Forerunner Gaming
Pepper's +Member Application - Printable Version

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Pepper's +Member Application - Pepper - 12-02-2015

Steam Name(Current): Pepper

Age: 17

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Nope

Why would you like to be promoted?: I have experience as a Mod on NTG and I feel like I can carry my experience from NTG to here. I find myself in games with no staff on, it may be because of the times I play at.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I have plenty experience from NTG

Do you have any administrative experience: NTG Moderator

Additional Details: Beaver needs a haircut

RE: Pepper's +Member Application - Jake1o - 12-15-2015

More feedback please!

RE: Pepper's +Member Application - Jake1o - 12-21-2015
