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  Godlike shotgun (HEAR ME OUT DAMNIT)
Posted by: Aresuft - 04-07-2016, 11:31 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (17)


Godlike shotgun

But not really a shotgun

It's a single shot rifle normally but when you fire within the area of a player that has jumped, the gun turns into a sort of flak cannon that'll do 70% of the bullets damage even if you miss.

Fuck crouch jump spammers

Dw, I'll model it

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Posted by: hami - 04-07-2016, 09:17 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

These are some ideas I've thought of:

When getting 10 kills as a traitor get a better chance to get an item of any sorts.Also applies for innos getting 3 or more traitor kills.

Having records like "Most kills during a T round" or "Longest headshot with a rifle" stuff like that.

Have a type of box where items have not been dropped you really want and when it drops it will show up the next time you get on so you can contact the owner.

When people kill you have a replay that can record what happened so people can have proof or evidence that so person did that or did not do that.Might cause less confusion for staff when doing confusing reports.

A idea for a detective equipment is a type of grenade that disorients a player or players that are by it and causes a low damage.

Another idea for a detective item is a pistol that is like a deag but when you shoot it takes damage you for 60 when its not a traitor and it does 40 damage to the person but not you.This is for killing people when you have a giant suspicion on someone and cant kos them.

Traitor item is a strong discombobulator that can throw people as far as a newton launcher.

Every time you reach a higher level(above level 10) your chance of getting exp drops are lowered and have a higher chance of getting crates.

When you hover over an item there is a number next to it giving it the recommended price based on the market.

Make a option in one of setting(either F1 or the regular chat settings) that shows the rarity of the item like"Bunny Ears(Legendary)" so people dont have to ask for the tier of things.

Dont yell at me for this just write down here what I can do to change it or contact me via steam.

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  Stupid Stuff From Me
Posted by: Terran - 04-07-2016, 06:26 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (7)

They're really dumb, and I don't expect any of these to be taken seriously. I'm just particularly bored.

PRIVATE BETA BADGE: You can change the color of your name for free.
2015 Christmas Badge: Link in chat to play funny sound effects. (Cooldown of 15 seconds.)
Event Badge: Souls will extremely rarely spawn on the map, (1 every 10-50 rounds?), finding it gives a Gift Package.
2016 Easter Badge: Rabbit Pets double in size for extra cuteness.

At Level 10 - Unlock the Lobby
At Level 20 - Unlock Testing in Duel Arena (Spawn any weapon to try against Gregg/Players)
At Level 35 - Special Perk (25% chance of 2x Gift Package drops whenever one drops.)
At Level 40 - Special Perk (You can advertise an item for sale in an extra-fancy way, once every 30 minutes.)
At Level 45 - Special Perk (Change the color of your in-game text)
At Level 55 - Special Perk (All shop items are 5% cheaper)
At Level 65 - Special Perk (Purchasable Minigame tokens via Coins/Rubies?)
At Level 75 - Special Perk (10% Reduction in Event Cooldowns, stacks with VIP)
At Level 85 - Special Perk (Gambler: 10% chance that a Slot Machine roll will be free. Get 100 Free poker chips/week.)
At Level 99 - Special Perk (You're banned, go out and get a life)

HEADCRAB ARENA: Players start with only 1HP, a crowbar and are forced into an arena with dozens of headcrabs.
MINI YOU: Both players have very small models (1/8th of the size, this could be hard to adjust the view to that level?)
I CHOOSE YOU: Both players get a 100hp friendly Gregg. (Maybe you can choose what weapon he uses? Or not.)
ITS A BATTLE: Combine Soldiers and Zombies are in the arena! Chaos and confusion, try to survive!
AWPTASTIC: Both players get an AWP and a crowbar.
MINIGAMES: Orbitals will randomly spawn in the duel around the arena. Can you survive?
SPOOKY: The Duel Arena is extremely foggy, lowering visibility to 3-4 feet. Players are disguised.
STEALTH: Both players are cloaked and disguised, but can use weapons.

Crate Gambling (Spend 375 coins for a chance at any crate that has been released. Yes, ANY crate. Untradeable.)
Frags 2 Coins (Turn Forerunner Fragments into Coins at a 1:5 Ratio. VIP get a 1:6 Ratio.)

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  This guy's still alive?
Posted by: Fuzzy 'Mc-Cones' Mcnomnoms - 04-07-2016, 04:33 AM - Forum: Shit Posting - Replies (1)

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  "Prestige" resetting EXP.
Posted by: Terran - 04-07-2016, 03:53 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (7)

Let's say that at level 50, and every 10 levels after, you can "Reset" your level back to 1 and start over again, with slightly increased XP chances. This is ONLY viable at level 50 or higher.

If you do it at level 50, you get a permanent +10% EXP bonus. Every 10 levels over 50 is another +10% (So level 100 would be +50%).

It took me around 1,000 hours to get level 60. I additionally have one of the highest score/mins on Gametracker, meaning that my EXP ratio is significantly more, if not nearly double, of some people.

I mean, I got nothing in my levels 40, 45, 50 and 55 gift packages, and 300 or so coins from my level 60. To get to level 65 it'll probably take me around another hundred hours...

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  Game night this saturday?
Posted by: HeisenBurger - 04-07-2016, 03:41 AM - Forum: General - Replies (10)

This saturday we should have game night again!

Ive been bored lately and don't really have an urge to get back onto gmod. so we should play halo (not a joke) i want to try it but it would be so much more fun with all yall

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Posted by: Jake1o - 04-07-2016, 02:06 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (19)

Brass and I have been having a lot of fun with a new Halo game we found. It is basically Halo 3 for PC. I am posting this thread so we have more people to play with when we do play. I urge you all to go download this game if you have liked any halo games previously or even if you have never played a halo game at all. https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloOnline/comments/423you/0501/. I used the middle download link but I have heard from multiple people that all three work just fine. If you want to play Halo 3 with me and other people from FRG then go download it! I will warn you it is illegal just like any torrented DVD or music so just don't be dumb about it and you'll be fine.

Hope to play Halo with you all soon! =)

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Question Server Tournament(For real)
Posted by: Zott - 04-07-2016, 01:35 AM - Forum: General - Replies (53)

Ok so I'm re-launching the idea. It's simply put as the rules are no crystals and default weapons. You will be allowed to use any weapon of your choice as long as it's statless and has no traits. This will take place on April 22. This is on a Friday and Angry and I will start the tourny at aproximately 5 P.M Central time. There will be a buy-in of 50 coins. This is for a final prize in the end. If you dont like it, dont join. Simple Smile

1st place wins 70% of the winnings
2nd place wins 15%
3rd place wins 10%
4th place wins 5%

We will create set times from 5 PM on for each match. It'll probably be 5 minutes in between each match and have a 20 minute break somewhere in there. If you do not show up for your duel, you are automatically disqualified. If time is an issue for you, we can work out your match to a different time, but nothing is for certain. Reply if you want in and be ready for the fight!

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  Idea for one more Bow
Posted by: doctorRat - 04-07-2016, 12:52 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (7)

This idea came to me while playing with Zott's angelic bow.

Why not make a Godlike Bow name Ichaival. The famous bow from Norse Mythology said to fire many arrows while being loaded with only one.

It could look like an old fashion viking long bow with runes carved on it

the trait would be that it had a chance to fire two additional projectiles in a cone from the bow

...and maybe...you know deal lightning damage. idk just saying.

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  Any good Text based RPG (MMORPG)
Posted by: yes indeed quite so - 04-07-2016, 12:27 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (18)

I need suggestions, would like something like Kingdom of Loathing

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