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Inventory Thread! Also, a request. |
Posted by: Terran - 10-16-2015, 03:17 AM - Forum: General
- Replies (3)
The Request: Please let us resize our inventories to smaller or larger windows!
Post your pictures here, lets compare how we sort stuff! Here's mine.
(Blaze Crystals are 10/10, of course.)
Angelic Tier Guns and Eldritch Tier Guns |
Posted by: Terran - 10-16-2015, 01:46 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (14)
All Angelic guns would be pure white when held.
Heavenly/Hellish Weapons
Name: Angelic
Rarity: Rare
Accuracy: +15%
Damage: -15%
Firerate: +10%
Recoil: +10%
Mobility: +5%
Clip: -5%
Suffix: Always comes with "Angelic Presence" suffix. This suffix heals the holder of the gun by 1HP every 6 seconds in-game. The gun MUST be held for the full 6 seconds to receive the bonus.
Credit to Juicyboxer for the name, and SilencePie for the idea...kinda.
Name: Demon Blood
Rarity: Rare
Accuracy: -16%
Damage: +16%
Firerate: +16%
Mobility: N/A
Recoil: -16%
Clip: -16%
Suffix: If the holder of a Demon Blood weapon is damaged by another player, then a "Blood Counter" is added to that player. For (14-25) seconds, if the holder of a Demon Blood gun damages that player, they do +20% damage. Only one person can be affected at a time, and upon death of either players, the effect dissipates immediately.
Eldritch Weapons
These may have been shamelessly ripped from Eternal Darkness
Name: Chattur'gha
Rarity: Legendary
Accuracy: -25%
Damage: +25%
Firerate: -25%
Mobility: -10%
Recoil: +25 %
Clip: +10%
Description: A gun forged by an Ancient of Power. You can feel strength and health emanating from it, along with the screams of the damned and suffering.
Suffix: Blood Ritual - When holding this gun, you gradually gain movement speed as long as you're continuously moving. Stopping will reset the effect. You gain +1% speed every 3 seconds. Additionally, you deal +15% damage to people using a Xel'lotath weapon, but receive +15% damage from Ulyaoth weapons.
Name: Ulyaoth
Rarity: Legendary
Accuracy: +25%
Damage: -19%
Firerate: +15%
Mobility: +10%
Recoil: -25%
Clip: -25%
Description: A gun forged by an Ancient of Magick. You can feel resonating energy and vibrant power flowing from it, but also an icy pain and a chill to your very soul.
Suffix: Soul Magic - Every time you fire this weapon, your next bullet does +1% to +5% more damage. (Dependent on the gun type.) This effect resets upon reloading. Additionally, you deal +15% damage to people using a Chattur'gha weapon, but receive +15% damage from Xel'lotath weapons.
Name: Xel'lotath
Rarity: Legendary
Accuracy: -10%
Damage: -25%
Firerate: +25%
Mobility: -10%
Recoil: +25%
Clip: +10%
Description: A gun forged by an Ancient of Madness. A malignant aura permeates the air around it, providing wisdom and intellect. However, you can additionally feel your mind slipping and insanity taking control...
Suffix: Madness' Descent: Xel'lotath weapons have a 1 in (4 to 12) chance to triple the damage your bullet deals, but also lower your Maximum HP by 2% and your Current by 20%. This cannot kill you or reduce your HP below 1%. Additionally, you deal +15% damage to people using an Ulyaoth weapon, but receive +15% damage from Chattur'gha weapons.
"Totem Buff" Loadout Slot |
Posted by: Unpoke - 10-16-2015, 12:20 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (12)
Okay maybe not totem buffs, just an idea of what the icon for it could be...
We all know there's that annoying gap that throws off everyone who has OCD right next to the "Crystals" in your loadout bar big enough for a last powerup thing. People have suggested some orb doo-hicky from NTG, grenades, all sorts of stuff -
But what if we just put some small buff things?
The idea is there are ~8 (or however many stats their are not including unique melee ones) totems:
Strength Totem: +10% damage*
Reload Totem: +15% reload speed*
Speed Totem: +5% mobility*
Accuracy Totem: +15% accuracy*
Recoil Totem: +15% recoil*
Firerate Totem: +10% firerate*
* The percent is added to your weapons stats that are already there (i.e -7% damage + strength totem = +3% damage
Note: This DEFINITELY needs rebalancing.
I don't feel it should need anything to "charge it" or anything, it's just a small thing that allows you to tweak your weapons based off what you're using, your gun stats, gun type, whatever else. They would work nicely with crystals, even the ones that already do similar things.
Oh, also, I'm probably missing some stats in there ^ but you get the idea. One for each.
I'm not sure if there should be downsides to each crystal (i.e +15% reload speed, -10% damage, or something)
post whatchu guys think
UnBaN mE pLeAsE-cObAlTgEo |
Posted by: COBALTGE0 - 10-15-2015, 04:44 AM - Forum: Ban Upheld
- Replies (1)
Steam Name (Current):Cobaltgeo
Steam Name (During incident):Cobaltgeo
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:56558580
Steam Profile Link:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073382889/
Name of staff you were banned by:Grassx?
Length of the ban:Forever???????????????????????????????????????????????????
Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:Removed
Reason for ban:My forum moderation or whatever its called was placed because grassx noticed me flaming on Tobiasx but im past it now and the shoutbox is when i proved to Rotshout pokemon porn is called in the porn industry Porkyman it was a horribly drawn pokemon porn picture on rule34 that i linked the advertisements were well "Revealing"
Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:Yes
Additional details:I realize this was wrong and in a later case like this use the steam chat My Ex-Friend gave me a busted lip because some asshole lied and said i sold his controller to a weed dealer who looks like a crackhead sympathy?
CSGO Edits |
Posted by: Twizzler - 10-14-2015, 11:02 PM - Forum: Other Games
- Replies (4)
Hello everyone! I have a major hobby in editing frags/clips in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and would like some criticism so I can improve the quality of my work. Whenever I finish an edit I will post a link to view it here, and I would very much appreciate it if you gave some criticism on it. Thanks ~Twistz
Storm,Moat,TheHappyDarkSide Multiple offences |
Posted by: [GR]NICESHOTgetrektm8 - 10-14-2015, 09:37 AM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (5)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50355592 Storm
Steam profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Stormgames150
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:46558052 Moat
Steam profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/MoatGaming
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:90727031 TheHappyDarkSide
Steam profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/itsimtox
Proof: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=534914434
Reason: meta gaming , prop surfing ,constant t baiting , disrespect , door blocking ,ghosting ,killing me while i was afk making this report ,Threatening the server ,chat/mic spam ,RDM and leave ,
Examples of name calling: (fucking) nerd, tryhard ,(fucking) fag ,faggit ,(little) pussy ,bitch ,telling me to leave the server ,Telling me I suck dick ,
Additional info: They all used mics so I couldn't get proof for the disrespect I just hope you believe me and I was the only other one on so I don't have witnesses.
Witnesses: N/A (I was the only one on besides them)
HappyDarkSide rdm'ing |
Posted by: doctorRat - 10-14-2015, 06:49 AM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (4)
TheHappyDarkSide has been rdm'ing multiple rounds now because "there isn't that many people on"
his steam i.d. STEAM_0:1:90727031
Has carried over multple maps, including dark matter, and casino.
Date is october 14th at 2 in the morning.
He just logged on and every round has been trying or successfully rdm'ing because there are less than ten people on.
witnesses: skeletonHearted, Niceshot
Minor Remote Bomb Victory Bug |
Posted by: Tonifur - 10-13-2015, 07:08 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (2)
This is a tad old, but I was playing on the server with Corporal Dog Bone, where, in the round in question, he stuck a remote mine to me, and triggered it. I killed him before it exploded, as can be seen in the screenshot, but it was considered a T victory.
Round in question: http://imgur.com/uIBnsJU
Trait Idea Megathread? |
Posted by: Dreadark - 10-13-2015, 06:33 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (18)
I'm making this thread so we can post all of our awesome and spooky trait ideas.
1. Has a 1 in # chance to remove some bullets out of the opponents clip.
2. Has a 1 in # chance to cause the opponent to swap to his melee.
3. Has a 1 in # chance to swap guns with your opponent.
4. Deals #% damage to people wielding a secondary.
5. has a 1 in # chance to add spoon to drop table.
6. Has a 1 in # chance to increase your clip size by 20% and decrease your opponents clip size by 20%.
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