Forerunner Gaming
RDMx2 and Poof - Printable Version

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RDMx2 and Poof - Chief Beef - 12-08-2015

someone rdmed 2 people changed their name to to my name and left, luckily i have his steam id:STEAM_0:0:17578456
he rdmed me and another, i don't know who the other is but if you are reading this please respond, the map was nipperhouse
witness is doctorReindeer
there were no admins at the time so i couldn't report unless i made this thread, please do a ban, he also prob came to the server just to rdm because the first round he joined he rdmed and left

RE: RDMx2 and Poof - HyperCarbon32 - 12-08-2015

Please show evidence of these actions or nothing can be done about the incident.

RE: RDMx2 and Poof - RetralMega - 12-08-2015

-1. No form / template used at all and zero evidence.

RE: RDMx2 and Poof - Terran - 12-08-2015

You can use this thread to make a proper complaint thread, providing that you have actual evidence.
