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Vhoxel's Contact Details | |
Homepage: | http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065485261/ |
Email: | Send Vhoxel an email. |
Additional Info About Vhoxel | |
Sex: | Undisclosed |
Steam Details | |
Steam Verified | Yes |
Level | 78 |
SteamID 32 | STEAM_0:1:52609766 |
SteamID 64 | http://www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065485261 |
SteamRep | http://www.steamrep.com/profiles/76561198065485261 |
Inventory Details | |
Coins: | 3,497,872 |
Equipped Items: Extinct BloodweepGodlike Firerate: -5% Damage: 25% Mobility: 10% Range: 30% This axe was used to torment damned souls. Has a 1 in 2.64 chance to drain life from the targets soul and transfer it to your health, inflicting 6.14 damage every 2 seconds for 18.15 seconds. Aligned with Sagittarius. FlamescourgePrimordial Mobility: 10.65% Damage: 8.76% (1) The raw energy of the flame can pose danger, and the wreckage left in its wake can be equally as hazardous. Only the most valiant and skilled fighters should dare to wield this instrument of might. Item suggested by Philip. Discovered by Invoker Has a 1 in 10.47 chance to fire a Firework that explodes, dealing damage and igniting all within the AoE. Has a 1 in 7.66 chance to inflict anything hit with Erupting Venom , dealing 1 damage every 2 seconds for 44.57 seconds. -Each DOT tick has a chance for the target to Erupt Venom, spreading the effect to nearby entities. -Damage increases by 10% per 1 HP healed compared to the previous damage tick, life stealing 50% of the amount the target heals. Rightful headshot kills causes the victim's body to take off like a firework, exploding then dealing up to 47.73 damage to those in the AoE, any kills with this explosion chains this effect to those vitims as well. Has a 1 in 4.62 chance to shoot +6.29 pellets, the damage of this shot is divided by 6.29 . This trait will be removed upon dismantling an item with it. Has a 1 in 10.71 chance to fire a Firework that explodes, dealing damage and creating sparklers where it hits. Kills with sparkler AOE will send out additional Fireworks. Hydro and CryoPrimordial Firerate: 15% Stability: -35% Accuracy: 20% Damage: 18% Reload Speed: -10% Mobility: 8% Item suggested by Vhoxel. Discovered by wookiepie Primary attacks decreases target's movement speed by 7.5% for 8.08 Seconds. Secondary attacks against targets affected by the primary attack slows movement speed by 50% for 8.08 Seconds. Enemies killed with this weapon are 50% more likely to drop loot orbs, where applicable. This item grants 2x the progress towards applicable kill-based challenge scroll challenges and daily tasks. Has a 1 in 5.54 chance to barrage your target with hail. Has a 1 in 8.86 chance to affect targets, causing them to take 5 damage for every shot they miss for 5.16 seconds. This trait will be removed upon dismantling an item with it. Aligned with Aquarius. Double tap USE to summon a powerful Tailwind which affects players within its range, increasing mobility for those moving in the direction of the wind. Lasts for 10 seconds. Crystal SynergizerGodlike Charges: 7.08 Current Charge: 20.4% This allows you to combine the abilities of two crystals of your choice. You can drag and drop applicable crystals onto this item to add them to it. Discovered by Eclipse Platinum Lucky EggPrimordial (1) While this is equipped, increases your chances of dropping a loot orb by 60% from all sources. Item suggested by Vhoxel. Discovered by Danger Grants + 40% Reload Speed to your entire loadout. (Does not stack with Reload Crystal). Swedish MeatballPrimordial From the land of Sweden. Press Reload to eat a meatball! Discovered by Lee Emblem of RevelationPrimordial Level this up to unlock various skills (TTT Oriented). 2024 Discovered by Joao Event Cooldowns: | |
Grim's Labyrinth: None Worm Queen: None |