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Un-tradeban request

Steam Name (Current): Major Mon Marky Mark

Steam Name (During incident): Major Mon Marky Mark

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:77386702

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Mashur/

Name of staff you were banned by: Kazen (I think)

Length of the ban: 45days

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: repealed

Reason for ban: Sharking Attempts

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: No. As i was not aware of the items true value, sharking is not correct. Edit: Just found out hes lvl 243, people assumed he was a new player for some reason. Hes not a new player, and even if i knew who i was trading with and if he was a new player, how would I convince him that what I was offering was fair? I just wanted to offer what I was willing to pay. If he rejected it, I would offer more. Thats how trading and negotiating works. How would I even go about scamming on t/o let alone sharking?

What really happened?: Was not aware of the actual prices of items. I had previously been told bad prices of items and bought those items. Since I cannot seen t/o history myself nor any declines nor reports of previous offers on this item (Nor do i correctly recall since I dont memorize every trade I set up), this is based on a single screenshot from discord by kazen. I offered 2m coins and 1 pro easing rune. (Post looking up who actually offered the item: Appearently the item i was offering on was owned by Lemon. I dont know who this is, but appearently they are a new player? On t/o I can't see who offers the item, so there was no way I would have known. I had just logged in just to check the t/o updates for my account. I wanted to offer on frostfathers since I heard it was good in grims, since I want to grind grims solo sometime soon. I start my offers low then gradually increase my offer, as any trade negotiation would. I had no intentions nor idea this guy was a new player).

Additional details: I havent played in 4 years t/o completely new to me so I dont know if there is some command people are using to find information or what cause they appearently all know exactly who is trading with who and such which I thought t/o was supposed to protect you and the buyer against that. I thought t/o was a place to put up offers and just get declined if no one likes them. I would understand being reported for posting the same items again and again on the same item or being reported for giving 1 coin offers. How is it sharking if I don't even know the price myself, nor is the other player even a new player even if I had some way to find out who Im trading with?

I do not completely understand every item's worth, so I have to make personal judgements. Occasionally I will do my due diligence to check the prices of items with the people of FRG. Unfortunately, there are many people who do not understand the item market themselves and will provide bogus/false information, agree with bogus information, have no information on the subject matter, or leaves the question ghosted. For this item, I was told the base version was worth 2m coins, so I offered at the base price with the intention of going higher. Post trade-banned I realize this was a lie. The frostfather item in question I believe had lucky, chill, and 1/3 final bullet. After that offer I offered again at 6mil. I like to buy low and sell high, but I'm a lot more careful with my trades now than before, since coming back ive been scammed a lot and I understand that feeling.

As of now, I see that I misinterpretted how t/o is used. I used it as a way to negotiate items, since these were called "Offers." T/o should be viewed as the marketplace *for the most part, not entirely.* I post all my offers with the intention of negotiating. Instead I get reported, unknowingly, that I did something wrong. I do not recieve notifications, other than death threats for offers that I thought were good or negotiable.

T/o needs a warning system or way to inform or comment on your offer as well as a way to check your t/o history, finalizations, declines, current and previous offers. I thought t/o was meant to be an extension of !trade. I viewed that incorrectly. As a suggestion, I think T/o should have a warning of reports system and a way to inform buyers that their offer was reported for xyz reasons. I think t/o should have a comment system, a way to provide a short message to the seller, just like how the seller can submit a custom reason for declining an offer.

I was so frightened to put anything on trade offers because of you offering junk on all my stuff before ngl

I think the reason you got so much flak for that one in particular is if you had paid attention to what anyone had said is frostfather's price then you'd know the offer was laughable, and I don't think there was much diligence in that. It was also lemon's, which I'd offered on before your offer I believe, and it was c/o'd at a base frostfathers, 2m, valiant, + adds....I don't think you should have a 45 day trade ban for not actually doing due diligence and figuring out what it was priced at. Lessen it to a couple of days!

Just take the ban and deal with it. Stop doing 10000 different offers in an attempt to the get cheapest deal you can. It was incredibly annoying to see "offer on your glacier's grasp" only to see the same offer with a penny added to it. I never reported you but holy shit i was about to.

Ok thank you PandaCow. I was offering a lot more than a penny, but I was definitely doing multiple offers in order to not scam myself. I would increase by a mil or 2 or add items that I thought were cool. I do do that, and Ill definitely change how I go about "re-offering."
There is no warning system and there was no communication of what was considered a good offer or if you hated my offer. Like i re-offered and Ill get info like this. Im assuming this was you cause your grasp was the most recent thing I offered on: So I dont understand how you can say you were pissed off like that. Misleading comment.

I like your comment cause its actually constructive and relevant to what I was doing.

My ban is called Sharking attempts which is in no way what I was doing. Its t/o how do you even shark there?

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Okay, so a lot to unpack here. I'm going to be blunt. I don't find your story that "you don't know prices" believable so I'll just move past that point. Between the posts you made in marketplace and general you knew enough about the prices to know certain items were valuable. You also knew enough to list all of your items for sale for higher than the prices they cost (I guess sell high, offer extremely low in this case). You were offering on plenty of items that had current offers or current offers that you could see to get a base line yet you were still -severely- under offering on any and all of them (frostfathers as an example). We're going to shorten your ban to 14 days total. Please do not do this sort of thing again. We won't be reducing the length a second time if this still happens enough to warrant a trade ban.

Also, to your point about it being because of pandas item you were banned that isn't true. We wouldn't ban someone from trades for one reason like that. Also, this was discussed with all of the staff members before it happened. This wasn't just some knee-jerk reaction.

Furthermore, these are a few more examples we never posted here. There are more but I think this is enough to get a general idea.

Catgun monthly item offer:

Lesser relic offer (weeks prior to Erebus returning, the same day this item was dropped and discovered):

Clean legendary mark cata:

Lucky super stacked hoarfrost frostfathers:

Lastly, and this one is just some general advise. When posting ban appeals it's probably best not to say things like this constantly.

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