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Radio's Ban appeal - Printable Version

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Radio's Ban appeal - ◥▶RadioactiveTwinkelz◀◤ - 08-05-2015

Steam Name (Current):◥▶RadioactiveTwinkelz◀◤

Steam Name (During incident):◥▶RadioactiveTwinkelz◀◤

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:101857120

Steam Profile Link:

Name of staff you were banned by: Jake1o

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: i would want it removed, but if you believe that i deserve a longer ban a shortening would still be appreaciated

Reason for ban: Schemeing

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: yes

What really happened?: BaconWarrior was my friend at first but then he started cursing me out and always screaming and yelling at me and always trash talking me (as he did to everyone) but then he started ghosting so then when he trashed talked and yelled at me again i reported him for ghosting. And i let my greed get the best of me, so when i reported him i "rented" a gun off of him then he got banned so i kept the gun (which i did plan this) Sad . and then people started to realize what i did then Jake banned me.

Additional details: I let greed and anger get the best of me, and i would greatly appreciate being unbanned. I swear that no sort of incident like this will come from my actions on FRG anymore. Please allow me to have a second chance.

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - McNuggie - 08-05-2015

He's been banned for a hell of a long time now, and I think he deserves one last chance; ALTHOUGH I do recall you talking bad about FRG once when I was on NTG with you (which is a rare occurance).

But if he really wants to come back, he should be allowed. There are other punishments that can be put into play.

I believe this should happen:
Trade ban (Month or Perma)

I urge Jake not to simply say "nah" and deny this that easily.

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - Excel - 08-05-2015

No wipe his inventory then unban Big Grin

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - Mr. Cyan Spy - 08-05-2015

I believe he deserves unbanned, not trade nor drop ban but simply a wipe back to starter weapons, a fresh start if you would.

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - RetralMega - 08-05-2015

I say we keep him banned. What he did was pretty fucked up.

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - Terran - 08-05-2015

I'm with Dave on this. What are the benefits of unbanning him? He broke the rules, broke player's trust and generally caused grief to people. I don't see how FRG as a whole can benefit from an un-ban...Sorry, but that's my opinion. There are a lot of servers out there without the temptations of an inventory system to abuse. There may be no harm to unbanning him, but no upside, either. Even if he's permanently trade or inventory banned or something he'd just lose interest anyways.

I don't mean to be rude, don't hate me!

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - Pigeon Lord - 08-05-2015

I agree with Cyan here, just unban him and take him back to square one. But to Terran's post, if we unban him, we could gain a new player that has learned their mistakes and avoids them entirely. The Upside: We could gain an awesome player that avoids breaking rules, for they know the punishment of what breaking them will be. The Downside: He could go back to his ways and just do it again, but this is rather unlikely, given the nature of his ban appeal, and because it's been about 5 months, allowing him to go over why he shouldn't have done this. As to Mr. Dave's comment, you weren't even part of the community to know the exact story, and to act like you were a part of it is just stupide, to be quite frank. +1 to ban Appeal for RadioactiveTwinkles.

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - Ritt - 08-05-2015

I feel he deserves a unban. When this was going on I felt a permanent ban was a little much. I don't mean to undermine anyone it's just my opinion. I respect the high ups decision. It has been a long time since he was banned and I feel a unban with a wipe of inventory is a great idea. Yes he made a mistake. But he was a Kool guy and I feel he wss fun to play with.

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - NeoLeo - 08-05-2015

my opinion on this is if radio were to get unbanned. inven wipe, Drop ban and Trade ban for a couple weeks

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - Aresuft - 08-05-2015

Whats the point of getting permaban if they are going to be unban?

He asked someone to borrow their gun then got them permaban.

Thats like the biggest dick move ever.

No way with an unban.