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Mex Member App
Forum: Membership
Last Post: Manzy
Today, 05:39 AM
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FRG Water Treatment: Simu...
Forum: Server Patchnotes
Last Post: Long John Silvers
02-21-2025, 09:40 PM
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Toxicdoom197 Member Appli...
Forum: Membership
Last Post: Terran
02-20-2025, 03:22 PM
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FRG Winter event pre-rele...
Forum: Server Patchnotes
Last Post: Dreadark
02-01-2025, 08:31 AM
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unban request
Forum: Ban Upheld
Last Post: Not John Smith
02-01-2025, 12:45 AM
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Server Rules
Forum: Server Rules
Last Post: Terran
01-30-2025, 04:10 AM
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+member application
Forum: +Member Applications
Last Post: UP THE RAAAAAA / Ryan debt man
01-27-2025, 03:17 AM
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Google discord ban
Forum: Ban Upheld
Last Post: Not John Smith
01-15-2025, 01:34 AM
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Slanderman_ Member+ app
Forum: Denied
Last Post: Not John Smith
01-06-2025, 04:09 AM
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jasper's Member+ Applicat...
Forum: Denied
Last Post: Not John Smith
01-06-2025, 04:07 AM
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Shorter time for Member requirements? |
Posted by: knaveHearted - 10-04-2015, 02:19 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)
I think it should be 35, maybe 40 at most.
Now I'm not saying that they should be ACCEPTED at such low play times, but personally I feel I've played a bunch, I know a lot of the player base, I've built a good rapport with some of the staff, and rarely if ever get slain, and never argue about it if I do. In every way except time I feel I've deserved Member rank.
It's just a title, so it's not really THAT important. But still, I feel almost naked playing on the server without it.
Edit: Oh I did hit 50 I didn't even realize. I still maintain my point though, it should be a little shorter.
Dreadark - Revengeance RDM of Derterctive |
Posted by: Terran - 10-03-2015, 10:48 PM - Forum: Shit Posting
- Replies (7)
What time did this happen: October 3rd
Why did he do it: to rdm me
Does he accept the guilty accusations: yes
Do you want punishment: yes, of the highest possible suffering
Where did this take place: map of templar, for aiur, adun guide me, zoh-tah.
Was he racist: yes he was insulting my race, the "terrans"
Mass RDM |
Posted by: ZombieNinja975 - 10-03-2015, 07:07 AM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (3)
Steam name at time of event: guyguy
Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:138775752
Map the event happened on: Ice research
Date of event: 10-3-15
What Happened?: Mass RDM and left to avoid slay/voteban
Witnesses:everyone in lobby
Evidence: http://imgur.com/a/ob2Gi
The Rat's Member+ Application |
Posted by: doctorRat - 10-03-2015, 05:52 AM - Forum: Denied
- Replies (1)
Current Steam name: doctorRat
I am 22 years old.
I am currently a member.
I have not been banned or kicked for anything other than being AFK.
I would like to be promoted because I feel I play a significant amount of time and I am usually on when no other member+ are on. I have been told by a few people in our nice tight knit community that I do hold the ground down a lot of the time.
I think I should get the promotion because I have not been banned of kicked for anything other than going afk. I also believe I will be able to uphold the virtue of this server on those late nights when no other staff is on. I am also the Rat so I mean, why not promote me?
I do not have any administrative experience but I feel a member+ position will help me learn the ropes and and grounds of the territory.
I love this server and have been loyal to it since finding it. Many know me from last year when I started here and I would like to finally give back to this server and lift this server out of the mud when the no-lifers (like me) are on late at night trying to drag our face through it. This server is my home and I want to protect it from the scrubs of the place called the internet.
Whyme231 - Membership Application |
Posted by: whyme231 - 10-03-2015, 03:23 AM - Forum: Denied
- Replies (7)
Age: 17
Steam Name(Current): whyme231
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 118 hours 12 min 42 sec
Where did you hear about this server?: Found it looking through servers
Have you ever been banned and why?: never banned
Why do you want to join?: because the FRG server and lobby servers are the alone TTT server i play on.
Referred by: Zombieninja975
Additional Details:
Posted by: ZombieNinja975 - 10-03-2015, 12:27 AM - Forum: Shit Posting
- Replies (1)
Last night I bought csgo and want more people to play with, add me on steam if youd want to play sometime
Chris/DeathEquinox Constant Harassment/Disrespect |
Posted by: Chosen - 10-02-2015, 11:09 PM - Forum: Resolved
- Replies (10)
Steam Name: Chris
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:77357011
Map the event happened on: Rooftops, Dolls and Airbus (earlier around Noon for me)
Date of event: October 2nd, 2015
What Happened?:
Chris was harassing people in his mic and antagonizing other players online. He was trying to start an argument with Undope and when Undope started talking he blocked him then started talking bad about him so Undope couldn't say anything to him. He then blocked me after I told him to stop and started talking bad about me. He was mainly trying to antagonize the server, and I know there is a block command but this was him trying to start drama at this point. On Dolls he changed his name to "EmpressWhale" to annoy EmperorWhale. After Whale blocked him he started ranting about how "Whale isn't even staff! He has no rank or meaning on the server. Staff do nothing ever!". After I asked Aresuft about this he said to tell Chris to change his name. After Chris did he started complaining and was calling me something like a Snitch because I asked Aresuft to do something. On Airbus, we got an orbital one round and chris and Skorpiane blocked the exit of the spawn so nobody could get out.
EmperorWhale, JuicyBoxer, Minehuis, Kcat, Lots of other people as well
Non because I'm bad and don't know how to export demos.
Sidenote: This isn't random as many people have played with him before and all he really tries to do is antagonize people if he is in a "Bad Mood" which really is a bummer too the rest of everyone else who plays with him online.
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