Hello! It has been a very long time since I have felt as nostalgic as I feel now. Around 2.5 years ago, I was introduced to a gaming community called NTG by my cousin, who was a prominent member. His name was Cardinal. If any of you remember him, he turned into a bad guy in the later years of NTG. That didnt stop me from enjoying said community before it turned south.
My name is Twistz, but most of you know me by another name. I was a regular player of the TTT servers, and I loved the design of the inventory system and the servers in general. After a while I made a few really close friends. Around 10-11 months ago is when I started to realize what was happening to NTG. I quickly jumped ship, and left my friends behind without warning. (Maybe there was a bit of a warning, and maybe it was a bad one.) About a month ago I really wanted to know what had happened while I was away. The first thing I noticed when I got onto the NTG forums, was that the great Brassx had left. I was shocked. I figured he had just perfected the inventory system, and lost the thought in my head. I then noticed that most of my friends, and almost all of the good players from NTG had been banned. Tonight I brought it upon myself to try and track one of my friends down. I successfully did. Terran guided me to this new community. I thank him very much already.
Some of you may still have a slightly bad image of me, but I can assure you, I have changed tremendously.
Thanks for all the fun times we had on NTG, I hope we can have even better ones here.
-Twistz. (Aka Mr.GroundHamster)
SilentSpy won't be able to play/join the forums for 2 weeks, he will be missed by some people. But for those people who won't miss him GO HAVE A PARTY.
Hello, I'm so glad that I found all my old TTT buddies from the good old days when Brassx used to work with NTG. I honestly believe this community has so much more potential then NTG by far, just by seeing these scripts that he made himself shows how much motivation and pride that he takes on his work. I hope to meet more of my old friends and new ones as well. I hope to see you all in-game.
Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Either.
Reason for ban: Racism
Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes.
Additional details:
Had no idea that racism was a bannable offense. Was kind of hotheaded because I couldn't explain my self correctly because someone had Gagged / Muted me. I did not mean to be too offensive and I just wanted to get someone to pay attention for a unmute. But I guess my rage got the best of me and I got the wrong kind of attention. (I had spoken the racist word in a report.) I'm honestly not really thinking i'm gonna get unbanned seeing as noone on that server likes me. But i'm giving it a shot as I just play for the experience.
Where did you hear about this server?:
I played on NTG for a while, then while talking to Terran he told me about FRG, where all the cool kids went.
Have you ever been banned?:
Why do you want to join?:
FRG is where I go when I want to have fun. Sometimes some people try and distract from the fun. I am not one of those people. When stupid things happen I try to resolve the situation in the least emotionally taxing way possible. Being a member will allow me to aid in the troubles of newer players by guiding them to a reasonable outcome.
Referred by:
Additional Details:
Some shit went down with Dave and I on my last app. We're cool now, but I don't know about Tobias. Anyways, I'll just put this up again.