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Member+ Application - Printable Version

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Member+ Application - ZombieNinja975 - 12-08-2015

Steam Name(Current): TheZombieMerchantFromRE4

Age: 17

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Not once

Why would you like to be promoted?: Ive been a part of the FRG community for quite some time now and believe I would make a good staff member. I rarely break any rules and never try to do it intentionally.  For as long as I've played there are times late at night/early morning where i can't get any staff on to help deal with problematic people.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I play very often and also help out new players with understanding the game if they've never played ttt, or just telling them about rules they are unsure of. Although I don't have any administrative experience I know the rules very well and have learned the usual punishments for people who break them.

Do you have any administrative experience: None, but I do have a good understanding of the rules and know quite a few staff members who help in case I'm ever unsure of how to deal with any situation that could arise.

Additional Details: ZombieNinja975 evolved into a merchant, and believes in the possibility of evolution as a community member. Thank you for your time Smile

RE: Member+ Application - Jake1o - 12-28-2015

This app has been up for 20 days and received 3 replies. Denied.