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  Detective Weapons - A Few Ideas
Posted by: Unpoke - 06-19-2015, 08:46 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

Detective weapons

I.) Big Squirter
i.) A fire extinguisher/water balloon/super soaker model
ii.) Can put out any fires from Incin. bombs, fire bombs, or flare guns
iii.) AoE radius as well as self-affecting, and other players within the radius
iv.) Could be useful to clutch people outta tight situations

II.) Pull-out Detector
i.) Some sort of headset-remote model
ii.) Can detect where bullets are shooting from
1.) Possibly detect who is shooting it (Probably not)
2.) Possibly detect what gun TYPE is shooting
iii.) Has to be manually operated, item must be out, lasts 5-10 seconds w/ 15-30 second cooldown
iv.) Useful to find snipers, would be a minor nerf to AWPers, potentially lessen camping

III.)  Home Security
i.) A landmine of some sort model
ii.) Detects when someone steps on it
1.) Possible small radius
2.) Could be directional (Like the one on I think battlefield)
3.) Show who steps on it (?)
iii.) Three per purchase, can be destroyed
iv.) Useful to see who goes into T-rooms or whos destroying testers or somethin'.

IV.) Secret Tripod
i.) Some sort of drone model
ii.) A camera detectives can see through without being htere
1.) Possibly not mobile?
iii.) One per purchase, can be destroyed
iv.) Useful to see traitors killin' peeps without being in danger yourself

V.) Therma-shades
i.) Goggles of some sort
ii.) Can see players through walls, not their names though or dead people
iii.) Does not have to be equipped to work
1.) Can toggle on and off with equipped + right click

VI.) Terran beat me to it, see his thread ;-;

Leave feedback <3 I'm great with names btw.

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  Zero tolerance policy.
Posted by: ❤ Clairebear ❤ - 06-19-2015, 06:47 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (12)

For users that have under an hour on the server that RDM twice or more, I believe that should be a week/permanent ban. Any thoughts?

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  Detective Item - Corpus Delicti
Posted by: Terran - 06-19-2015, 06:41 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

Basically, it'd be a hand-radar that you have to hold which will show you the location of the nearest unidentified body. This could either be done simply, e.g just radar blips, or a tiny bit more advanced, such as having a motion-detector looking object that leads you on your way. (Ever played S.T.A.L.K.E.R? The abnormality scanners, yeah.)

Upsides would be, well, finding bodies.
Downsides would be being unable to defend yourself while holding it, having to search for the body still (It won't just show you exactly like a radar, maybe a directional arrow that beeps the closer you are?)

Sure would be nice to find stashed bodies.

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  so i found a video
Posted by: bastard - 06-19-2015, 03:15 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (7)

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  Bouncyhunter- Membership application
Posted by: DELETED USER - 06-18-2015, 07:04 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (5)


Steam Name(Current):[NRG]Bouncyhunter(Road2unusals)

Time played on servers?(!time username to check):50hrs +

Where did you hear about this server?:When Jake told me he made a new server somewhat like NTG, i was starting to dislike the community of NTG so i moved to FRG. overall i believe it was a great choice as the community is fine at the moment and quite inviting and friendly, after staying here for a while i believe i can help the community at my Timezone and overall become more active after a few exams, also unlike NTG the gameplay is balanced, you couldn't had a guy with one OP weapon, epically in early NTG (*COugh* Xssarb Oblit *Cough*) So i could have a high damage weapon in this game but the recoil, accurcy and mobilty will be decreased, making it harder to hit therefor I stayed, the Dynamics of play was 'fun' for once instead of one sided like COD.

Have you ever been banned and why?: I don't recall getting banned on FRG.

Why do you want to join?:I have seen multiple times of utter confusion in new players, however while with some new players they would regret to use my advice due to my young age, With this rank it will show i'm trust worthy so i can help a wider variety of players, as they could think more about the rank being trust worthy then my voice, additionally i have seen multiple rule brakes without things being stopped quick enough, for example i remmber i was on a few months ago, and there was a mass rdmer on, I was able to call a admin(But you should really take a few screenshots, i was stupid back then) So i waited and waited, it took Atleast 15 minutes for the admin to join and ban him, if i was online with that sernario i would be able to atleast kick/ban for 30 mins to stop his spree and make the players online to have a person not ruin their experince of TTT.

Referred by: Nobody


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  Default SG's are a bit powerful
Posted by: Terran - 06-18-2015, 05:15 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (30)

It'd help if we had the actual STATS, but by the by, SG's are pretty damn good. The lack of magazine size doesn't really matter...They're like a Mac10 with much better accuracy, better recoil, more damage and more fire-rate.

I feel as an SMG with the ability to spray someone in the back and kill them in five shots virtually instantly, it shouldn't be usable at long range. Hell, the AUG has less long range capability than the SG.

Maybe increase the recoil, lower the accuracy and add a VERY SLIGHT dampener on the fire-rate? They just kill too fast compared to what I can find.

Edit: Actually, Rotshout's suggestion of damage fall-off is a good idea.

Mac10's CANNOT long-range someone, but SG's can. They should be amazing at short range (Keep them OPAF), kinda shitty at medium and complete trash at long-range.

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  Dino D Day
Posted by: Jake1o - 06-17-2015, 02:04 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (9)

Dino D Day is on sale right now for $0.49. It is a FPS where you get to be either a human or a dinosaur. What else do you need to know?!?! Go buy it because I am for sure going to host this game for one of the FRG game nights. If you are still on the fence about spending forty nine cents let me just tell you this, as a dinosaur you can piss on peoples dead bodies. SOLD!

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Star Free candy!!!!!
Posted by: Grassx - 06-17-2015, 01:59 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (47)

All you need to do is enter the van...

BUT SERIOUSLY, I'm abusing the summer sales and bought a few games to giveaway. All you need to do is chose a number between 1-1000 and tell me what your favorite color is.

The games are;  How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition (donated by Pigeon Lord)
Oblivion GOTY (donated by NotChosen)
Five Nights at Freddy's 2(donated by Aresuft)
Hotline Miami
DLC Quest
Bioshock triple pack which includes Bioshock 1,2 and Bioshock infinite!

I'll do the giveaway in a few days when there's a decent amount of people entered!

EDIT: Post if you have any of these games already please!

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Posted by: dongle - 06-17-2015, 12:13 AM - Forum: Shit Posting - Replies (4)



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  New Detective Item
Posted by: Terran - 06-16-2015, 04:45 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (12)

"C.T.F.P" (Certified Traitor Field Protector).

Upon purchasing, the Detective becomes highly resistant to Traitor weapons. C4 and remote mines/Jihads only do 50% of the normal damage. Knives have a high chance to not work. AWPs have their body-shot damage lowered to an exact 50, and arm/leg 28. (Head-shot is 150, still an OHKO). Silenced Pistols do less damage to them, and every other Traitor goody is less effective.

Too often am I instantly targeted when a detective, especially if I don't know if there's anyone I can trust, and I just get instantly taken out by a weapon that's more or less unfair.

This is slightly serious, hence suggestions, but also a part of me saying "FUCK awps and the traitor who buys 2-3 awps every round and nothing else, while camping with a shotgun that one-hit kills you if you come close, as he's head-glitching and shooting bullets out of his fore-head, which is covered by a massive melon so you can't tell where the 1/16th of an inch of his hitbox is while he can easily hit you."

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