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Re: "So I made a twitter". |
Posted by: Terran - 10-06-2015, 06:42 AM - Forum: Shit Posting
- No Replies
Well, it turns out that the friend I linked/shared the account to/with used a website to purchase fake followers, so I'm re-making it sometime. This time without linking him. Not sure why he did it but I was wondering why he was ignoring me for a while.
My dream of an FRG-based twitter goes on! Also, are there any future prevention mechanics for this bullshit? I honestly don't understand this social media stuff. I had a facebook account like...7? years ago, and deleted it not too long after. (Or disabled, whatever.)
Rdmer of Tbuddy |
Posted by: ShortFuße - 10-06-2015, 01:58 AM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (3)
Name: Kie
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96140613
Offense: I pushed a vending machine in the hole of a vent, and he bodyshot me twice with his rifle. Which killed me. Pushing the machine did no damage, but it blocked one of two entrances.
Time of Offense: Oct 5th, 2015, Hr 18, min approx 48
Dmg Logs of proof.
Kie [traitor] has damaged ShortFuße [traitor] for 50 HP with a Rifle.
Kie [traitor] has killed ShortFuße [traitor] with a Rifle
Player level 1
Player playtime 19 minutes.
Hadn't previously RDMed anyone on server, I believe.
2.6 recorded hours on Garry's Mod.
That's all I have.
Dreadark - More Rdm (Plz Ban) |
Posted by: Minehuis - 10-05-2015, 11:48 PM - Forum: Shit Posting
- Replies (3)
Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Dread the Dork
Steam ID of Offending Player(s):Steam:3:000000000
What Happened?:He Rdmed
Let's Post Some Halloween Ideas! |
Posted by: Terran - 10-05-2015, 02:58 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (35)
Guns, Models, Hats, events, special stuff, etc. Probably best if you provide either a SWEP or actual model though, instead of just ideas. Go wild! Here's a few.
Banshee's Shriek
So, with Halloween coming up, I was figuring that maybe a cool new Unique might be fun to play around with. Something a little bit different, obtainable only in new crates, etc. Well, here's my thoughts on it anyways.
Name: Banshee's Shriek
Model: UMP .45
Rarity: Legendary.
+15% Accuracy
+15% Recoil
+15% Firerate
+15% Mobility
-15% Damage
-5 Clip Size
Suffix: 1 in (8-12) chance to release a "Shriek". This "Shriek" will cause a small blue pulse to flow out from the Users' body, of which two effects will happen: A, every nearby player will have their screen jerk to a random location (Like "Look at feet" but random), and B, where every player who has damaged the wielder of Banshee's Shriek will take (4-10) damage. This ONLY affects people who have done 5 or more damage to the holder of Banshee's Shriek. The radius is about (10-15) feet for the "Tazer" effect.
Description: You can hear the mournful wails of trapped souls in this weapon.
Ghoul Grave Name: Ghoul Grave (heh, cool rave, get it?)
Model: Glock
Rarity: Legendary
-25% Accuracy
-35% Recoil
+5% Firerate
+20% Mobility
+40% Damage
+25 Clip Size
Suffix: The Ghoul Grave has a (1 in 9-13) chance to cause small skulls to circle whoever is shot. These skulls drain their HP by 1/s every second for (25-35) seconds. Additionally, the user afflicted with this moves 20% slower during the duration.
Description: All night long the Ghouls Rave, Human flesh is what they crave.
Bone Spirit Name: Bone Spirit
Model: Rifle
Rarity: Unlikely
+17% Accuracy
+12% Recoil
+8% Fire-rate
+10% Damage
+6 Clip Size
-4% Mobility
Description: This rifle was found in the clutches of one long dead.
Witches' Brew Name: Witches' Brew
Model: Pistol
Rarity: Rare
+20% Accuracy
-15% Recoil
-2% Fire-rate
+25% Damage
+4 Clip Size
+5% Mobility
Suffix: Always comes with Contagion and Corrosion. No traits.
Description: A venomous vial, a poisonous philter, a toxic tincture. All possible in the hands of a capable Witch.
The Crow Name: The Crow
Model: Deagle
Rarity: Rare
-15% Accuracy
+35% Recoil
+35% Firerate
-8% Mobility
-60% Damage
+2 Clip Size
Suffix: Has a 1 in (4-7) chance to blank out the afflicted players' HP bar, for (30-50) seconds. While afflicted, they cannot see what their HP is.
Description: Dark wings, bearing dark words.
Some really dumb trait ideas. |
Posted by: Terran - 10-05-2015, 01:54 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)
I was thinking that maybe there could be a couple of traits that directly affect the guns stats themselves, rather than bonuses to damage or special properties, etc. Here's a few terrible ideas.
(Please note that these are DAMPENERS, not the actual stat. If a gun has +20% damage and gets Big, its +20%+15%, aka +23%, NOT +35%.
+15% Damage
+15% Accuracy
+15% Clip-Size
-10% Firerate
-10% Recoil
-10% Mobility
+15% Firerate
+15% Recoil
+15% Mobility
-10% Damage
-10% Accuracy
-10% Clip-size
Neverending (These stats affect the BASE stats of the gun.)
+150% Clip (On a HUGE, 150+150%= 375 bullets.)
-50% Damage (Default damage stat is 20, so 20-50%=10.)
Chambered (Remember, AGAIN, these affect the guns stats themselves, NOT the base stuff. If it has +19.7 accuracy, then 19.7+50%=29.55)
+50% Accuracy
+50% Recoil
-25% Damage
-25% Firerate
Maybe more to come? I dunno. I'm tired.
~ SP1D3RP1G's +Membership Application #3 ~ |
Posted by: SP1D3RP1G - 10-04-2015, 08:29 PM - Forum: Approved
- Replies (1)
Steam Name(Current): SP00KY SC4RY SP1D3RP1G
Age: 17 (18 in 1 month)
Current Rank: Member
Have you ever been banned and why: I have for 1 minute for changing my name mid-round.
Why would you like to be promoted?: So I can help with late night RDMers, and continue to teach people who can't read the rules.
Why do you think we should promote you?: I have no life and I play very often so I would be a good +Member, and I almost always have perfect karma.
Do you have any administrative experience: Yes, I owned a Minecraft server for a year. No Garry's Mod Admin Experience.
Additional Details: I'm a rule follower and I never purposely RDM, even if someone wants me to kill them. I sometimes post rules in chat for people who don't know how to read. I've donated a lot to the server. I play to have fun with friends, not to be a try-hard.
Mass RDM, Trolling, Delay |
Posted by: ZombieNinja975 - 10-04-2015, 09:03 AM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (5)
Steam Name of Offending Player(s): PsyCho_0 [QC]
Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:96931616
Map the event happened on: Many, in evidence
Date of event: 10-4-15
What Happened?: He RDMd several times, when talked to he ignored me. He used his mic constantly and just made sound effects. Along with massive delay.
Witnesses: whyme231 and atothemax/perfect
Evidence: http://imgur.com/a/dRO4Z
knaveHearted Membership Application |
Posted by: knaveHearted - 10-04-2015, 04:15 AM - Forum: Denied
- Replies (8)
Steam Name(Current): knaveHearted
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 50.39
Where did you hear about this server?:
I heard about it before it was made back when I played NTG. Then DoctorRat joined, and asked me to play it a bunch, so I started it, and stayed ever since.
Have you ever been banned and why?:
Not that I remember, if any staff has any record of it happening, please correct me and I'll edit this part. But as far as I remember no.
Why do you want to join?:
I like it here. I've made this my main go-to server and don't really play anywhere else. Short of one or two people, I love this community dearly, and I've become friends with a lot of you. A lot of the player base knows me, and I rarely ever break rules on the server. Really, I already feel like I'm a part of this community even if I don't get member rank.
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There are currently 1395 online users. » 21 Member(s) | 1374 Guest(s) ?Shadow Wolf?, Brassx , Chilly, CoachGrump, D3F4ULT, Danderp, DOINB RYZE HACK?英雄联盟 400 C, Dylansonfire, Gup (voice_enable 0), Long John Silvers, Mex 4 Member, Meyer, PandaCow, Shiny Mega Gallade, Slanderman_, the nibbler of toes tera.gg, Tonifur, twentyfive, zec