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  Consequence for killing T as an Innocent
Posted by: EmperorWhale - 08-02-2015, 05:00 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (8)

So the rule for RDMing a Traitor as a Traitor is two slays right? Why isn't the rule for RDMing a Traitor as an Innocent two slays then? I really don't get why it isn't. It's still taking away someone's T round and should receive the punishment. Anyone else agree?

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  Grapple Minigame
Posted by: Anthony - 08-02-2015, 03:09 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (7)

Well this minigame is basically a race and it can be played on almost every map as long as you can fly. Checkpoints would be in the sky and you would have to go through them and once you go through all of them you win.

This stuff can be tweaked: Maybe to make it, so other players aren't annoying you everyone can be invisible (we already have a cloak device implemented).

Also a like marker would be at the very top of your screen telling you how many checkpoints you have gone through 1/20, 2/20, etc

(08-02-2015, 03:19 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  I think this is an interesting idea. I could see it being kinda fun but I don't think it should be a minigame on the server. It seems to me more like a lobby thing. It should just be on one map in the lobby and you could win prizes for completing it based on how many of the targets you go through or something.

It would be pretty useful for learning and mastering the grapple.

Much better idea.

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  Mr.Potato - Member Application
Posted by: Mr.Potato - 08-02-2015, 02:31 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (11)

Age: 14

Steam Name (Current) : Mr.Potato

Time played on servers? (!time username to check) : 106

Where did you hear about this server? : i heard about it when Brassx said he was making a new server

Have you been banned and why? : No

Why do you want to join? : i think FRG is a more balanced and redefined server than NTG ever was

Refered by : No One

Additional Details : Quack!

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  Mute Suffix
Posted by: halutus - 08-02-2015, 02:29 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

I was thinking that there should be a suffix that has a 1 in x chance to mute your targer for x seconds. I think it would be really cool, and especially useful if you're a traitor. It doesn't have to be a suffix either, it could be a T weapon or a normal weapon. Maybe something to go along with the ninjato? like a silenced gun that has a chance to mute targets. Let me know what you guys think.

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Posted by: Pepper - 08-02-2015, 04:41 AM - Forum: Old - Replies (3)

Going away for 10 days see ya

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  This Week's Guns/Quests
Posted by: Terran - 08-01-2015, 05:02 PM - Forum: Shit Posting - Replies (11)

Gun #1:
Dimension Crystal (Unlikely)
Gun #2:
Exalted Glock (Rare)
Gun #3:
Heroic Shotgun (Legendary)

Verdict: Shop is -NOT- worth it.

The One-Two
Sherlock Holmes
Good Samaritan
Traitor Terminator

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  Light Focus Revenge RDM and leave
Posted by: Bomb Voyage - 08-01-2015, 01:07 AM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (2)

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Light Focus

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:83033271

Map the event happened on: ttt_office

Date of event: 7/31/2015

What Happened?: 2 rounds before it was me, light, and another player and the other player was called out, I ran into light and he shot me a few times, I instinctively shot back. Light didn't continue shooting and I just figured he had run out of ammo or something and was fucked, however when I ided him I found he was actually a inno. Light complained it was RDM and I explained he shot first and I what I thought was happening. 2 rounds later at the very start of the round he walked up, killed me, answered my report claiming it was revenge, and left.

Witnesses: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Im_cool_I_swear/screenshot/440576877295456546

Evidence: Logs where he shot and I shot back: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Im_cool_I_swear/screenshot/440576877295456244
Logs of rdm: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Im_cool_I_swear/screenshot/440576877295426137
Answer to report saying it was revenge: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Im_cool_I_swear/screenshot/440576877295417494
Leave: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Im_cool_I_swear/screenshot/440576877295419395
Also, noticed he may have rdmed turtle the round where I killed him : http://steamcommunity.com/id/Im_cool_I_swear/screenshot/440576877295455835

This report seems like it took way too little time to make so tell me if I missed something

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  Going to Quebec
Posted by: Fuzzy 'Mc-Cones' Mcnomnoms - 07-31-2015, 11:49 PM - Forum: Old - Replies (9)

Or well, I did.

And now I'm back.

Turns out the post button can be finicky.

Saw you in a week!

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  insert meme here
Posted by: halutus - 07-31-2015, 05:36 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (8)

hey. my name's halutus.

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  Pestilence Membership Application
Posted by: Echidnah - 07-31-2015, 12:01 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (14)

Age: 15

Steam Name(Current): Pestilence

Time played on servers?: 52 hours 56 minutes 27 seconds

Where did you hear about this server?: From terran a while back.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Not that i have knowledge of but i will admit i have been slayed

Why do you want to join?: Because its a fun server.

Referred by: Terran

Additional Details: None that i can think of at the moment.

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