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Mex Member App
Forum: Membership
Last Post: YeOldRust
03-10-2025, 04:22 AM
» Replies: 4
Toxicdoom197 Member Appli...
Forum: Membership
Last Post: YeOldRust
03-10-2025, 04:19 AM
» Replies: 2
Discord Unban request
Forum: Unban Requests
Last Post: Terran
03-08-2025, 04:43 PM
» Replies: 1
FRG Water Treatment: Simu...
Forum: Server Patchnotes
Last Post: Long John Silvers
02-21-2025, 09:40 PM
» Replies: 2
FRG Winter event pre-rele...
Forum: Server Patchnotes
Last Post: Dreadark
02-01-2025, 08:31 AM
» Replies: 6
unban request
Forum: Ban Upheld
Last Post: Not John Smith
02-01-2025, 12:45 AM
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Server Rules
Forum: Server Rules
Last Post: Terran
01-30-2025, 04:10 AM
» Replies: 47
+member application
Forum: +Member Applications
Last Post: UP THE RAAAAAA / Ryan debt man
01-27-2025, 03:17 AM
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Google discord ban
Forum: Ban Upheld
Last Post: Not John Smith
01-15-2025, 01:34 AM
» Replies: 1
Slanderman_ Member+ app
Forum: Denied
Last Post: Not John Smith
01-06-2025, 04:09 AM
» Replies: 2
Steam Game(s) Giveaway! |
Posted by: SilentSpy - 05-21-2015, 07:05 PM - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (15)
Hello all! I currently have 4 Steam games sitting in my inventory collecting dust. These games include:
Killing Floor
GTA: Sand Andreas
Hydrophobia: Prophecy
Smugglers 5: Invasion
To enter for the chance to win write one nice thing (What you like most!) and one criticism (What they could work on!) of the person who posted above you along with a number between 1-1,000. The four closest (and first to post) people to the number I've chosen will receive one of these four games! If any submissions contain deliberately hurtful, rude, or sarcastic comments about the person above your submission will be disqualified and comment reported. That means no comments about something they have no control over (voice, for example), no sarcastic compliments (or criticisms), and no fake compliments or criticisms. To enter you must have at least 100 hours on the server to participate and if a comment appears to break the rules please write about the person above them and ignore theirs. I will choose the winner by next Friday at the latest. Those closest to the chosen number will be PMed to choose first.
Edit: Please don't reply unless you're entering. One submission per person!
Maeps unban request |
Posted by: Maeps - 05-21-2015, 04:32 AM - Forum: Ban Upheld
- Replies (32)
Steam Name (Current): Dno did Benghazi
Steam Name (During incident): Dno did Benghazi
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53551282
Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Maplegears/
Name of staff you were banned by: Mr. Cyan Spy
Length of the ban: Started as a week, got lengthened to perma
Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed, as I did nothing wrong.
Reason for ban: """""RDMing + Trolling + Metagaming with Dno and Chicken"""""
Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: No.
Additional details: Dno and chicken were rdming and metagaming, but I was not. You can check the logs, I didn't rdm whilst the event was occuring. Yes, I was talking to them in-game, but I was not metagaming. As for trolling, thats just a flat out lie.
Edit: Also, I'd just like to point out that Doctor Rat was rdming a ton. Almost everytime he saw us, he would kill us without reason.
Any up for some 5v5 skirms or maybe a tourney? |
Posted by: Brassx - 05-21-2015, 03:48 AM - Forum: Other Games
- Replies (59)
FRG Does have a CS:GO server that I put up occasionally to mess around with friends on.
It might be some fun if we set up some 5v5's sometime!
Anyone agree?
Perhaps we could even do a 5v5 tournament. Might be some fun!
The Doctor's Member+ app |
Posted by: doctorRat - 05-21-2015, 01:28 AM - Forum: Denied
- Replies (4)
Steam Name(Current): doctorRat
Age: 22
Current Rank: Member
Have you ever been banned and why?: No, because shennanigans
Why would you like to be promoted?: I want to help make this server the best it can be. I'm not looking to be the top tier staff because I know I cannot devote myself to that dedication and it wouldn't be fair to the server. However; while being a member+ I can help enforce the rules and have a great time as well.
Why do you think we should promote you?: I should be promoted because I have a good understanding of how to be a people person and I can think a situation out critically and put my best instinct into action. I havn't had any problems with any players (to my knowledge) thus far.
Do you have any administrative experience?: I do not have experience but being a member+, I believe, will give me good experience behind a staff position.
Additional Details: This server has quickly become my go to spot when I feel anxious about my job entertaining people gets to crazy. Or when I jsut want to get on and see some of the awesome people I have become friends with over the time I've been here.
Oh yeah, I am a Doctor and I approve this message.
Help please |
Posted by: Terran - 05-20-2015, 10:03 PM - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (3)
Does anyone know of a good Uninterrupted Power Supply that I can use for my computer? We get brown-outs here like CRAZY, and its really fucking up my computer. I just need 5 minutes of time to safely shut down my rig, instead of it killing itself immediately.
Also, please remember that in Canada electronics cost 2x as much as the states. I don't want anything fancy or expensive, or provides juice enough to power a PC to use, just enough time to shut it off. Thanks.
Dr. Pepper |
Posted by: Pepper - 05-20-2015, 08:36 PM - Forum: Introductions
- Replies (7)
Hey guys my name is Mike and I've been on FRG for awhile I just don't play that much. Most people may recognize me from the other server because I was a mod back in 2013-14... Then I made a departure. I came over to this server is because the majority of my buds came here and I like how the weapons are actually balanced + I'm not here for the inv
I'm a Junior in High School, I rarely ever talk (No I'm not a quiet guy I just prefer not to talk when I play TTT), and I just bought a Kayak. Oh... and I'm not going to play this weekend because of the Kayak if anyone cares :'(
Also I'm 17 if anyone wanted to know.
I really want to reconnect with you guys because I don't want to lose some friends, so Ill try to play whenever I can.
My Late Intro |
Posted by: ghasT_T - 05-20-2015, 12:01 PM - Forum: Introductions
- Replies (7)
I feel as if everyone already know most things about me, but I felt it was time I finally made one of these. First off, I do admit I have multiple problems, one being I have OCD, and I have some anger issues, but I don't get as mad as I used too, (I was a demon in Elementary School)
But besides that, I'm currently in 9th Grade in High School, I have been told by my reading teachers I have an increadible reading ability, I guess they say that considering I read at a College Level. But enough about skool. At home, I love to read my favorite book series, Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter. I used to play a lot of Minecraft til' it got old, and then I came to play GMod. Let's go back a little. My parents are divorced, and yes, they are both Women, and I was born because a donor guy donated his sperm to a hospital. I don't know his real name, all I know is that his Donor Name is F1738. One month after my parents divorced, my non-birth mom got remarried to another woman named Susen, who is not my Step-Mom, who I love to death now. Anyway, that's basically my life story up til' now, and I hope to get to know everyone here (Kinda already do but...)
Traitor WEAPON |
Posted by: COBALTGE0 - 05-20-2015, 03:17 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)
So im thinking possibly a gun thats a m16 or a glock i dont know its like aim bot but you press the middle mouse button to lock on a target and it misses them this can make you look proven and still not miss hit your traitor buddies when your shooting him and trying to miss to look proven
Protection Crystals |
Posted by: Rotshout - 05-20-2015, 02:13 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (2)
We already have traits that increase damage against people wielding certain gun types, why not a crystal that can reduce damage from certain gun types? If you use an AK-47, have some resistance against rifles. If you want an edge in a melee battle, wear one for that.
There's two ways this could work.
1. Have a crystal for each weapon type that is charged by the damage stat of that weapon type. Melee protection would be a bit difficult.
2. Have an all purpose crystal that you can select the weapon type to guard from. It would be only charged by damage, but would take more than the first idea. It would also be much more rare.