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How much is the Bloodweep of Damnation - Printable Version

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How much is the Bloodweep of Damnation - block - 12-09-2015

so i drop one more bloodweep and i wonder how much it is so i can sell my old one my old one was a 4.1 chance that last for 15.9 sec and deals 6.5 damg can people put how much you think it will be thx

RE: How much is the Bloodweep of Damnation - Kendrick Lamar NotFound.Tech - 12-09-2015

Mini, lets make a deal.

RE: How much is the Bloodweep of Damnation - RadioActiveCow? - 12-09-2015

I'll pay more than what Jerome is paying B)

RE: How much is the Bloodweep of Damnation - block - 12-09-2015

I am looking for a price not deals i want to sell it to terran so can you guys give me a price

RE: How much is the Bloodweep of Damnation - Terran - 12-09-2015

I figured I'd rather let him get offers for it first, and then one-up the best offer if I can. Or if I can't, sucks. Cuz I have no idea what the hell its worth.

RE: How much is the Bloodweep of Damnation - RadioActiveCow? - 12-09-2015

15k base.

There we go. Now SELL TO MEEE

RE: How much is the Bloodweep of Damnation - McNuggie - 12-09-2015

You dropped another?

RE: How much is the Bloodweep of Damnation - block - 12-09-2015

yes mcnuggie i did my luck has been great all week so far

(12-09-2015, 11:27 PM)RadioActiveBrahmin Wrote:  15k base.

There we go. Now SELL TO MEEE
Jerome said 25k so let keep it going and see where we go

RE: How much is the Bloodweep of Damnation - Jake1o - 12-09-2015

There is no price mini. You get the luxury of determining the price. I would not sell it for anything less than 30k but that is just me. If you get an offer of something you like then take it.

RE: How much is the Bloodweep of Damnation - McNuggie - 12-09-2015

(12-09-2015, 11:45 PM)[Rogue Mage]Mini Cosmic Wrote:  yes mcnuggie i did my luck has been great all week so far

i quit xD