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  Give Detectives the rights to protect their health stations.
Posted by: Terran - 06-12-2015, 12:51 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (6)

If I'm trying to heal myself or valuable provens, some troll shouldn't be allowed to walk up and push the health station off an edge/somewhere I can't get to it at all and/or easily. Breaking it is traitorous, and while Detectives cannot order Innocents, interfering with a Detectives health station shouldn't be allowed.

Or, let Detectives claim their HP stations?

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  it_ember revenge rdm.
Posted by: yes indeed quite so - 06-11-2015, 07:56 PM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (8)

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): it_ember : STEAM_0:1:44357348

Map the event happened on: airbus

Date of event: 6/11/2015

What Happened?: At the first round, it_ember was the traitor, he attempted to firebomb 3 other players. He failed and started shooting at the innocents. We killed him. I called him "bad" and he replied by saying "I won't take shit from 6 year old pricks". Preparing for the next round, he said "I'm gonna rdm, I dont give a shit". When the round started, he shot me with a M16.

Witnesses: Sarle_

Evidence: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459365082


By the way, my IGN is a grill on the internet

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Sad Excessive Taunting
Posted by: ghasT_T - 06-11-2015, 07:17 PM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (13)

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Sarle_ and the grill of the internet

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):

Map the event happened on: Toontown, then changed to Airbus (the actual plane)

Date of event: 6/11/15

What Happened?: I had gotten annoyed with Sarle_ when he practically RDMed me on my T Round, and later refused to admit he killed me. After the map changed to Airbus, I got even more annoyed when Grill began to taunt me, saying things like, "LOL" "This is Hilarious". The taunting got to the point where I was literally yelling, telling them to shush... (Note, I said a lot of things I really probably shouldn't have, and I wasn't thinking clearly, I'll take the responsibility for that, since it was really not the best thing I could have done in this situation) I really snapped when Grill said that I should insult them in chat so that he could screenshot it and make a thread about it. I started going beserk, saying I would rdm them (which I really did, and I regret, I shouldn't have let them get to me) When Sarle_ began to egg him on, I honest to god started to tear up, and I had to quit the server to prevent me from doing something I'd regret.

Witnesses: Beernuts, and about like 4 others, but I was to frustrated to remember most of them

Additional Note: I did a lot of things I really shouldn't have done in a situation like this, and I know I'm expected to be calm and collected as a member. A lot of craps been goin on IRL, and I just exploded. All I did today I regret, and I will take a punishment if needed for the problems I caused during these events.

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  y0Nemo - +Member Application
Posted by: Helga - 06-11-2015, 03:10 AM - Forum: Approved - No Replies

Steam Name(Current): y0Nemo

Age: 19

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Nope.

Why would you like to be promoted?: To help out for the up coming summer. I LOVE staffing / helping people. (Yes, I realize +Member isn't staff.) I know everyone says this but, I want to help out the server and the community. FRG is great, and I want to keep it that way by helping out every way I can. I like to be independent -- when I say this I mean I want to handle things on my own, instead of rely on a +member or higher to deal with me and/or others getting RDM'd. I want to represent the community, more than I already do.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I know how to handle situations involving rdm, because of experience. As said above, I want to help out FRG everyway I can. Also said above, because of what's going to come when summer fully hits. (all the people on the server, ect.) I'm calm, mature, and know what's right from wrong. I understand the rules and wish to enforce them, rdm wise ofc.

Do you have any administrative experience: Yup, Moderator on NTG.

Additional Details: I'll be going to Michigan on the 13th, so I'll only be on at nights.

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  Quest Challenges
Posted by: Terran - 06-11-2015, 01:58 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)

Now, sometimes quests can be easy, and sometimes they can be hard. The easy ones aren't very fun since they're done ASAP, but what if you could spice them up?

When you select a quest, you can accept up to three "Challenges" for it. Challenges would range from -50% max HP to -15% movement speed. (Basically debuffs). Each Challenge taken will increase the Fragment rewards by 50% or so, up to 150% bonus. IF you cancel the quest, the challenges are removed.

As long as that quest is selected to be finished, you'll have to suffer from those challenges. Various effects could include:

The aforementioned -50% Max HP or -15% Movement Speed

-30% Damage
Only Head-shots deal damage
Not allowed to use a Primary
Cannot reload guns, have to pick up new ones

All sorts of little challenges.

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  Rotshout Ban Appeal
Posted by: Rotshout - 06-11-2015, 12:37 AM - Forum: Shit Posting - Replies (8)

We should ban Terran.

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Posted by: Zott - 06-10-2015, 10:20 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (21)

I was thinking about suffixes for terran's thread and i thought why not have prefixes? It would something on the line of Enlightened Lunar Pistol(can be any weapon of any kind. Just used this as an example). Enlightened weapons have slightly boosted stats than a normal of it's kind. If you have any other thoughts feel free to post them. Also they dont have to be only good for you. That would make them op.

Enlightened - this weapon has slightly boosted stats than it normally would
Deluded -this weapon has slightly decreased stats than it normally would
Harmful - this weapon has a chance to harm the user upon use for 10% of the damage output

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  Suffix Ideas
Posted by: Terran - 06-10-2015, 07:50 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (20)

Well, we all know that there aren't that many suffixes and they're all damage-over-time stuff. So, I was thinking: Why not make a MEGATHREAD of suffix ideas? Post the best or the worst or whatever, and let's all compare! Here's a few ideas of my own. I'll try to keep the OP updated with people's ideas.

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  Nathan The noisy
Posted by: Excel - 06-10-2015, 03:13 AM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (2)

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87215702

Map the event happened on:
Date of event:
What Happened?:
he rdmed so I marked him as slay and he left
heartless monster


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  +Members and aslaying themselves
Posted by: Terran - 06-10-2015, 01:10 AM - Forum: General - Replies (5)

So, we can't aslay ourselves, so I nrslay myself if I RDM. Nuggie told me that if I nrslay it doesn't count because I can still get drops end round, but I can't aslay myself.

What do I do if I RDM and no higher ups can slay myself? Can this be fixed if its true?

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