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Member Request |
Posted by: DeathEquinox - 09-25-2015, 11:03 PM - Forum: Denied
- Replies (10)
Age: 16
Steam Name(Current): Chris(sometimes changes to DeathEquinox)
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 75 hours & 30 minutes
Where did you hear about this server?: I heard it from Kevdog on a 1942 RP
Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes, mid-round name change
Why do you want to join?: I have been with this community for a month just about and I am typically on it all day during the week from 3-10, I love it soo much, community is great and the gameplay is awesome.
Referred by: Kevdogψ
Additional Details: I am a great player, I only RDM if told to by the person themself, I tend to try and help the members and I only report on RDM, I false reported once but as a joke and that was withing my first week playing.
weapon idea |
Posted by: Chief Beef - 09-25-2015, 10:16 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)
this might be too op, so maby it should be a T weapon or really really like really rare, like another level of rarity, maby, but its a fun idea
Black Knight
accuracy +20%
damage +32%
firerate +30%
mobility -20%
recoil +31%
clip 7
reload speed -24%
yes a smg sniper, its fast in firerate, but its really slow in reload speed and in mobility, so maby not too OP, but still, OP
Bank is now live on the lobby! |
Posted by: Brassx - 09-25-2015, 09:29 PM - Forum: Announcements
- Replies (5)
In response to the Inventory space issues with the new crate, I've went ahead and finished up the bank NPC on the lobby. You start with 50 bank slots(200 is the max amount).
It is free to use for anyone, as long as you can enter the lobby, you can use the bank. To use it, simply talk to the Banker who is across from the weapon shop, then click on items you want to deposit/withdraw. Please report any bugs you may find with this system. Enjoy.
Also, you can right click on "Bank" for sorting options, as the Drag and drop style UI is disabled for it at the moment.
EDIT: More features will be coming soon(like banking/withdrawing all of one item type, or items with a 'phrase' etc)
Mass RDM and Very possible Ghosting |
Posted by: ZombieNinja975 - 09-25-2015, 10:23 AM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (2)
Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Hoffman Hunter and ThrowingForSkins
Steam ID of Offending Player(s):STEAM_0:0:50891183 STEAM_0:1:60435836
Map the event happened on: toysoilders, then minecraftcity
Date of event: 9-25-15
What Happened?: They were rdming like crazy, killing as soon as the round started. quite a bit of their behavior was very suspicious of ghosting together. Not to mention the disrespect they had for me, others who were in the lobby before being driven out, and for the server.
Witnesses: joey 6327, everyone else left
Evidence: http://imgur.com/a/nqmtm these are only a few but there is more in the logs.
Additional Details: They practically drove the people out of the server, we started with 6 at toysoldiers then ended up just me and them by the last map.
Aimbot + Mass RDM |
Posted by: ZombieNinja975 - 09-25-2015, 06:56 AM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (2)
Steam Name of Offending Player(s):Last_Whore_Of_Hahurei_Shrine
Steam ID of Offending Player(s):STEAM_0:0:109851001
Map the event happened on: island
Date of event: 9-25-15
What Happened?: He RDMed a ton of innocents within a few seconds
Witnesses:docterRat, Grimmy maise
Evidence: http://imgur.com/a/RJlBL
Additional Details: Apologies for multiple of same pic, sometimes my PC doesn't take screenshots when i click it. If you are member plus or above please add me, when these things happen I want to have as many people as i can so i can hopefully get someone on who can take care of it, usually i can but everyone i have added were offline.
please |
Posted by: COBALTGE0 - 09-25-2015, 03:42 AM - Forum: Ban Upheld
- No Replies
Steam Name (Current):Cobaltgeo
Steam Name (During incident):Cobaltgeo
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:56558580
Steam Profile Link:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073382889/
Name of staff you were banned by:Grassx?
Length of the ban:Forever???????????????????????????????????????????????????
Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:Removed
Reason for ban:My forum moderation or whatever its called was placed because grassx noticed me flaming on Tobiasx but im past it now and the shoutbox is when i proved to Rotshout pokemon porn is called in the porn industry Porkyman it was a horribly drawn pokemon porn picture on rule34 that i linked the advertisements were well "Revealing"
Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:Yes
Additional details:I realize this was wrong and in a later case like this use the steam chat my warning has disapitated can i be free now?
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