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Harrywulf Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Harrywulf Ban Appeal - Mr.Wulf Mανιs - 06-09-2015

Steam Name (Current): Harrywulf

Steam Name (During incident): Harrywulf

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53871161

Steam Profile Link:

Name of staff you were banned by: I dont know

Length of the ban: Permanently

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: I would like it removed

Reason for ban: You've been banned permantly BITCH! Excessive RDM / Mass RDM and Leave

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes and No honestly I didn't Leave i was karma banned because of Level 1's (( Bad Excuse but the Level 1's were trying to kill me for no reason ))

Additional details: I had full reason for every person I killed and i love this server I don't want a perma ban

What Really Happened: On the map 67th way i was underground and someone (( UNPROVEN )) had a flare gun looking weapon sadly it was a Canary but he wasn't proven and had it I thought it was a flare gun. After this happened a random dude shot me in the back and it was a D and i shot at him after this a guy shoots the D in the face with a deagle in which i was like ok?? I dont kill him UNTIL he shoots me with a M16 and i turn and shoot and happen to 1 shot head shot him with the canary i was like FUCK he was inno in which another person starts shooting me when im using Health Station and i happen to do the same and 1 shot him. NOW I Id the body and once again FUCK he is a inno right after Nem0 or whatever shoots me and i get a third 1 shot kill and of fucking course he is innocent. Then finally a 4th person trys killing me and i get a FOURTH canary kill and BOOM! Banned, i was like shit welp ok then its a Karma ban cause my Karma was too low. Now i guess the admin banning me thought i left which i didn't i was kicked, I didnt cause this it was a retarted amount of attempt rdm's in which i kept killing people and healing in which getting banned cause people kept shooting me i was very pissed for as many inno's i killed but i am TRULY sorry and will NEVER do this again it was a HUGE mistake and misunderstanding and in my opinion MY OPINION was wrongfully banned and this was not my fault! Please understand i wasn't trying to kill people but they shot me Sad i hope you understand and lift my ban

^ I know this isnt included but I'd hope you under stand i'd like to explain myself

RE: Harrywulf Ban Appeal - McNuggie - 06-09-2015

I was the one who placed the ban, the round I did it, you randomly shot and killed someone, and throughout the round shot more people damaging/killing them (I do not remember the exact details)

It being a Karma ban makes a lot of sense, seeing how low your karma was, but you were rdming and causing problems all day. This wasn't your first ban ever either. (according to what i was told)

For what you said; you didn't make sure what the weapon the first person had was bad; and I don't recall you asking either, and as I told you before; under no circumstances (obviously unless mass rdm is occuring) do you kill the detective as an inocent. What I saw before I banned you you shooting people first (in the logs)

edit: also it wasnt the first time you killed a detective as an inno

RE: Harrywulf Ban Appeal - Mr.Wulf Mανιs - 06-09-2015

Well Mr. Nuggie we went over that issue and i was slain as i killed since he shot me and i was sorry. Now on to the fact about the asking part i did ask if A: he was proven even a D (( One of the 2 )) said he was NOT proven and B: When i asked where he got it he just started at me and didn't answer so honestly it looked like a flare gun so i shot. Also the only people i killed THE ROUND I WAS BANNED i mean those where the only 4 people my Karma was at 985 or so cause i had just killed a D and finished out my slays. Not to talk back just explain off what you said sir Smile

O! Just re-read you're post sorry as i said the OTHER dude shot the D not me i shot at him cause i turned around i never hit him at least i think but i know that some other dude shot the D in the face

RE: Harrywulf Ban Appeal - Rotshout - 06-09-2015

Two rounds before you were banned you killed a proven for being kosed by a traitor that was recently identified by the proven. Then you killed the detective for trying to kill you.

The next round you played (you were slain twice for double rdm) you killed another proven who was given a canary by the detective while he was using a health station. The detective tried to kill you, and you would have killed him hadn't another innocent of questionable intellect not come and headshot the detective as soon as he saw him.

In both cases you killed the provens without asking any questions.

The worst part was, I was the detective that second round, and I only needed three more kills without team damage before I finished my quest. You made me start over, and I completely and utterly loathe your entire being.


RE: Harrywulf Ban Appeal - McNuggie - 06-09-2015


This is what I saw / see in the logs. You shooting Naughty, the det shooting you, and you shooting the det, then you shooting 2 more people whilst the only damage you take is from the detective.

Then the round ends; and you're gone.

While I can not check shot logs via the logs online; this will have to go under review from other staff and people of the community.

RE: Harrywulf Ban Appeal - Mr.Wulf Mανιs - 06-09-2015

Well sir i wasn't gonna kill you cause i stopped and started talking and i asked if he was proven and one of the D's said he was not and i shot since i thought it was a Flare gun blame the 2nd D that responded i saw you were a D and like i said stoped. Also the guy that was "" proven "" 3 rounds ago wasn't proven "" Called out "" and the Traitor's body wasn't ided so i didn't know it was a T i just knew he was KOSED and killed someone this had happened to me before and no slay. The D shot me and i killed him since i didn't wanna die and i took my slays since i found out i wasn't supposed to kill him FOR ANY reason

RE: Harrywulf Ban Appeal - McNuggie - 06-09-2015

(06-09-2015, 04:15 AM)(ZGZ) Harrywulf Wrote:  Well sir i wasn't gonna kill you cause i stopped and started talking and i asked if he was proven and one of the D's said he was not and i shot since i thought it was a Flare gun blame the 2nd D that responded i saw you were a D and like i said stoped. Also the guy that was "" proven "" 3 rounds ago wasn't proven "" Called out "" and the Traitor's body wasn't ided so i didn't know it was a T i just knew he was KOSED and killed someone this had happened to me before and no slay. The D shot me and i killed him since i didn't wanna die and i took my slays since i found out i wasn't supposed to kill him FOR ANY reason

The issue is; this isn't your first ban for RDM offenses. You rdm'd a lot while I was on with you, and then this occurs.

I'm not sure man.

RE: Harrywulf Ban Appeal - Rotshout - 06-09-2015

(06-09-2015, 04:13 AM)McNuggie Wrote:  Image

This is what I saw / see in the logs. You shooting Naughty, the det shooting you, and you shooting the det, then you shooting 2 more people whilst the only damage you take is from the detective.

Then the round ends; and you're gone.

While I can not check shot logs via the logs online; this will have to go under review from other staff and people of the community.

Naughty was using the health station I bought with his canary out. There's nothing remotely threatening about that.

On an unrelated note, I would like Heartless slain for rdming me that round. I left after reporting him.

RE: Harrywulf Ban Appeal - Mr.Wulf Mανιs - 06-09-2015

I understand Nuggie and i apologize i had stopped recording right after the slays wish i had recorded Sad this is hard to Argue my side when im fighting with what i saw happened and you cant see in which i understand this is a hard subject and difficult situation for you to solve and i apologize for this

And ROT as i said the CANARY look EXACTLY like the flare gun! This his why i asked the question and shot in which i thought he had a flare gun

RE: Harrywulf Ban Appeal - Chosen - 06-09-2015

I was on when this happened Harry and was about do the ban before Nuggie did. That entire time you were on you were: Harassing players, mic spamming, saying into admin chat "Last T is afk on the otherside of the map" (Yes you said that on 67th way), Trolling, and RDMing. You were previously banned once for disrespect and rdm (I remember because I did it). You seem to not of improved since your ban and frankly this shows how you probably will act staying on the server. Sorry , but you get a -1 for how you acted previously then after a punishment.