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Mass RDM through the night, attempted rdm and leave - Printable Version

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Mass RDM through the night, attempted rdm and leave - ZombieNinja975 - 09-27-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): billy_suka_74

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:47123479

Map the event happened on: traitor motel

Date of event:9-27-15

What Happened?: He attempted to rdm then left. Throughout the night he RDMed a ton, and seemed to pick out Notchosen specifically

Witnesses: Notchosen, spiderpig, AtoTheMax


RE: Mass RDM through the night, attempted rdm and leave - Terran - 09-27-2015

I'm not 100% confident to do anything about this, since while you have the shot logs showing that he shot first, there's just not a lot of evidence there. Did you screencap any of the previous RDM's? Maybe a better staff member can make a decision for me.

RE: Mass RDM through the night, attempted rdm and leave - ZombieNinja975 - 09-27-2015

I know I don't have much evidence, I was hoping one of the witnesses would vouch but one have, although last night they said would..

RE: Mass RDM through the night, attempted rdm and leave - SP1D3RP1G - 09-27-2015

Sorry zombie I forgot to check the forums last night. Billy rdmed many times and then leafed. Sometimes as a det as well. I also believe he rdmed a traitor or two also.

RE: Mass RDM through the night, attempted rdm and leave - Unpoke - 09-27-2015

Banned. Thanks for vouching, spider.