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Patchnotes 10/7/2016

Speedy Rounds
When you're much faster the game becomes much more action packed making every action more important.
These rounds will give experienced players a big advantage while it may hurt new people who take a long time picking opportunities. This may end up causing delay issues.
Rating - 6/10 Nice refreshing fun rounds. May cause problems.

FrostBurn Crates
New crate hype is back meaning that the economy will be dry of coins as they will be all anyone will be rolling for the next couple of weeks.
The crates cost 450 coins each, pricing them slightly lower than the seraphic/demonic crates. They give a chance of rolling coins ranging from around 330-1400 so you can expect sometimes to get enough money to continue rolling crates. While rolling these crates you have a chance of receiving 3 blade pieces which can be combined with one of four hilts to create one of the four new godlike melees. There is not much information about these melees or the new godlike pistol(s).
Rating - 8/10 New crates are always fun to open.

New Base Guns
Since launch they have been patched a few times due to player feedback, ironing out a few issues. I recommend playing with the guns yourself to form your own opinion on them.
Rating - 9/10 I find they fit into the gamemode very well, adding more choices to weapon types. Very fair and bellumced.

Heroics moved to Primordial
Simply put Heroics were very good for their tier and outclassed pretty much every legendary. So instead of receiving a nerf their rarity was increased introducing them to the primordial class.
Rating - 10/10 I suggested this and feel like it was a proper change. They are the first non-upgradable primordial. Well deserved

Hylian shield Rebalance
Hylian shields give a mobility bonus and you could block bullets even with the shield not being up. So this change is a great balancing one.
Moving around quickly while blocking bullets = walking shitbox on anything that is not the groin/legs
Rating - 10/10

Overall score - 8.6/10
It's pretty gooood

selling first ags ingame 150m


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