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A new minigame |
Posted by: HeisenBurger - 08-03-2015, 09:41 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (2)
This would be in the lobby to attract more players to it and not leave it dead. It could be a random event in the arena when players start it up to prevent exploiting it.
Bounty Hunters: 1 Person is targeted with a bounty over his head. He gets increased health with access to certain T weapons such as knives and awps. The killer of the Wanted Criminal gets a random amount of coins with a minimum of 25 - 50. If the criminal kills everybody he gets the bounty on his head (because that makes sense) but instead he has an increased minimum. He could start with body armor instead of increased health tho. The people who aren't targeted can't kill anyone without the bounty on them. I think it would be best with weapons spawned in the arena rather than from your inventory.
EmperorWhale - +Member Application |
Posted by: EmperorWhale - 08-03-2015, 07:56 PM - Forum: Approved
- Replies (1)
Steam Name(Current): EmperorWhale
Age: 17
Current Rank: Member
Have you ever been banned and why: No
Why would you like to be promoted?: There are times when I'm playing on the server when there's a wave of level 1's or people that think RDMing is ok when staff isn't on. Chaos ensues and it effects people that are trying to play the right way, including myself. It's EXTREMELY frustrating when you get RDMed and click to make a report but that error sign comes up cause there's no staff on. I want to be there when situations like that happen so the new people can learn from their mistakes or the immoral can be punished.
Why do you think we should promote you?: I've already explained the factors of why I want to be promoted, but as far as what makes me stand out from others, there isn't a huge amount. I like to think I have a good balance between having fun with others while still following the rules. There is maybe 1 or 2 people that I really don't get along with but other than that I think I've got a good reputation with people.
Do you have any administrative experience: Yes, I was an operator for a period of time on NTG but I stopped playing and asked McNuggie to demote me. Also I was an admin on a fairly large Minecraft server.
Additional details: I've been told before that sometime I can be a little mean but 99% of the time I'm not trying to hurt anyone. Since it was pointed out to me I think I've toned it down a little.
Lobby suggestions |
Posted by: halutus - 08-03-2015, 07:39 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)
I think the lobby as of now is a little barren. It needs a little improvement, such as changing the skybox to milita_hdr and the light environment entity to something a little brighter, instead of the gloomy dark clouds. It could also need a little music, something like abandoned malls music. This could be done with a sound_ambient entity and a custom sound file. These are minor improvements, but its the little things that count. It could also use a map? maybe something on screen, or a custom texture of the building layout on a sign, kinda like in a zoo or a mall let me know what you guys think.
Oppai Dragon's Membership application |
Posted by: Max - 08-03-2015, 02:49 AM - Forum: Denied
- Replies (12)
I have applied before, but when I last applied my name was Senpai
Age: 17 years old
Steam Name(Current): Oppai Dragon
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 77 hours.
Where did you hear about this server?: Batman-DontTrustMe-NatMeth told me about this server.
Have you ever been banned and why?: No.
Why do you want to join?: Because I love this server and I would like to help with whatever I can. My goal is to become a staff member so I can help with RDM and stuff.
Referred by: Batman-DontTrustMe-NatMeth
Additional details: I always follow the rules and my karma is almost always 1200.
Godlike Rarity Customizable Gun |
Posted by: Terran - 08-03-2015, 01:47 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (8)
This idea sort of sucks, but here's what I'm thinking.
A Godlike with, eh, a 1/500,000 chance to drop. You can change the base gun to any type you want (HUGE, Rifle, Deagle, Glock, etc).
In addition, you can add +1% to a stat at the cost of having to add -2% to another stat. E.G: +1% damage and -2% fire-rate. The maximum would be +20% in one stat and -40% in a stat. (So, you could use Reload Speed as a "Dump stat, yet boost fire-rate by +20%).
The stats we have are...
Reload Speed
I don't know, just thought that it might be neat.
New minigames. |
Posted by: halutus - 08-02-2015, 09:12 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (9)
I know that there were intentions of more than just orbital rounds as minigames, so here's a few ideas:
Scavenger Hunt:
Everyone has a limited amount of time to find props hidden around the map, kinda like a kids flash game. Every 15 seconds or so, a new prop spawns. This minigame could last around 5 minutes, and the top 3 players with the most props found gets a guaranteed drop, while everyone else who found at least one prop gets a chance at a drop. The props could also have a distinguishing glow or color to them, to make it a little easier on the players.
Hide N' Seek:
This minigame would work exactly how you expect it would lol. After preparing, the traitors are blinded for 30 seconds while the innocents hide, and when they're released they get a knife (obviously one with unlimited uses) They have until the round ends (5 minutes?) to find all of the hidden players. If they succeed, they get a guaranteed drop, and if they loose, the innocents get a chance at a drop (maybe around 33%).
Melee fight:
This one would be pretty simple: Everyone spawns with their melee (or the default one) and they just fight to the death. Last remaining players get a guaranteed drop (along with the players with the most kills to discourage hiding the entire time). This would last as long as the lives of the terrorists participating.
Melee fight (alternative):
This would work the same way normal melee fight would, accept everyone gets knifes (with unlimited uses) and a teleporter. (with LIMITED uses) This would be pretty fun to watch, because everyone knows there will be that one guy who only uses his teleporter.
Hunters vs. Prey:
In this minigame, Traitors will have only default rifles and pistols, and they'll have to defend themselves from the blood-thirsty crowbar terrorists. Traitors could also earn credits overtime (very slowly, maybe 2 credits per game) And the last 3 innocents will be rewarded with cloaking devices, and maybe full health. If the traitors win, they'll get drops (better ones than that of orbital rounds) and if the innocents win, they'll get a chance at a drop (increases depending on your place)
Gravity Round:
This minigame would play like normal TTT, except everyone would have anti-gravity similar to the effect's of a gravity crystal. (also maybe slightly increased end-round drops)
Juggernaut round:
This one would be similar to a boss round, except dumbed down and not as engaging. The traitors would have increased health (500-1000)and body armor from the start, but they'd be limited to using standard weapons (or not, depending on how it would play). They would also have a distinguishing feature to them, like a red glow or a juggernaut model (or both).
Hard mode:
This one would make TTT a little bit harder for both sides, especially traitors. If one traitor dies, the traitors lose. But, they'd have double the credits and they'd have increased damage. If the traitors were to win, they'd get alot better drops. If the innos win, they'd get a tiny bit better drops. This one would encourage teamwork among the traitors. Also, there would need to be at least 2 traitors for the hard mode round to start.
Chaos round:
A normal TTT round, except everyone would have doubled health, but decreased damage, plus 1-2 more traitors.Also maybe include some visuals, like everyone's on fire.
Chaos round [alt]:
Anyone can access the traitor menu.
Welp, I'm all out of ideas. let me know what you guys think.
Dyly909 - Attempt RDM, leaving to avoid slay. |
Posted by: Terran - 08-02-2015, 07:28 PM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (2)
Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Dyly909
Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:93945227
Map the event happened on: gm_construct
Date of event: August 2nd
What Happened?: He was causing problems earlier, and I was asked to get on (Or, someone was, anyways), and checked the logs to see him trying to RDM an AFK at the start of the round. I applied a slay, he left immediately.
Witnesses: Blueintheballs, Jerome, Eagledestroyer, Gaylord Maximus
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