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Posted by: COBALTGE0 - 09-24-2015, 11:26 PM - Forum: General
- Replies (3)
Now first off i have Maps and i need to test them i dont even know if my traito tester works because i could not find any one to host a server for ttt to test my map's out so heres the application have fun: Age: AbletoHostServers! ON TTT:Y/N I will not release any or share info about the map:Y/N Why i want to be a map tester:
New Forum Section: Trade Talk |
Posted by: ghasT_T - 09-24-2015, 04:25 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (7)
I noticed that we didn't have a Trade Section on the forums, and I was all like, "wtf?" I'm getting kinda tired of seeing Excel's stupid buying ascultone threads in the General Section. I just think that as a Customization/Trade Server we could use a trade section xD
Audio Rebalance |
Posted by: Tonifur - 09-24-2015, 02:43 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (8)
I don't know how Lua handles audio levels, so I don't know if it can even be changed, but I feel that the crowbar drop noise is a tad loud compared to the other effects. I think it can be a little too easy to tell when people died.
Leaderboards |
Posted by: A2 - 09-24-2015, 02:19 PM - Forum: Suggestions
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Pretty self explanatory
It would be cool to have some leaderboards that keep track of things like Top 20 with most: Frags total, Headshots, Knives, Awps, Time, $$$, Dna kills, Traitor kills, Inno kills and etc. The top could have some predetermined text hat with something witty on it.(Random Examples) Time- Pro No Lifer, $$$- Pro Jew, Knives- Professional Chef, Dna kills- Sherlock Pwns, and Etc. I think something like this being implemented would spark some friendly competitiveness which would be an interesting change.
Please go easy on me Its my first time
The Almighty Lolrus |
Posted by: ghasT_T - 09-24-2015, 01:34 PM - Forum: Shit Posting
- Replies (3)
LateNight Rdm,Ghosts, and Hacks FUN!!! |
Posted by: A2 - 09-24-2015, 06:51 AM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (3)
Steam Name of Offending Players: CanuckDMs, BTSpaniel, wilson_ty
Steam ID of Offending Players:STEAM_0:0:78959458, STEAM_0:1:1984986, STEAM_0:0:5992508
Map the event happened on: Sandraiders & 67th Way
Date of event:9/24/15
What Happened?: CanuckDms Mass rdmed and has Hacks. Details on hacks- can see through walls, has aimbot, can hear spectators along with esp can permalock doors and change weapon skins.(note has been karma banned multiple times but keeps coming back) The last two were meta gaming/ghosting and also mass rdming no hacks though.
Witnesses: doctorRat, knaveHearted, BigDragon12
Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/IMIz4
Notes: I know I need more evidence for ghosting/meta gaming, but if you check friends lists and look at the screenshots Btspaniel just so happens to find a orbital beam cannon and help his friend (T at the time) you can piece together what was going on pretty easily.
Need a degal bb |
Posted by: Burb - 09-24-2015, 02:52 AM - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (4)
If anyone would like to offer me a pistol just tell me in game or post here ill check ill offer good for it (unpoke pls no offeriono)
TotaliTerran Gun Tier Buff (Serious Thread + Serious Replies Only, Friends!) (Remade) |
Posted by: Terran - 09-24-2015, 12:31 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (16)
EDIT: Our Glorious, Illustrious Leader has heard our collective cry! Our voices have pierced the heavens, let all who tread these lands know; we are NOT invisible! We ARE heard! God Save the Queen!
P.S: I remade it because it wasn't in suggestions, teehee.
Now, we all know that the promised "High chance of suffixes" was a falsehood. Now, I've thought of a few ways to balance out TotaliTerrans to make them "Cooler!"
Here's a few stat ideas and special stuff.
Fire-Rate: +60%
Damage: -70%
Accuracy: -40%
Recoil: +40%
Clip: +8 to +25 (Rifles/Shotguns to Automatics)
Mobility: N/A
Special Status: Very high chance of suffixes. Very low chance of DOUBLE suffixes.
Variant #2
Fire-Rate: +50%
Damage: -60%
Accuracy: -30%
Recoil: +30%
Clip: +5 to +18 (Rifles/Shotguns to Automatics)
Variant #3 (Secondaries ONLY):
Fire-Rate: +40%
Damage: -80%
Accuracy: +40%
Recoil: +50%
Clip: +8 to +25(Rifles/Shotguns to Automatics)
They'd be fun guns to use, terrible at a range but with cool suffix stuffs.
Now, I'm broke right now, but I AM prepared to throw money at the screen! However, current TotaliTerrans should NOT be changed, obviously.
If required, a name change is 100% O.K. The name could be something like "Specialist" or "Astounding".
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