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  SilentSpy's Volsom Beta Application
Posted by: SilentSpy - 11-27-2015, 01:50 AM - Forum: Apply for Beta Access - No Replies

Age: 16

Where did you hear about Voslom from?: Terran

Why do you believe you should be granted access to Voslom?: Looks like it will be a fun experience to find bugs to complain about

My Operating System: Windows 7 (64-bit)

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  Axe's Voslom Application - Approved
Posted by: Anthony - 11-27-2015, 01:30 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (1)

Age: 17

Where did you hear about Voslom from?: The thread made by Terran.

Why do you believe you should be granted access to Voslom?: No reason to pick me over others, but I'd be willing to help find bugs.

My Operating System: Windows 7

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  Rotshout's Voslom Beta Application
Posted by: Rotshout - 11-27-2015, 01:05 AM - Forum: Apply for Beta Access - Replies (2)

Age: 18

Where did you hear about Voslom from?: Before the Voslom section was made, Terran made a thread asking about it. It sounded pretty neat.

Why do you believe you should be granted access to Voslom?: I didn't know about FRG until after the Beta ended, but I'd like to do whatever I can to help with this.

My Operating System: Windows 10

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  Cobaltgeo's~Member Ship Application
Posted by: COBALTGE0 - 11-26-2015, 11:21 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (10)

Age: 14

Steam Name(Current): Cobaltgeo

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): Around 200 Hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Dreadark

Have you ever been banned and why?: No NOT IN GAME i have not been banned except for name change's Several Times HAVE BEEN FORUM Moderated STILL IS

Why do you want to join?: At first being permanently banned from ntg i was left in a disarray until kindly dreadark posted on my steam profile about this server at first ill be honest at first i thought it was a rip off of ntg but i shortly after learned brassx made the server i loved it the idea was so fresh and vibrant and new and it was balanced a huge difference and better the community welcomed me in they werent spitefully hateing me instead they welcomed me with open arms i have made many friends on this server and i dont intend to stop anytime soon

Referred by:???

Additional Details:I have 1652 Hours in gmod its my favorite game and i play it most of the time I can also move my scalp and this is a Excellent talent

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  Application Voslom Dread's - Approved
Posted by: Dreadark - 11-26-2015, 10:49 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (1)

Age: 14
Where did you hear about Voslom from?:From on the forums when I noticed there was a new section.
Why do you believe you should be granted access to Voslom?: It honestly looks pretty fun and I've been excited to play it since I've heard about and especially since I've heard people talking about it in the TS. Oh yeah also to help stomp out any bugs and give valuable input on it.
My Operating System: "Windows 7 Professional 64-bit" to be specific.

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Rainbow buying glock-doodles
Posted by: Unpoke - 11-26-2015, 09:22 PM - Forum: Shit Posting - Replies (6)

theyre horrible ik but nevertheless i need them so sell me them

terran youre forbidden to post on this thread btw

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  Siglings' Voslom App - Approved
Posted by: siglings - 11-26-2015, 08:41 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (1)

Age: 16
Where did you hear about Voslom from?: I saw the name on TS and on the forums.
Why do you believe you should be granted access to Voslom?:
I think that I should be granted to the Voslom because well, I just really want to try it out and play because I kind of like rpg-esque games.
My Operating System: Windows 7 (64-bit)

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  McNuggie voslom application - Approved
Posted by: McNuggie - 11-26-2015, 08:35 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (1)

Age: 15

Where did you hear about voslom from: Brass.

Why do you believe you should be granted access to Voslom: I love testing things for bugs and just helping out in general, and I'd love to help out as much as I can on Voslom as I've been extremely interested in playing it. I also just wanna play and have fun while testing for bugs Big Grin

My Operating System: Windows 7

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  Fuzzy's Volsom - Approved
Posted by: Fuzzy 'Mc-Cones' Mcnomnoms - 11-26-2015, 08:09 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (1)

Age: 15
Where did you hear about Voslom from?: Saw a few screenshots here and there, but mostly from the big post you made.
Why do you believe you should be granted access to Voslom?: I think I should have access because everyone has valuable input and the more the merrier...? Honestly I have no idea why but oh well
My Operating System: Windows 7

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  NotChosen's Voslom Application - Approved
Posted by: Chosen - 11-26-2015, 07:22 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (1)

Age: 18

Where did you hear about Voslom from?: Forums

Why do you believe you should be granted access to Voslom?:
I mean, come on, you know you want to play games with me all the time and besides being totally best-buds with Brass (Late sarcasm warning) I really just would like to help and have lots of fun while doing so. I mean my activity wouldn't be great because of work, but I still would just like to give it a shot. Also RPG games are my shit so when I saw the first screenshot and what you had said about it in TS I was so excited for it (Like 9/10 excited because of Fallout 4).

My Operating System:
Windows 10 (and not a Potato Computer, it's a Toaster Wink )

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