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Yesterday, 04:43 PM
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02-21-2025, 09:40 PM
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02-20-2025, 03:22 PM
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02-01-2025, 08:31 AM
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02-01-2025, 12:45 AM
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01-30-2025, 04:10 AM
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01-15-2025, 01:34 AM
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01-06-2025, 04:09 AM
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Anyone want to play Xbox |
Posted by: Exns - 06-25-2015, 01:26 PM - Forum: Off Topic
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GT: Rise Eons
I have both consoles Xbox One and Xbox 360
On Xbox one I have mortal kombat x, Destiny, advanced warfare, Ghosts, Gta V, Minecraft, Black ops 3, Halo 5 Guardians
On Xbox 360 I only play black ops 2 or Black ops 1
If you want to play with me just send a message Rise Eons telling me who you are
Companions? I think so! |
Posted by: Zott - 06-25-2015, 11:43 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (10)
So I was thinking of being able to get your very own companion! What it would be is a thing that followed you around when you were playing. Such as an animal or a turret that could attach to your body. The turret would be faced one way and if you get shot from that direction it would fire back( Turret suggested by Terran). With the animals or creatures, they would do specific things. Such as a creature called the Scouter. It would point you towards an unidentified body if one is in a certain range of you. Also one that would occasionally heal someone for set amount of hp. Many more companion ideas can be added to this but here are just two I thought of.
Lobby Gun Loadout Equipping |
Posted by: Unpoke - 06-24-2015, 11:34 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)
In the lobby, if you take your gun out of your loadout for whatever reason, you can't put it back unless you go back to TTT.
Not a big bug, just an inconvenience.
do i git a badg 4 ths
Shiny Gyrados |
Posted by: COBALTGE0 - 06-24-2015, 06:39 PM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (4)
Steam Name of Offending Player(s):Shiny Gyrados
Steam ID of Offending Player(s):STEAM_0:0:49514853
Map the event happened on:67Th Way And Port
Date of event:6/24/2015
What Happened?:On port he Shot me two times randomly with the shotgun and pushed me into the water as a innocent on 67th way he blocked the laddder then tried to kill me as a innocent He was not slain for these incidents in fact i was and he did it so many times
Evidence: Here is where he randomly shot me he did not get slayed http://imgur.com/nCH7b9r
Betting |
Posted by: Dr. Zoidberg - 06-24-2015, 06:49 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (14)
So.. back in the days of CSS there was a lovely plugin called TeamBets.
If you don't know what it is, https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=763549 , there it is.
Pretty much what I'm suggestion is a legit betting system. So such as "/bet inno 35" or something to that effect, then a 35 coin bet will be place on the innos. Perhaps make a winning Innocent bet pay out less than a winning T bet (for obvious-ish(?) reasons). Even add bets like "Detective survives" or "All T's live" etc. Again this is just a suggestion that I think if put together right can be very nice for the server. Or not!
Equippable Grenades |
Posted by: Terran - 06-24-2015, 04:43 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (11)
It'd be really neat to have unique types of grenades, right? If you had a type of Grenade equipped, it means that if you pick up a grenade on the map then you'd get one of the type you equipped. E.G: Colored smoke grenades. You could equip a Green Smoke, so if you picked up a generic smoke, it'd turn into your Green Smoke.
Different types could include:
Various smoke grenade colors
Fireworks from discombobs
Multi-colored flames
Or, maybe even more advanced, like special effects.
Napalm Grenades, which are like Incen but continue to damage someone after they walk out of the fire.
Gas Grenades, which are like smoke grenades but blur people's vision when they're in it, and a short time afterwards.
Gravity Grenades, which are like Discombobs but suck people in, and then fling them up/away (Not high enough up to do over 40 damage or so).
Hell, maybe even upgraded grenades.
+20% smoke size.
+50% length of smoke/fire.
1 in 6 chance for a discombob to cause the Force effect if it hits someone.
1 in 6 chance for a discombob to have a flashbang effect.
Or something like "Spawns an incen/smoke/discombob every 30 seconds for you"
Ballsacagawea Ban Appeal |
Posted by: Ballsacagawea - 06-24-2015, 03:32 AM - Forum: Unbanned
- Replies (17)
Steam Name (Current):Ballsacagawea
Steam Name (During incident):Ballsacagawea
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:60519262
Steam Profile Link:http://steamcommunity.com/id/ballsacagawea/
Name of staff you were banned by:Mcnuggie
Length of the ban erm
Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:Either would be great
Reason for ban:ddos threats
Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:Yes
Additional details:I was joking around since i was playing with my friends
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