05-09-2020, 06:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2020, 09:12 PM by HeisenBurger.)

Zeus's Might
This weapon was long thought to have a description, but it was lost in history due to the suggester not being good at writing flavor text
The weapon fires a stream of electricity (similar to the lightning gun in quake but i swear it's not the polarity!) every tick does a low amount of damage but it does a high amount of ticks per second.
If you keep the stream on target for x amount of ticks/ if you deal x amount of damage to a person (whatever is more balanced) then you will inflict an electrical charge on the victim which will arc more charges to nearby players/enemies.
You can reload the weapon to detonate the electric charges, the more ammo you have in Zeus's Might, the more damage the detonation will do. This creates a situation where you might want to go for some heavy burst damage on multiple targets, but you have to stop shooting your current target while you detonate your charges. Or if you're only attacking 1 person, then you don't need to kill an entire crowd of innocents just to kill 1 guy and you can just keep shooting normally. This also makes the weapon very strong in events for clearing crowds of adds for example while you're doing grims pillars.
Consuming X amount of charges will allow you to transform Zeus's Might into the weapon's next form.

The next form of this weapon is a spear which you can throw, the spear will do a high amount of damage to the body (and one shot headshotting).
When the spear lands on its target whether it be a player, the ground or a wall, the area around the spear will start storming which slows any person in the area and starts proccing multiple electric charges on people in the area which you can detonate by reloading.
Godlike Melee

Zeus's Strength
Wielders of this hammer are blessed with the strength of Mount Olympus.
This melee has 3 attacks. Every kill/hit grants X amount of stacks of Electric Destruction.
The first attack is performed by just pulling the hammer out, which swings the weapon and pushes anyone infront of the user as well as dealing a small amount of damage.
The second attack is a horizontal swing, which deals decent damage to every person/npc infront of the user. When you have a stack of Electric Destruction this slows anyone hit and leaves a damaging electric field where you swung which deals constant damage to anyone standing in it.
The third attack is a vertical swing down which only hits one person but has more damage and range. If you have a stack of Electric Destruction, the attack calls down a lightning bolt onto the area, exploding and dealing extremely high damage after a delay (Like the Thrakos, you hear thunder then the lightning bolt hits the area)
Godlike FNP45(s)

Wanderer's Flow
Handmade for a Martial Artist, who sought to blend graceful hand to hand combat with devastating gun play.
This weapon has a meter called "Flow" which is built by dealing damage and moving but dealing damage builds Flow faster than just moving around. The higher your Flow meter, the faster you move when you have Wanderer's Flow out. Flow grants access to abilities as you build it.
Being at or above 10% Flow, you can consume that 10% and do a double jump
At 25% or more Flow, you can perform a Dash by consuming 25% of your Flow.
At 50% flow, holding space in mid air allows you to walk in the air for a couple of seconds.
Finally, at 100% You can perform a combo attack, rapidly striking everyone in the area around you and draining your flow, this builds up damage on any player or NPC in the area but none of the damage is applied until the combo is finished. Getting a kill in this way gives you back X amount of Flow back.
Primordial Melee
Jousting Lance

Have at thee!
Holding left click causes the player to point their lance forward, when this happens your movement speed starts to accelerate until you hit a wall/a player or let go of the lance but your movement is restricted to steering and you cant move backwards or sideways.
*This weapon does more damage and gains more knockback the higher your movement speed.