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End Round Music Suggestion |
Posted by: Rangerdanger - 06-15-2015, 12:39 AM - Forum: Shit Posting
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Skully_Fluff's Member+ Application |
Posted by: Skully_Fluff - 06-14-2015, 08:34 PM - Forum: Approved
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Steam Name(Current): Skully_Fluff
Age: 19
Current Rank: Member
Have you ever been banned and why: No, not that I know of or remember at least.
Why would you like to be promoted?: I'd like to be promoted to member+ to help around on the server with the smaller things that wouldn't need higher up staff to come on and have to deal with.
Why do you think we should promote you?: I've been on this server for a long time. I've helped out from time to time, have a crisis badge. Though I do goof off sometimes, and who doesn't from time to time it's a game after all, but I am still responsible when I need to be. Also I have some experience in Gmod, over 3,000 hours by now I believe.
Do you have any administrative experience: Yes, I've been mod and admin on several minecraft servers through out my time. I've also had admin on two separate TTT servers. One name was Tons of T's the other I don't remember since it closed down way before.
Additional Details:
map vote sugestion |
Posted by: Ritt - 06-14-2015, 05:29 PM - Forum: Suggestions
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i was thinking...
you know those end of map votes, when there are just no good maps so you just vote for some bad map you really don't want to play.
well i was thinking. what if every map vote there was a option for a random map. this would choose any map on the server. this would allow for the chance to play a map you like, as well as getting more maps played. i feel we play a total of like 5 maps on the server and it gets old. i like the idea of a random choice....
RDM and Metagame (possibly) |
Posted by: yes indeed quite so - 06-14-2015, 04:07 AM - Forum: Resolved
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Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Mougwi, maybe the witnesses listed.
Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:14044954
Map the event happened on: CrummyCradle
Date of event: 6/13/2015
What Happened?: Everyone was assembled inside the breadroom, I stepped outside the room as a traitor, Mougwi said "I think its grill because he stepped outside the room", He then with other proceeded to sword me to death. Normally, I wouldve just moved on but there was no staff on and Mougwi was especially being a douche at the time. He was also metagaming and helping Insane-Jester-Wisp with the pyromaniac quest. I have no proof of this but the words were said over voice chat. The said witnesses were egging him on to rdm me and "sacrifice me to the bread gods". I do not know if this qualifies for punishment but I believe it should. There were only 6-7 people on at the time and I know Mougwi is usually a good player but the low player count may have affected him to make sub-par decisions.
Witnesses: Skully_Fluff, Wolfy9800, Grumm #Japan, Insane-Jester-Wisp, MasterPimp69, MrLlamaShark
League Of Toxicity |
Posted by: Big Cummer - 06-13-2015, 11:47 PM - Forum: Off Topic
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Ok so one of my friends got me into smite and from there it became a gate way drug, now I tried League of LEgends and figured out the reason why the game gets so much crap isnt often because of the game it self but because of the community being so toxic that your monitor breaks away slightly. So anyways I came here to see if there are any other disgusting MOBA plebs like me that I can add and probably play a game or two with.
INB4 Filthy league/MOBA pleb
Quest Bug(s) |
Posted by: Terran - 06-13-2015, 11:34 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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Post any small bugs you've found here, maybe?
Anyways. I'm on the Marksman quest, and we had 4 people on +1 Spectator, get I was able to get a kill to count for it, despite it saying "a minimum of 6 people on".
Masteries |
Posted by: yes indeed quite so - 06-13-2015, 09:44 PM - Forum: Suggestions
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Mastery levels with a gun, say you like the shotgun specifically (Terran), the more people you kill with it the more mastery points you get, say once per level you get a perk with that gun (+1 Clip or +2% damage) some thing of that sort, it wouldnt be very major or game-changing but another fun thing to spend your no-life on.