Forerunner Gaming
Maddog - Mass RDM as Det! - Printable Version

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Maddog - Mass RDM as Det! - Terran - 09-27-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Maddog

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:70882399

Map the event happened on: Richland

Date of event: 27th of September

What Happened?: He just RDM'd a bunch of people and then I banned him for a week. He should be perma'd.

Witnesses: Aresuft/Eagle?


There were more RDM's earlier but that screenshot broke.

RE: Maddog - Mass RDM as Det! - Dreadark - 09-27-2015

ye was there

RE: Maddog - Mass RDM as Det! - McNuggie - 09-27-2015
