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Frozen Sharkk -Izakian- Constant RDM |
Posted by: Helga - 12-06-2015, 09:36 PM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (4)
Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Frozen Sharkk -Izakian-
Steam ID of Offending Player(s): Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:120255105
Map the event happened on: Dolls and nipper house
Date of event: 12-6
What Happened?: Frozen Sharkk was constantly RDMing Jerome. He would RDM him then lie in the report. One time, I was a T, I literally watched him gun down Jerome (who was the det) and then say "OH SORRY I THOUGHT I WAS A T!!!." ( http://imgur.com/A7JhXP7 ) I told him to stop, yet he didn't. I told him to stop lying, and he didn't. After the 3rd or 4th RDM I vote banned him for a day.
Witnesses: Jerome
Evidence: http://imgur.com/WoIl2Bu (logs)
http://imgur.com/TgM0vLi (shot logs)
http://imgur.com/lbT7m9g (RDM Manager)
http://imgur.com/VVpDCQR (RDM Manager)
http://imgur.com/lFKXORN (logs)
http://imgur.com/sD98fbW (logs)
Frozen also false kos'd Jerome and got him killed, but that was over voice.
If I messed anything up, sorry. I was, once again, the only ranked person on the server trying to deal with reports, ect.
Icecream |
Posted by: BossLevel - 12-06-2015, 05:24 PM - Forum: Shit Posting
- Replies (14)
Like, if you Died, and had to be Reincarnated as a tub of Icecream
What flavor would YOU choose?
BlueInTheBalls |
Posted by: ZombieNinja975 - 12-06-2015, 03:43 AM - Forum: Shit Posting
- Replies (4)
I havent seen him on in forever, and i have a gun i have to sell to him if he gets gets on and gets 1.5k. If anyone can get ahold of him please ask him if i can sell the Vigerous Aug
Kingdom of Loathing |
Posted by: Terran - 12-05-2015, 06:37 AM - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (15)
Any of you guys wanna play the most fun text-based online adventure ever? (It has pictures!)
Link below, but if you do sign up, maybe use my account for those sick sweet benefits? It should help you, too. I've played it for yeeeaaars.
My username is "Shadesttone"!
Fast Food |
Posted by: Terran - 12-05-2015, 04:47 AM - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (15)
We all eat it, right? I mean, even I do, and I'm a bloody health nut. Post what your favorite snacks, meals or combos to grab here.
I only really eat out at subway, but I always get the same specific sandwich. (Foot long, of course.)
First, the bread MUST be Italian Herb & Cheese. Then I ask for a Chicken Pizziola, which is basically pepperoni, pizza sauce and chicken thrown on-top. I get double cheese (of all flavors), and then before they TOAST it, I asked them to put onions and green peppers on. I get it toasted with those on, and LOAD it with SPINACH, LETTUCE, BLACK OLIVES and BANANA PEPPERS.
This leads to a deliciously baked sandwich that leaves me quite content. I usually have one once a month when I go to the bigger town to pick up my prescriptions and stuff.
Voslom Beta Access Application |
Posted by: A2 - 12-05-2015, 03:01 AM - Forum: Apply for Beta Access
- No Replies
Age: 16
Where did you hear about Voslom from?: Just randomly strolling through the forums.
Why do you believe you should be granted access to Voslom?: I believe I should be granted access to Voslom because I've had an interest in the game since I first laid my eyes on it and I think i'm pretty good at finding bugs and pushing things to make sure they function under pressure.
My Operating System: Win 8.1
Logo/Browser Icon |
Posted by: HyperCarbon32 - 12-05-2015, 02:46 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)
I was watching youtube and switched tabs to the forums but I saw there was no Icon next to the Tab thingy. It just appeared as a piece of paper with the upper right corner creased inward. (usually there is the websites logo. Like on youtube, they have the youtube play button.) So I was wondering if there could be a logo that represents forerunner gaming. If there is one, can it be incorporated in the domain? I don't know if I am making sense, but I hope I do!
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