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Mex Member App
Forum: Membership
Last Post: lemon
03-01-2025, 05:11 AM
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FRG Water Treatment: Simu...
Forum: Server Patchnotes
Last Post: Long John Silvers
02-21-2025, 09:40 PM
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Toxicdoom197 Member Appli...
Forum: Membership
Last Post: Terran
02-20-2025, 03:22 PM
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FRG Winter event pre-rele...
Forum: Server Patchnotes
Last Post: Dreadark
02-01-2025, 08:31 AM
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unban request
Forum: Ban Upheld
Last Post: Not John Smith
02-01-2025, 12:45 AM
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Server Rules
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Last Post: Terran
01-30-2025, 04:10 AM
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+member application
Forum: +Member Applications
Last Post: UP THE RAAAAAA / Ryan debt man
01-27-2025, 03:17 AM
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Google discord ban
Forum: Ban Upheld
Last Post: Not John Smith
01-15-2025, 01:34 AM
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Slanderman_ Member+ app
Forum: Denied
Last Post: Not John Smith
01-06-2025, 04:09 AM
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jasper's Member+ Applicat...
Forum: Denied
Last Post: Not John Smith
01-06-2025, 04:07 AM
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August 29th Shops/Quests |
Posted by: Terran - 08-29-2015, 05:11 PM - Forum: Shit Posting
- Replies (4)
Gun #1:
Totaliterran Galil [20 Fragments]
Gun #2:
Gravity Crystal [61 Fragments)
Gun #3:
Vakarian Deagle [80 Fragments]
Verdict: NOT WORTH IT.
The One-Two
The Clean-Up Crew
The Greatest Plan
Buckshot Eliminator
An !afkwarning command. |
Posted by: Terran - 08-29-2015, 02:26 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (7)
I don't know how possible it'd be, but with a little bit of brainstorming Unpoke and I thought of this.
It'd be available for +Members and higher (Unpoke figured it'd be good for them and I agree). Basically, if you !afkwarn someone then they'll get a text notification on their screen and it'll play a simple sound to tell them that they're going to be AFK'd. If they don't move within 10 seconds of the warning, then they AFK.
Not sure how possible it'd be though.
#buff Totally Terrans |
Posted by: Terran - 08-29-2015, 01:06 AM - Forum: Shit Posting
- Replies (10)
totaliterian guns suck, yet they're a founding part of this server, where's their buff? they need a special, cool unique property that makes them amazing but not overpowered!
introducing: the TRAIT/SUFFIX GUN!
we know that, like terran, TOTALLY TERRANS have stats just as bad as a standards, right? so, instead they should have the yagginese tiers extra trait chance and bananas! extra suffix chance! give all totaliterrans cool traits and suffixes or riot!
who's with me?!
Countdown for my birthday |
Posted by: COBALTGE0 - 08-28-2015, 03:50 AM - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (11)
As you all probally know if you heard me rambling about being 14 soon you all are like Nothing you didnt really say anything but here i am posting how many days i have till im 14 i feel this will be great because sadly there is a over 14 membership wait time so ill be here waiting posting everyday how many days are left WHOS READY TO COUNTDOWN 8/27/2015:77 DAYS IF I COUNTED CORRECTLY! AUCTUALLY 76 IN LIKE 10 MINUTES BUT WHATEVER
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