop party, drop your rarest item (amount of coins) and whoevers is the rarest (highest amount) wins amazing stuff!"
Achievements - Already planned, right? But YES!
Flashbang - This should be a DETECTIVE weapon, honest!
Dual Wields - No, I don't like the idea, sorry. It just...Doesn't feel TTT-like.
Security Camera - Definitely solid.
Killing Sprees - Yeah, but only if they can be disabled. Having "HOLY SHIT" play when I'm trying to listen if a detective heard me kill this guy would suck.
Headcrab Nade: Can we just have an FRG-unique style, instead of the turtles/headcrabs/etc? Something cool!
Trip Wires - ONLY IF YOU CAN'T BLOW UP T BUDDIES. I've done that too much.
Fire Boots? Yeah, that would look SWEET.
Gun Loaning - Should have been default, to be honest.
Overshield - No, that's just not fair. Giving someone an extra 200HP advantage is just cheap, Traitors are supposed to use STEALTH and GUILE to kill enemies, not "be stronger!"
Limited market listings? Nah, I don't like this. Blech.
Also, yes, please have the minimum bid maybe 1% of the current bid.
Clue scrolls are def worth the effort and I do think brass has an interest in adding them. The community would probably be willing to help think of some riddles and stuff.
Buyable T rounds just add an extra T to the list so nobody is missing out on a t round. Yes that means one extra T but the innos already outnumber the Ts 4 to 1 so its not that big of a deal. Also they would have a 5 round or so cooldown so its not like the rich can just keep buying them. I really see no issue.
Goomba boots with the explosion will be fine with this new trickier to use grapple.
Deathstaions should def be insta death or they wouldn't be funny. I'd love to see people afraid to use health stations unless they 100% saw the D throw it down.
I agree with you on luck tokens.
Dropping currency would only allow you to drop 1 coin at a time. Can't drop in bulk. Brass and I used to play on a server with this and it didn't really cause any issues.
Dual wields - you're reasoning is it doesn't feel TTT like but that's my reasoning for wanting them. We want unique things that other TTT servers don't have. That's what sets one ttt server apart from the other right?! As long as they are balanced they would be fine.
overshield for D and T would be just like the one on ttt_lockout. Your player model would glow brightly so everyone would know you are a T. Also idk where you are getting an extra 200 hp from? It's an extra 100 but even 100 is a bit op so I suggest 50. If anything just make it a D only item because Ds don't really have much to play with atm.
Limited market listings is meh. I thought it was an issue at first but now that I just use the searching tools I don't care too much. You can't deny the marketplace is overloaded with standards though.
Donor badges would be fine because they would do absolutely nothing just a small thank you to those that support the server so much! =)
Not sure how a badge would make you feel lesser than someone else. lol
RE: Lots of Ideas (Reposted) - Dreadark - 06-10-2015
because terran needs all the badges.
RE: Lots of Ideas (Reposted) - Zott - 06-10-2015
Have a jihad sound that says GOOOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!!!
RE: Lots of Ideas (Reposted) - Terran - 06-10-2015
I like having badges, it makes me feel good.
The overshield would be O.K if only Detectives could get it, but Traitors with 200HP and 30% protection from damage would just become ridiculous. Hell, a deagle wouldn't one-hit hs anyone with the overshield, even if they had 150hp. Not a fun experience.
Rest is aiight though.