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Dyly909 - Attempt RDM, leaving to avoid slay. - Printable Version

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Dyly909 - Attempt RDM, leaving to avoid slay. - Terran - 08-02-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Dyly909

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:93945227

Map the event happened on: gm_construct

Date of event: August 2nd

What Happened?: He was causing problems earlier, and I was asked to get on (Or, someone was, anyways), and checked the logs to see him trying to RDM an AFK at the start of the round. I applied a slay, he left immediately.

Witnesses: Blueintheballs, Jerome, Eagledestroyer, Gaylord Maximus


RE: Dyly909 - Attempt RDM, leaving to avoid slay. - BlueInTheBalls - 08-02-2015

This is true, I am a witness. There have been a lot of trolls today and not many staff members to deal with them.

RE: Dyly909 - Attempt RDM, leaving to avoid slay. - Unpoke - 08-02-2015

Taken care of <3.