Forerunner Gaming
Ban Request gpr999 - Printable Version

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Ban Request gpr999 - »Ðante« - 12-08-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): gpr999

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:33879033

Map the event happened on: ttt_airbus

Date of event:12/7/2015

What Happened?: He attempted to rdm a player, he failed and was killed. He then was told that he would be reported and he then disconnected to avoid us identifying his STEAM_ID, not knowing that when he leaves his ID is stated in console and chat.

Witnesses: doctoreindeer & ISRlyChristmas


RE: Ban Request gpr999 - Mex 4 Member - 12-09-2015

i was there and he did what dante said

RE: Ban Request gpr999 - McNuggie - 12-10-2015

Jake dealt with it, thanks jake!!!