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  please no
Posted by: Zephyr - 08-17-2015, 06:22 AM - Forum: Shit Posting - Replies (11)

why grassx

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  Dubstepcat membership application
Posted by: Keez⭕⃤ - 08-17-2015, 02:49 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (13)


Steam Name(Current): Dubstepcat

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 50(exactly 50 to trigger you guys)

Where did you hear about this server?: Jake

Have you ever been banned and why? :No I never been banned and hopefully never will

Why do you want to join?: The reason I want to join is so I can represent this server and be part of this Amazing growing community and help it advance,while being part of it.

Referred by: Me Tongue

Additional Details: Some other stuff about me well, I was originally from NTG and I never became member there because I wouldn't stay active enough because of my personal life issues,and the problems on there so I couldn't stay active on there.Once i heard of FRG and it was owned by Brassx i wanted to test it out so i asked to test the server and well you know by my rank i got in Tongue *flashes beta badge*.After i played on the beta for a while and little bit of the beginning of the server after being fully released to the public I wanted to take a break from gaming and get my life in order with my body itself and my love life and social life and I would like to think i got most of that quite in place.Now I returned to the best(in my opinion)TTT server by far and one of most dedicated communities I ever had the chance of meeting.and I'm almost 16.I'll be 16 on October 2th and I might act like an idiot a lot in team speak and in the server if I ever get on your nerves or over step my boundaries don't be afraid to Pm or just tell me how it is over the voice chat I wont take offense to it.

P.S if you don't +1 I'll rek your doo doo cave so hard

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  Gonna be away for awhile
Posted by: Kili Bun - 08-17-2015, 12:57 AM - Forum: Old - Replies (3)

I'm making this to apologize to everyone for not being on as much as I probably should be, so this is to Jake and Brass as well if they feel like demoting me while I'm away but RL is demanding my attention more and more lately, I may be on every now and then, but it will be even less then I was before, which hasn't been much. So sorry guys, and I'll be back on playing daily when I get things settled. Luv ya guys!

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Exclamation Swift Deagle of Agony auction
Posted by: EmperorWhale - 08-17-2015, 12:35 AM - Forum: Shit Posting - Replies (6)

I'm auctioning off my swift deagle of agony on the market place, will be up in a day and a half so go and bid!

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  Polska Da
Posted by: RadioActiveCow? - 08-16-2015, 10:18 PM - Forum: Old - Replies (6)

As of now I'll be off for a week in Poland B)

Hopefully I won't miss the big update I've been hypin pretty good over it I'll be back before ya know it.

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  rainbowsix siege beta key giveaway!
Posted by: Excel - 08-16-2015, 06:38 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

go sign up : https://contests.nvidia.com/en-us/rainbow-six-siege-giveaway Big Grin

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  Quests not finished properly.
Posted by: Terran - 08-16-2015, 02:41 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (7)

I took "Bird Watcher" and "Good Samaritan" earlier today, and completed both. Bird Watcher was slightly glitchy, I was 19/20 for a while and it wasn't progressing. However, I completed both of them (Bird Watcher first, and took Survivalist), and then I went back to stock up on quests but "Bird Watcher" and "Good Samaritan" are still there to complete, and my fragments haven't increased.

What gives?

Edit: At least, I don't know if I got my fragments. Blehh.

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  Pete RDM and Leave
Posted by: NeoLeo - 08-16-2015, 01:50 AM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (4)

Steam Name of Offending Player(s):petecody19

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:122123412

Map the event happened on: EDIT: WestWood

Date of event:08-15-15

What Happened?: He came on and just rdmed a T and inno for no reason

Witnesses: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1465146877592465410/57A364C470F4F859903E1FA1C2879A44A344BB31/

Evidence: RDM: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1465146877592464780/4A09CF676711AF2571A12B45B705B91825EDE31F/

The Leave: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1465146877592464466/9ACD614F324FD76EFE2942D67167122C6466F84E/

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  Applying for membership
Posted by: ZombieNinja975 - 08-15-2015, 09:37 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (24)

Age: 16

Steam Name(Current): ZombieNinja975

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 60 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I'm from NTG

Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes, i was just starting TTT and got banned from NTG for rdming, after playing for a bit on random servers i got to where i knew what i was doing and found FRG

Why do you want to join?: The server is amazing, i love the inventory system, it adds a ton of fun to the game, most people are nice and forgiving for mistakes, and its just a ton of fun

Referred by: Shawnxstl

Additional Details: I love this server, its crazy fun and ive made a few friends staying up late and playing, and would be honored to be a member of the group  Smile

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  moggypoo03 - RDM and Leave
Posted by: Terran - 08-15-2015, 07:52 PM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (2)

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): moggypoo03

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:142132007

Map the event happened on: ttt_dolls

Date of event: August 15th

What Happened?: Killed an AFK det and another innocent, got marked for slays, then left.

Witnesses: Leo The Sexy Kitty, Blueintheballs.


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