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Gandalf's membership application - Printable Version

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Gandalf's membership application - Gandalf the Algebra Teacher - 07-12-2015

Age: 16

Steam Name: Gandalf the Algebra Teacher

Time played on servers?: 79 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Known about it since conception, quit TTT for awhile and decided to come back

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope, maybe kicked once or twice but never banned.

Why do you want to join?: I love the server and most people on it. It's very well cared for and it's something i want to be a part of.

Referred by: No one

Additional Details: Server needs more algebra.

RE: Gandalf's membership application - Thelegend2001 - 07-12-2015

is active friendly and coo +1

RE: Gandalf's membership application - Terran - 07-12-2015

I sorta remember him from NTG, he's fun to play with. Kinda a biased opinion but I honestly like him, and I don't really ever have to slay him it seems. Fun guy. Positive stuff from me, +1.

RE: Gandalf's membership application - Pepper - 07-12-2015

Gandalf is chill and doesn't rdm +1

RE: Gandalf's membership application - SP1D3RP1G - 07-12-2015

Gandolf is a funny guy even though he doesn't use a mic. He plays often and I enjoy playing with him. +1

RE: Gandalf's membership application - Skully_Fluff - 07-13-2015

Yas. +1

RE: Gandalf's membership application - McNuggie - 07-13-2015

McNuggie Member Applicant Ranking System


Disclaimer : "The following is purely from McNuggie's perspective and does not necessarily represent facts or FRG community thoughts, and is subject to change"

The scoring system is with 5 being the best, and 1 being needs improvement.

1. Does the player frequently play on the server: 4
2. Is the player active on the forums: 2
3. Does the player know the rules: 4
4. Will the player represent the server well as a member: 3
5. The player does not troll: 4
6. The player has/uses his mic: 1
7. Communication skills: 4
8. Respects other players: 5
9. Respects staff: 5
10. Fun to play with: 5
11. Does the player show potential for staff in the future (for reference): 1
12. Is the quality of the players application showing that the player is serious about becoming member: 4

Score: 42/60

Grade: 70% C

Final Notes: I'm not sure if I could trust you with member (saying this because of times with you on NTG, although they don't reflect on what occurs here most of the time, it does show what you can act like), you're REALLY fun to play with and are a super cool person, but you're not the most mature haha. That's not too bad, everyone is a bit immature (if they're not, they're a bit uptight!), but I personally don't know how I would feel with you as a member. I will leave this neutral though, ily good luck <3

Rating: +0

RE: Gandalf's membership application - Skullkid94700 - 07-13-2015

Pretty cool guy. Gave me a sandwich one time. +1

RE: Gandalf's membership application - Chosen - 07-13-2015

I'll be honest, I can't say I've seen you act mature much (Seeing as you've been kicked for racism and harassment) so I'm going to leave this as a -1 because you honestly need to grow more from the manor to be a member..

RE: Gandalf's membership application - Dreadark - 07-13-2015

What NotChosen said. I can't think of many times you have been actually mature.